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Everything posted by vanessan

  1. I had the exact same thoughts when I read the book! Thanks to keifsmate for clearing that up.
  2. Marina Keys/Quays or something like that?
  3. What do you chain up to then if you use a chain?
  4. Good question, anyone know the answer? That stupidity could have been quite dangerous. I know the mud barge wasn’t moored at the YS but it makes me wonder why there aren’t rings at GYYS such as they have at Norwich YS. Boats have been cast adrift there in the past.
  5. Let’s face it, we usually do one way or another!
  6. The playpark next to Beccles YS is one of the best and most interesting I think I have ever seen. Different things for the kids to try and very well kept. Well done Beccles.
  7. vanessan

    Time And Tide

    Sorry Ray, I had copied the June page from the BA Tide Table booklet but can’t get it to show! Do you know the publication I am referring to?
  8. vanessan

    Time And Tide

    This is what we go by more often than not, useful for depths as well as tides. It’s the Broads Authority Tide Table booklet by the way.
  9. Can I come out now? Boy, that was hard work!
  10. Some truth in what you said but I think you could have put it a bit more pleasantly.
  11. Oh ye of little faith! We are going to win the World Cup. My St George’s flag on the boat says so.
  12. Sorry, here’s the rest of it. I also asked about ‘summer rails’ which have been mentioned by a number of people. This isn’t a term the engineers recognise. However, the company paints the end of the rails white which apparently reduces the temperature of the rails on a hot day by 2-3 degrees. They also ‘double clip’ the rails to the rail base plate which also reduces the amount of thermal expansion. They will be instructing the bridge operators to improve the wording put on the electronic signs so that the cause of any delay is displayed, as well as the anticipated time when the bridge is expected to be able to let boats pass. Regarding communications, I am told that next year when the improvements to the signalling are complete the bridge operators will have more time to take calls from boat owners. In terms of the Authority’s preferred option of replacement bridges, there is no funding available to Network Rail in their current planning period which runs from 2019 to 2025 and we have committed to work with them to support the case for investment in readiness for the next window of opportunity from 2025. We will continue to monitor the performance of the bridges and have agreed to a further meeting with Network Rail’s engineers in August.
  13. Part of today’s Broads Briefing. Reedham and Somerleyton Swing Bridges On Wednesday we had a meeting with the engineers from Network Rail. A number of interesting points came out from our discussion about the performance of the two bridges. Reedham Swing Bridge is apparently in a much better condition than Somerleyton which has a current problem with its centre bearing which is causing the bridge to rock. Network Rail is planning to commission work to deal with the problem in the near future. I asked about the potential to install a sprinkler cooling system but the costs, potentially over £100,000, look too high to justify the expenditure. This is because of the need for a desalination system. The engineers would not want saline water spayed on the bridge and there is no fresh water supply available at Somerleyton.
  14. We need 6’6’ and seldom have difficulty at Beccles, even at high water. In two weeks time I think it will be neaps so no drastic changes between high and low. The lido mooring is fine, you get two hours free and then I think the charges run in line with the Yacht Station. You can moor side on or stern on and it is reasonably peaceful there. Water is available too. Just a short walk away there is a small bit of park if you need to give Lottie a little walk. She is one cute sweetie by the way, I am sure she will enjoy her adventure. Do you have a life jacket for her?
  15. Oh dear, I am thinking this could well end very badly for you lurcher!! Do you know any other Broads forums?.................
  16. If it is outside of the ‘normal’ cruising area for the Broads, that’s not playing fair ! I jest, of course. It is a lovely setting wherever it is, I am looking forward to finding out the location.
  17. How about just below Postwick viaduct?
  18. Looking upstream from Brundall Church Fen ?
  19. Sorry, got carried away! Not often I get something right. We always used to comment on Mardi Gras and wonder who owned it. It was sad to see it deteriorating year upon year.
  20. Mardi Gras wasn’t there when we passed a couple of times recently. That’s the sedan that has been moored on the bank just below Acle for many years. Any good?
  21. I looked for it a couple of times too, maybe it finally dropped into the drink!
  22. I think it is clear from the responses here that ‘drunk is in the eye of the beholder’!! Everybody seems to have a different idea and it’s certainly made me think. To me, a drunk is someone who has clearly had too much and is incapable of proper conduct - ie can’t stand, talk or be rational. That doesn’t describe (most of the time anyway) what we see here on the Broads. We see young people, with cans or bottles in their hands, having a good time and probably being a bit over-zealous with their language and actions etc. That worries some but not others. MM - I think you are worrying unnecessarily, why be worried if some think you are drunk and incapable of reversing your boat into a mooring against the tide. Only you know the truth!
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