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Everything posted by vanessan

  1. The other place, as you call it, seems very quiet and not interested in much at present. Our moderators are much more on the ball and I think would very quickly put a stop to any shenanigans. I know I said someone would be bound to throw a spanner in the works but I sincerely hope that could be avoided.
  2. That’s a very sad prophecy. And now I don’t know what to add to that as I know that with the best will in the world there will always be someone who throws a spanner in the works!! And all contained in Pete Goodrum’s book which was written in 2014.
  3. Started the peat diggings which eventually became our Broads!!
  4. My apologies Minifer, I noted you mentioned the medieval peat diggings so thought maybe you missed my bit about the Romans who started it all! The history of the Broads is fascinating and Timbo’s post is brilliant. The question is now, where do we go from here? There is no doubt that this forum has many, many members interested in this topic. It is a great shame that JP doesn’t involve himself with this forum; would other members want that?
  5. That sounds too ‘budget’ end for Robin I think!
  6. Robin - I did wonder how long it would be before you gave up your day job! Happy ‘retirement’ to you. You will be able to fully indulge your boating desires whatever form they may take. Good luck in whatever you do.
  7. Not really very helpful to have no istructions provided for the controls, no doubt you will be having words with the boatyard Hylander. Well, in this instance as in so many, the NBN has come up trumps. I wonder if it will start a trend - we may need to set up a ‘Quick help’ section!
  8. This might be a good time to mention a publication that explains so much - ‘Norfolk Broads - the Biography’ by Pete Goodrum. Well worth a read. It says in an 1830 ‘Vocabulary of East Anglia’ a definition for Broad is “a lake formed by the expansion of a river in a flat country; as Braydon Broad between Norwich and Yarmouth”. The book reads chronologically and reminds us that the Romans first started the peat diggings. I know this book has been mentioned before, for anybody interested in the deeper history of the Broads, it’s a must have.
  9. You did, I don’t recall the term watersports being used before. If however you are referring to the use of canoes, kayaks etc etc, I believe they are the ideal way to get folk away from the busy rivers and enjoying the true peace and tranquility of the Broads with wildlife, flora and fauna aplenty. If the idea is to educate, on the water has to be better than by the water. Both would be ideal. Just what is wrong with members freely expressing their opinions? As far as I can see there are many different views on both this competition and what we would like to see at Acle. That was the idea of the topic I believe.
  10. And as you get older the creature comforts become more and more appealing! Maybe a mobo with a yacht on the side?
  11. Maybe there will come a time when you will be able to revert to yachts and teach the young ones to sail. Nothing like being able to enjoy the best of both worlds.
  12. I think there may be a strong possibility that anyone else would be refused planning permission. I may be quite wrong but.................
  13. Exactly and a lot of people agree with that. I sometimes think that some posts are not read properly or just part taken notice of - the part that suits.
  14. That sounds great and anybody moored nearby would have a prime position. Not that there is much mooring in close proximity! However, sound carries well across water and would possibly be heard at Salhouse too, albeit not quite as loud. Be nice to moor on the broad and wine and dine with a band laid on.
  15. JM I wish you would stop sitting on the fence and then tell us what you really think! Seriously though, it is useful to be reminded of the crazy money that has been unsuccessfully spent over the years. But we must also remember the good works the BA do and hope that common sense will eventually prevail, whatever that may be. I do agree that Acle doesn’t seem to be the most ideal place for a visitor/educational centre. Something like the BA kiosk at Whitlingham with a cafe and shop would be quite sufficient. If you want to educate visitors and school parties about the Broads, imho it needs to be where you can hire out canoes, kayaks, rowing boats and do tours on electric boats up dykes and rivers etc inaccessible to anything larger. All supplemented/complemented by indoor visual and audible aids. Acle is definitely not that sort of place.
  16. Could you get one of the big buttoned mobiles which has speed dial buttons? You could then programme in the main numbers she uses and put a different coloured sticker over each button.
  17. I really do think that ship has sailed (sorry!), I am sure I would be a liability! You see, I would want to be involved not carried as a passenger and that would be dangerous - for everyone.
  18. We meet up annually with some friends who hire the same yacht each year from the Swallowtail Boatyard at Ludham. They are lovely boats and so well looked after. If I was younger (a lot younger!) I would be very tempted to give sailing another go and hire from Swallowtail.
  19. Fishing tackle and boats alike have changed almost beyond recognition over the last few decades. I think the same can be said for much of mankind. We don’t seem to have the give and take there used to be. Luckily I am married to a gentleman who knows how to be courteous and goes out of his way to rub along with other folk, whatever their disposition. Sometimes I wonder what we are doing cruising on the port side of the river, then I realise we are avoiding an angler (or three!). On the very odd occasion we have even got a wave of acknowledgement. In 36 years of boating I cannot remember ever being given instructions by an angler, not one we could manage anyway!
  20. And probably requiring an electric post at every mooring! I think Robin is probably spot on with much of his thinking but as for saying it will become a rich man’s playground, I can’t make my mind up on that. I do think however there will always be a place for budget boats, I certainly hope so anyway. Broads boating must stay accessible for everyone.
  21. Davydine- I did warn you there would be quite a few different opinions! Glad it all turned out ok and you have enjoyed fantastic bank holiday weather.
  22. Playing devil’s advocate here, where ‘inland’ would you choose bearing in mind we are (I think) talking about a visitor centre and education relating to the Broads?
  23. I think you may be right, I do believe I saw Wild Thyme last year at Rowan Craft. That is a lovely peaceful and pleasant spot, if the purchaser of the boat could also keep the mooring, they would be onto a winner I reckon!
  24. Just something I have heard at some time. You are usually the one who appears to put people straight on various things so no doubt you can answer your own question.
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