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Everything posted by grendel

  1. well the fan has been on all night, blowing straight at me and i have got the indoor temperature back down to 26 degrees, yesterday it peaked at 32 degrees inside, 34 degrees outside (though when the thermometer probe was in direct sun it read 48) random quick dips in the hot tub, then sitting in front of the fan helped as the damp evaporated off it cooled.
  2. https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/sites/default/files/docs/2005/10/11782-resaleupdateoct05_3.pdf
  3. it still falls under offgem- the same people who lifted the energy price cap and allowed the energy suppliers to run amok with their prices.
  4. you did well then, my electricity supplier would supply me with 25kWh for £10
  5. well here in my home office the outside temp is reading 34.4, and inside its a mere 29.8 at 3pm, still as I have now put in my hours (having started at 6.am when it was cool) its time to go jump in the hot tub that is set at a mere 30 degrees, I have had 2 fans blowing onto me constantly, and have not been making any video calls for work as my attire has definitely been NSFW
  6. call me old fashioned if you will, but i prefer that nice woodie on the starboard side of the new cruiser.
  7. more important is not to leave it tightly coiled, a 13A cable coiled is derated to 5A as the coil makes it act like a big electromagnet, as well as trapping the heat. if you are going to coil, use large loose coils, with plenty of air gaps around the cables, and it should be fine. cable current carrying capacities are generally for a cable in free air, where it can dissapate the heat, when tightly coiled this heat goes into neighbouring coils and a hot spot forms (the hotter it gets the higher resistance - a standard 25m extension will dissapate about 85 watts as heat at full load), and a fire can occur, loose spaced coils avoid this
  8. I doubt it, maybe 3 interiors, but the hulls and deck mouldings just keep on going
  9. I believe these are the marl pits Vaughan refers to
  10. thats when you need to use the lidar maps - just as Timbo taught us, staithe circled in blue I do see a big area that appears to be either a mound or dug out https://www.lidarfinder.com/
  11. eg for example in microsoft outlook, its files-mailbox settings- tools- clean up old items, this allows them to be saved into a .pst file, which can be transferred between machines, and opened on the new machine.
  12. the original emails do, but if you have copied them into a set of local folders then these may not. with most email software there should be an option to save these folders to an archive file. (though nowadays a lot of this is achieved via the 'cloud'.
  13. the simple answer to that is some sort of external storage, a large memory card is one option, if both the machines have a slot for it, or a usb hard drive, just copy all the files onto that. (this will also provide a backup for those files. or you could go down the route I have and get a network attached storage device (I have several synology NAS drives that give me 13Tb of networked hard drives that have double the drive capacity, but where each hard drive is backed up by a twin of itself.)
  14. I usually take a doble bed sized mosquito net with me, if it gets bad i just hang it over the bed and that stops the blighters. I am also told that a stream of moving air deters them too.
  15. the only brand new car we ever had in the family was a k reg vauxhall viva my parents won in a kellogs cornflakes competition, it was immediately sold to a family friend as my dad didnt drive, the proceeds back then paid off their mortgage
  16. I can remember the days when it cost me 71p to fill the 1 gallon tank of my moped to get me to work.
  17. I struggle to see how only £1.95 can be seen as a good thing, thats still a good 50p up on where it was a few months back.i guess they want us to see it as £1.95 being a good thing, that way they can still rake in record profits.
  18. you used to be able to switch between gasses on a size for size basis with calor, so you took in a 4.5kg butane and could switch to the same size propane for free.
  19. well that and the policy of only taking back as many empties as they replace with full has left the stockists cages full of empties, of the sizes that calor say there are a shortage of bottles.
  20. it also probably explains the shortage of gas bottles for them to refill too
  21. Listen with Mother was a radio program on the BBC, way back in the 1960's (Apparently it ran from 1950 to 1982) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Listen_with_Mother
  22. my dad has kept accounts of everything, and how much it cost, I bet if I asked him he would have the price of a box of matches noted down from the 1950's to today, he also used to put labels on batteries to see how long they lasted.
  23. ah, even better, no plan, just decide where to moor when you find a space you like the look of, no plan is the best plan. That way you cant be disappointed when things dont go to plan.
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