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Everything posted by LizG

  1. Can we be very careful when replying to posts to indicate which pub you are now referring to as there are two Ferry Inns being discussed now and at least one other
  2. It was great fun - now back in Hertfordshire and I remembered to avoid Duxford!
  3. For those that don't know - when Griff brought BA home from the Jubilee pageant thing it got a seriously tad windy. There were some seriously worried folk and I know for one I didn't sleep well that night until we knew they were safe and sound at Lowestoft.
  4. Brilliant and thanks for sharing. I was at work today in Hertfordshire and will be driving up to Horning tomorrow so just simply going in the wrong direction............
  5. Scanning through I don't see mention of the walks above Coltishall Lock, all depends how far you want to walk. But there are some lovely walks beside the River Bure - you need to walk into Coltishall from the Common and pick up the River Bure, path along the right bank and then across the river and across fields back to the Recruiting Sergeant. Just a suggestion but lovely Liz
  6. Enjoy Griff - I shall be at Ludham Bridge but otherwise I might have caught the train and come down to meet up! Bad timing! What about your next item on your bucket list? A trip on WR?
  7. According to Google, the first hits imply it is Wroxham/Hoveton followed by Coltishall and Oulton Broad. However the majority of the websites implying it is Wroxham/Hoveton are one of the same company!
  8. Have a look on Google Streetview for the Stepping Hill vista! You can just see the houses at the top of the hill are the same as in the original photo
  9. Many years ago back in the early 1970s my brother and I went to look at a wooden sailing boat. He bought it - at the time we wondered what 'that smell' was..............it was ...............incidentally he still owns it. Do take care. I own a boat or two and know
  10. Should also add that I do remember seeing a train on the line going through the gap in the houses at Beccles and then as we chugged up to Geldeston - it could be seen going across the marshes. For a long time I thought it was actually a dream but then my brother produced some photos.
  11. I found another book this afternoon...........Country Railway Routes ~ Tivetshall to Beccles by Richard Adderson and Graham Kenworthy. The credit is on the picture. What is doesn't mention is that there appears to be a seriously sunk boat on the right side of the image Liz
  12. Have a read of this thread and your boat is listed? I don't think you should have any problems as long as you aim for the lower end of the tide? Liz Ooops just read an earlier post - sorry for duplication
  13. We have to be talking wood whether sail or stinkie! I think the yachts at Martham, Womack or Upton will win the prize followed by the Martham Cruisers, followed by............ As to the oldest wooden cruiser still afloat, I sure I have seen a thread discussing this but can't remember where Mine goes back to 1933 but there are a lot that are older! And of course there are several private sailing yachts that are 'truly ancient'!
  14. Thanks Strow ~ that's the one I am going to go with. The old maps even shows a signal post on the Reedham line just where I think I can see one on the picture Now the vote has to be taken!!!
  15. Looking on the old maps the buildings between the river and Haddiscoe lower station, are called Waveney Valley Works and added in brackets Chemical Manure!! Found this link......... http://apling.freeservers.com/Villages/Haddiscoe.htm
  16. Strow Can you do a similar montage but showing the picture from downstream. just a bit past the New Cut? http://www.streetmap.co.uk/map.srf?x=645592&y=299052&z=120&sv=645592,299052&st=4&ar=y&mapp=map.srf&searchp=ids.srf&dn=619&ax=645592&ay=299052&lm=0 Thanks Liz
  17. Your google map is now on the wrong side of the river and upstream of the bridge? Having reversed the picture, I am working on the theory that the yacht is on the Waveney at St Olaves, with the New Cut just to the right and that the sheds/chimney were those between the river and 'other' railway. The reason for this suggestions is that on the left side of the picture found in Roy Clark's book, there is a hillside, being that the one on the St Olaves side and that is also visible in Carol's picture?
  18. One other possible item to help say it is Haddiscoe is on the very far right of the original picture, there looks like the possibility of a signal - which would be on the Reedham to Lowestoft line? Also if they are lowering the sail/putting up the sail that might mean they are about to go or have just been through St Olaves road bridge. Okay clutching at straws here to convince myself we may have solved the puzzle! Liz
  19. Never wishing to give up on a subject................I found another book I have at home of old railway postcards. Titled Norfolk Railways ~ Volume 1 ~ The Great Eastern Railway and there within the numerous photos of old long gone stations was a picture on page 26 of the OLD Haddiscoe Swing Bridge. Not that it helps with the identification but thought some might find it interesting! Liz
  20. Jason is not on full form at the moment so hopefully resting and not using the internet
  21. I think we are getting close............. For those that have a copy of Roy Clark's Black Sailed Traders, go to page 129 and look at the top photo opposite. Titled........... "The New Cut, Haddiscoe, A photograph taken more than fifty years ago, showing the arctic conditions often met with;" Its too faint I think to scan but in the distance is a trestle bridge and on the right bank is a building with sheds and chimney!!!! Okay it could be either way up the New Cut but on the left side is a hillside (lacking in trees then) and faintly visible a building probably of the big house on the hillside at St Olaves? ( I have scanned it but not very successfully so do look at the original if you have a copy) So is the same view and was the original plate transposed? Only thought is that the New Cut is 'pretty' straight but the view in the original - the river bends but hey ho!
  22. Don't forget the old photo was taken prior to new swing bridges being built. In the case of Aldeby, there was a realignment of track and new buttresses (old track visible in Pathe news and on maps) and I expect that applied to all the bridges. Also despite the river being narrow at Aldeby today, the link the other day clearly shows a wide bridge. We have buildings on the Yarmouth side of the Yare at Reedham and buildings on the left bank on the New Cut side of the Waveney at Haddiscoe. There were some buildings on the Beccles side looking upstream at Aldeby shown on the maps. The picture indicates a possible hill/tree line on the right side of the picture which means that the marsh is on the left so the picture is looking up stream at Aldeby or Reedham or down stream at Haddiscoe (St. Olaves) or Somerleyton. Does anyone have any old photos of Somerleyton? Jury still well and truly out!
  23. I love these old photos, I had never seen one of Aldeby/Beccles before and had no appreciation of the original length. Where the river is now, the banks are now tree lined and only a short area is visible. I remember seeing both Aldeby and Haddiscoe when the railway was closed but the bridge still visible (I think). I found another picture on Ebay (and realise that it was called Beccles swing bridge not Aldeby). However, back to the original image, there is still the issue of the buildings in the foreground and can find no evidence on the old maps of anything on this side of the river. There appears to be an old steam pump on the Beccles side left bank though but nothing at Somerleyton or Haddiscoe, Reedham is the only one with building....
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