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Everything posted by Baitrunner

  1. SOG is the only accurate method they can use. Speed through the water is a pointless measure for some of the reasons already mentioned. Anyone who has ever had a mechanical speed log will know they are only accurate for about the first week. Before the slime, weed creatures etc start to slow it down. So how could the BA keep these accurate? next point. Why do the hire yards have to provide gps? I have all the toys and never use them on the river because I actually know where I am. So how do I check my speed? A free speed App for the phone. How many smart phones do you think are on an average hire boat? Or private one for that? People don't think. I had friends on a hire boat with us recently and they had no idea how fast they were going. Until I suggested they use one of the 8 smart phones and 5 iPads onboard. Next, wash. Very subjective unless videod and then proven it was caused by excess speed. I think the rangers have an idea as to what types of boats generate a little more wash and can gauge it against speed and tide flow. And you think it's only hire boats and gin palaces? I would love to share the name of a certain sailie who tanks it along on his outboard with not a sail in sight Finally, I sincerely hope all sea going boats have to pay triple tolls due to all the damage we do. Codswallop and generalisation again. We will all then move our boats off the Broads and either the national park brigade will win or the rest of you will have to pay 4 times what your paying now. But dont forget our boats never come off our moorings anyway so how can we cause damage? Rant over
  2. I was tempted myself, but had a date with the Chinese takeaway across the road on Monday. Good to hear it does decent food.
  3. I'm with The Q. No oil pans onboard!! although I know plenty of fry ups happen on hire boats and this is idiot proof. I do wonder how many people actually know how to use a fire blanket properly and even if they did would remember it in a panic? this is a great idea. Would still have the fire blanket as well after having it demonstrated how they can be used for protection in a general fire situation. Just hope I never need to put any of it into practice.
  4. How about "no love lost island"? Or more seriously "The BA, Thorp Island and other shenanigans"
  5. I wouldnt look into this as deeply as some of you are. Not everyone is up for a dodgy deal.
  6. And I'm a gas locker. Or no BSC.
  7. what with dead fish? sorry but this really gets me going.
  8. Basically you don't take coarse fish. Period. Many lakes and fisheries have signs in multiple languages and have done for donkeys years. In their country if you break the law, you pay. Over here it's a "well maybe they didn't know". Ignorance is not an excuse. Oh, and this is not an isolated incident.
  9. I just have two bottles. bloody posh me!!! the downside is the gas locker will only take the silly blue camping gaz size bottles. That's why I go to the pub a lot!!!! 15kg would last me about 10 yrs
  10. What no spare bottle? this is the man who has everything. Normally. Id have gone straight to the pub
  11. I have seen them stop boats at Berney Arms during very high water conditions. They just tell them to wait a few hours.
  12. It's called evolution. They learn to eat different things. Maybe there are more birds than decent sized fish? Require less energy to kill? just read a story of an otter in the USA atracking, killing and eating a 5ft alligator. I doubt a swan would pose a problem to that otter!!! https://www.google.co.uk/amp/relay.nationalgeographic.com/proxy/distribution/public/amp/news/2014/03/140306-otter-alligator-florida-predator-photos-wildlife unfortunately with no real predators to keep the otter numbers down food will get more scarce for them and they will diversify or go for easier targets. They probably learnt boats = bread=ducks=easy lunch. No swimming around for hours. So will the rspb start to cull otters? yet again some great group of people had a brilliant idea about releasing otters without thinking about the consequences. Man constantly changes the forces of nature and who knows if it's for the good or not. I'm not an otter hater, but otter predation will get worse until they do something about the numbers. They are fearless. Even when confronted they stand their ground against a human and don't all run away. Maybe they have been told we can't harm them? Now the good news. apparently they will take baby beavers, so if the rumours of beavers on the Broads are true, maybe we have a solution. More killer otters!!!
  13. They behaved all weekend. But it was not as hot as it had been earlier in the week. Still plenty of summer to go still - I hope
  14. They are re doing all the quay headings. Should be finished next week I thInk. New chunky posts as well. Very nice when finished. Not sure if they are putting in more electric posts on the park side though.
  15. Just need it to work tomorrow morning!!!! oh and the other one.
  16. I have seen multi meters with a polarity reverse switch on them. Basically swaps the neg and live over within the meter. Very confusing if you have it in the wrong position!!!
  17. You are kidding me? i spoke to Broads control at 1 pm and they told me both bridges were operational again. So I was happy Then one breaks? this is beyond a joke!!!
  18. There happy to waste money on other legal actions that probably aren't that important. Well to me they aren't anyway seeing as the mainline is going to have problems today I doubt the bridges will be top priority.
  19. Alan at 11' 8" Somerleyton gets very messy!!!! And that is with everything down so on a wet day guess who gets soaked? reedham is doable but then low water isn't always convenient.
  20. Hi John. I have bridge numbers wanted the contact at the BA. I didn't bother last weekend as I knew they would be stuck. Having got stuck at reedham a few weeks ago when they lost power I'm getting fed up with them. Every year it's the same old story. Mind you the BA do nothing so maybe I should just stay at home!!! if I get stuck the wrong side of Somerleyton, even at low tide I can't get through. At least I can at reedham.
  21. Alan do you have a number to call them? I need them open this weekend or not going to be happy!!! anyone got some TNT?
  22. A few yeas ago I fished a spot up on the wensum near swanton Morley and within 5 mins had 8 of them hanging onto 2 dead baits I had out. That was one cast and a few fell off while reeling them in. Never seen one in all the previous years Gave up as they kept hammering the baits. You have to wonder who makes these rules up? Don't put them back, but you can't trap them? There either invasive or not.
  23. They went past us at about 3-3:30 on Saturday. We were at Hardly Cross. They were well on their way to merriment then. We did think they were going in the wrong direction!!!! standing in the roof, 8-9 on each boat. I know they got reported by people at Bramerton as well.
  24. Another rumour I heard was that they can't hose the rails down in case any contamination goes into the river! I do wonder what happens when it rains?
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