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Everything posted by vanessan

  1. We saw them last Monday, exiting Thurne Dyke around 2.30pm - I wonder where they had been?.......... One or two of the boats were wandering about a bit! A nice sight though, they were having fun and it was good to see.
  2. The two NYA charter boats fly them - Moneypenny and Cover Girl.
  3. This reminded me of a young guy in my office many years ago. Vanessa, he said, one day I am going to wine, dine and entertain you properly. We’ll have fish and chips, a bottle of brown ale and watch Match of the Day. Sadly, we never did!
  4. It’s the same in a lot of places, must be confusing for new hirers when they are given instructions re approaching and leaving moorings against the flow!
  5. I am intrigued to know who is ‘telling’ you how to handle your own boat.
  6. I think tonplus was referring to the OP. I think it may vary with whoever is on duty. I have seen some rangers help out and others just watch. The number of hirers who try and go in to moor with the tide is amazing, it is one place where a ranger helping out is very useful I reckon.
  7. Same here. Are we missing something? (Not on purpose of course!)
  8. The plot thickens. Either that or it’s been lost altogether!
  9. Not sure Richardson’s would hire out Monte Carlo to dubious forum activities!
  10. I’m sure a lot of us will be waiting to see what the outcome is with this sticky issue. I hope it is satisfactory as I fear there will be a lot of faith lost in the BA if they don’t handle it well. The time it is taking is not acceptable imo. I suppose it could be a problem for them in that they might be setting a precedent if they agree to some sort of compensation. I doubt that the OP is the only toll payer to have suffered one way or another.
  11. It’s still the day boats that concern me more than anything else. The way some of them belt up and down has to be seen to be believed. As the 1 July is a Sunday, there are going to be lots around. I wouldn’t mind betting that the safety boats will try and hold other river traffic back and I think that will just cause trouble. Just my thoughts, I hope I’m wrong.
  12. If you are on the water and north, mooring in Womack Dyke will give you the best opportunity to join in. Best get there early though!
  13. There is another (small) vessel sunk at the downstream end of the Somerleyton moorings. It wasn’t interfering too much with the moorings but I noticed yesterday that a fair amount of the moorings are now taped off. That, of course, could be in preparation for it being lifted.
  14. I feel sure Griff (Broad Ambition) did a write up some while back too, maybe he can confirm that and refresh our memories.
  15. Is that the Ribs of Beef or something like that?
  16. Derby’s is the old Aston Boatyard for those who remember the good old days. By the way, they only take cash there.
  17. vanessan


    Contact Boundary Farm maybe?
  18. What a great idea. I’ve even come across private boat owners who fend off other boats with a boat hook.
  19. vanessan


    Seems no one has any knowledge of this one paws. I’ve not heard of it unless you are referring to the new moorings at Boundary Farm, just upstream of Oby.
  20. Derby’s Quay - Beccles. Diesel £1 per litre, pump out £12. As of last week.
  21. vanessan


    Scratchy heady emoji required please!
  22. The sticky stuff remover mentioned above by CambridgeCabby. Excellent product, it also removes grease and oil spots. Lakeland sell it but probably more expensive than Amazon.
  23. That’s what we were told by the guys removing the bin this morning. When I am home again I will put the question to the EA. It’s a bit difficult to tackle such matters by mobile but I may give it a try. It’s ironic isn’t it, the Environment Agency has a responsibility for errm, the environment, and they demand removal of rubbish receptacles. Beggars belief! (I wouldn’t mind betting they will come up with some reasoning probably beyond our understanding!)
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