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Everything posted by vanessan

  1. I saw that around a few times but it was about 2/3 years ago. It looked a nice boat. I like the play on the name!
  2. The BA allow fishing from some 24 hour moorings, that’s doing something surely? I have also heard of the BA putting cash towards fishing platforms too although I don’t know how true that is. The EA leases land to the BA for moorings so, indirectly, they are charging boaters.
  3. I think we are back to what some hirers expect - home from home. Ray, well done for looking after your other half. I feel the cold more than my husband does and that half hour with the heating on when it is chilly makes all the difference. The only time we have ever had a problem was when the batteries were nearing their end of life. Other than that one time we have never had to run the engine to start the heating.
  4. Having looked online, the best I can suggest is either Norwich or Great Yarmouth where there are a number of RC churches. A website you could look at is rcdea.org.uk which may give you a contact number where you could find more info. There may of course be a member come forward on here with more info in due course, I hope so. Good luck and enjoy your holiday.
  5. Now I can’t make up my mind if you are being flippant, sarcastic, serious or just plain argumentative!
  6. Fair point but that ‘contribution’ is for their benefit mostly surely?
  7. Flippancy, on a forum. Disgraceful!
  8. Not the same methinks, they normally help a boat in and smile - very different.
  9. I have always wondered what bankside anglers give back to the BA given that they can use the 24 hour moorings. They roll up in their cars, cart a tremendous amount of tackle etc to the bank side and set up in the middle of the moorings very often. It’s always seemed a bit unfair to me. I know they give way to boats (sometimes!) and I don’t think it is nearly as bad as it was 7/8 years ago. So what do these fisherfolk give back to the BA?
  10. If you had the other boat’s details, I think maybe you should have reported the incident to both your boatyard and the other one. Although not an emergency, (how easily it could have been!) if both boatyards had details they could act if they wanted to. I guess you would have an emergency number to ring although just an answerphone message would probably suffice. On a private boat, a message on BA’s answerphone and one to the hire yard I guess would be the way to go. Although we hear of, and on the odd occasion see, hire boats navigating after dark from time to time, I can’t recall ever hearing of a serious incident. I hope I never do.
  11. But now you have come up with an entirely different set of circumstances! There is no argument re insurance, the topic is about what you would do if you saw hirers navigating after dark. Thinking about it even further, I believe these incidents should be reported. The BA is not going to lock ‘em up and throw away the key for heaven’s sake, they will just have a quiet word and point out the dangers as well as the fact that they are contravening the bye laws. If the hirers get caught again, well that’s a different matter.
  12. These are ‘accidents or mishaps’ though and, as you say, would be covered. But supposing you didn’t hear about it, or heard at a much later date. Would you then advise the BA? I think if you do have the boat name/reg number then you need to act asap. After all, having navigated in the dark once quite successfully, the hirers may think it’s a jolly good way to make the most of the day and continue doing it.
  13. I should have added there that this is something that does crop up from time to time and there are differing views as to what should be done. Some take the ‘live and let live’ attitude while others take the ‘that’s prohibited and could be dangerous’ view. That’s why I said your choice. Sorry, good question though.
  14. If you were able to get the name of the boat or reg number, you could report it to the Broads Authority the next day. They would no doubt have a quiet word with the hirers. Navigating after dark in a hire boat is not permitted and they could be a danger to themselves and others. Or you could just turn a blind eye as has already been suggested, your choice.
  15. My post was in jest, hence the . In fact, a couple of pages ago I mentioned rugby players who will never conform to BMI principles. Horses for courses! I guess heavyweight boxers will probably be in that category too.
  16. Now there’s an idea. Easticks did have a yacht station but was limited and not a YS like Norwich or GY. I think grendel should put a plan in, maybe a consortium of forum folk could come up with something? Call it a visitor centre but in truth it’s really a yacht station.
  17. Probably wouldn’t be allowed now due to elf ‘n safety. That’s why in some places they serve fish and chips on specially printed ‘news sheets’! It’s just not the same, the vinegar doesn’t soak in properly.
  18. Now you’re talking - fish and chips out of newspaper. Fabulous!
  19. I have to admit that I don’t like this current fad for serving food on a board or piece of slate. What on earth is wrong with a good old plate? Some of the boards I have seen look as though they could do with a good wash and could probably be rife with bacteria. It’s also annoying when you try and cut something on a slate and everything skids everywhere! Rant over!!
  20. That’s a good theory. I cook fish and chips and even homemade burgers and chips at home and they are definitely not fast food!
  21. Welcome to the forum annv (John). Now I believe you post elsewhere on a forum and, from what I have seen, you will be able to add a lot of knowledge and information to the already vast array of subjects here.
  22. I think you’ll find that, by definition, fish and chips are classed as fast food. At the better end of the scale though I would have thought.
  23. I wanted to ‘like’ that post for obvious reasons but I don’t like it! There is many a true word spoken in jest.
  24. I say well done for trying to help Hylander. Hindsight is a wonderful thing and I think you have been very brave to stand your corner on this one. This has ended up a storm in a teacup and some of the things that have been said are not worthy of this forum. I hope this won’t deter people from posting these sort of things, there will always be someone who is grateful rather than critical.
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