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Everything posted by vanessan

  1. Then sadly you won’t be able to access the info.
  2. If anybody really wants to see what the swimmers thought of the event, who won what, or what contributions were made, the info is on the broads swimming fb page if you would like to take a look. Best do that then no assumptions need be made.
  3. I can’t get over the vibrant colour in these drone shots David, what camera are you using?
  4. The final figures I saw were 90 swimmers setting off in waves of 30. Certainly from the swimmers point of view it apparently all went very well with, thankfully, no mishaps. As there have been no moans or groans from any boaters, presumably most had the sense to stay away from the area on Sunday morning.
  5. That sounds very similar to the bit I came across recently, which I am now unable to find! This could be the answer to your question David. By the way, congratulations on your Goosander share purchase.
  6. Super pictures again, I like this drone idea! Somewhere recently I have read about ‘that train’ and why it has two diesels. It is something to do with the issues of push/pull locos and what they can and can’t do. Now that is all very vague I know but hopefully someone will be able to expand on that. In the meantime I will try and find the explanation again.
  7. Looking forward to the next instalment. You chose the right time weather wise, that’s for sure!
  8. You know, if you really think about it, we’re all right. The missing £1 isn’t missing at all - it’s in the till, it’s just a myth that it’s missing! It’s far too hot to be taxing our brains like this, go and have the other nine and a half pints JF and all will be well.
  9. If £30 was put in the till then £5 taken out, it can’t be in the till ‘cos the naughty waiter had £2 and the ladies had £3 back, that = the fiver. Or it did when I went to school. But I know things are different now, JF said so in another topic.
  10. kingfisher666 - I think what grendel is trying to say is that you have waffled on so much in the last week that you may soon be able to access the true waffle area!
  11. vanessan


    Hit the nail on the head JF.
  12. vanessan


    And there was no internet! But the Broads were as beautiful as they are now, or maybe even better............
  13. Looks like you have slipped through the 50 posts net! C’mon someone, I think kingfisher666 may like to put his views forward for the new constitution thread.
  14. vanessan


    And all the family would mostly eat together too whenever possible. We still have cold meat with bubble ‘n squeak but I have heard of one family who chuck out the remains of a roast joint because they have never learnt what can be done with leftovers. Sacrilege!
  15. I think the missing £1 is a red herring! If you look at it another way, the three ladies paid £9 each therefore giving the cashier £27. The £2 change went in the waiter’s pocket. I like the sound of this place, where is it please?
  16. I guess B2P is referring to Rob at Sutton Staithe. Are you near any roads or is it going to have to be someone on the river?
  17. Cracking holiday tale and some great photos. Are they taken with a phone or camera?
  18. from me too. Do you hire when you come to the Broads?
  19. I think the look on that lad’s face probably says it all. I enjoy cooking but I’m really not sure I could face doing anything with that. I guess it could have been accompanied by Cadbury’s Smash and Surprise Peas - anyone remember them? (What do you get from Surprise Peas? - Chapped legs!!) Anyway, thanks to chrisdobson for the post.
  20. Enjoy, I’m sure your expectations will be rewarded. Although that will depend on what you expect of course! Looks like the weather is set fair for you.
  21. Welcome to the forum Appleteabee. Your menu looks interesting and is very competitively priced I must say. Good to know you do takeaways too. All the best to you for the future.
  22. There are some lovely walkies all across the Broads. Having two dogs, we have from necessity searched them out. There is now a track from St Benet’s to Ludham Bridge so possible to walk to The Dog Inn. Thus you can combine all your favourite things! I am sure there will be a review of that pub somewhere. You can also walk from St Benet’s to Ludham village where there is another pub. I have mentioned those two walks as they are not too far from your base at Horning but there are loads. Well done on your syndicate purchase, I am sure you will find plenty to enjoy in this fabulous playground!
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