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Everything posted by vanessan

  1. Probably wouldn’t be allowed now due to elf ‘n safety. That’s why in some places they serve fish and chips on specially printed ‘news sheets’! It’s just not the same, the vinegar doesn’t soak in properly.
  2. Now you’re talking - fish and chips out of newspaper. Fabulous!
  3. I have to admit that I don’t like this current fad for serving food on a board or piece of slate. What on earth is wrong with a good old plate? Some of the boards I have seen look as though they could do with a good wash and could probably be rife with bacteria. It’s also annoying when you try and cut something on a slate and everything skids everywhere! Rant over!!
  4. That’s a good theory. I cook fish and chips and even homemade burgers and chips at home and they are definitely not fast food!
  5. Welcome to the forum annv (John). Now I believe you post elsewhere on a forum and, from what I have seen, you will be able to add a lot of knowledge and information to the already vast array of subjects here.
  6. I think you’ll find that, by definition, fish and chips are classed as fast food. At the better end of the scale though I would have thought.
  7. I wanted to ‘like’ that post for obvious reasons but I don’t like it! There is many a true word spoken in jest.
  8. I say well done for trying to help Hylander. Hindsight is a wonderful thing and I think you have been very brave to stand your corner on this one. This has ended up a storm in a teacup and some of the things that have been said are not worthy of this forum. I hope this won’t deter people from posting these sort of things, there will always be someone who is grateful rather than critical.
  9. I have to agree with that. I have walked round Whitlingham CP many times and never seen Ra particularly active. Barton Broad, being less accessible to the general public, was far more suitable. I think this is probably nearer the truth although I’m not sure Acle is the right place. Ranworth is much more ‘scenic’ but of course that ship has sailed (sorry!). Small shops by the rivers have found it very difficult to survive so, sadly, I can’t see one returning to Acle. If there has to be a visitor centre, I suppose making the idea into a competition will save architects fees. I do wonder what the ‘facilities for boaters’ might involve, answers on a postcard please..................
  10. We’ve all been there and some still go there quite regularly!
  11. That is a good looking plateful. Normally I think you would just get the gammon, eggs and chips so having the dish of veggies as well is a huge bonus. Makes sure you get your 5 a day too! I think sweet potatoes are still underrated, much better for you than normal spuds but just as versatile. Bet you felt full after that lot but with a little bit of too!
  12. vanessan

    Lads Week

    Reminds me of a time many years ago when all the office staff dressed up for Christmas Eve, the theme being Robin Hood. One guy hired a monk’s habit, complete with sandals, and he really did look a good Friar Tuck. Mid morning he decided to do a bun run to the bakers opposite. The traffic was heavy but, as he stood on the pavement waiting for a gap, all vehicles stopped and allowed him to cross. As he crossed the road he steepled his hands as if in prayer and bowed his head to each driver. Sadly he didn’t get the buns free of charge!
  13. I think there’s a fourth one too, that matter of using electric posts......................
  14. Growing older is mandatory, growing up is optional.
  15. The full story is available in a post under Broads Chat dated April 4 with the last post (how appropriate!) April 17. It does look like we might get them back at some point in the future however.
  16. I seem to remember something similar being said about rugby players when BMI first came on the scene.
  17. I do agree with MM about being kept on the go on a boat. There always seems to be something that needs sorting out. It also helps having 2 dogs who need walkies twice a day. Now that really does help and can be recommended for the company and pleasure they provide too. I think I might be very lucky as well as I don’t seem to put weight on easily, despite having a good appetite and being a chocoholic! I don’t drink much these days due to medication, alcohol certainly used to have a bad effect on my weight. With a BMI of 21.5, I am a happy bunny.
  18. Doesn’t go back far enough for me!
  19. This is a thought I had too. If you’ve already called 999, then continuing to shout for help is probably going to attract someone else who will wonder what they should do.
  20. I don’t think I could say what I’d do until it happened. Most people go with their instinct and I would imagine not very many would carry out a health and safety audit whilst standing watching someone in trouble. Having said that, I know that as I have got older I have become all too aware of my limitations and would most likely end up a danger to everybody! A call to 999 would most likely be my first act then.
  21. We use those big zipped ‘plastic’ bags, you can get various sizes and they stack brilliantly in the car if you have an estate type. They fold up flat too.
  22. I was thinking that it’s rather a shame that the first boy was called George. It would have been nice for the new-born to be named George as it is St George’s day today. Still, well done W & K, an heir and two spares - job done! (Sorry, it would take me far to long to put that lot in Norfolk dialect, even if I knew how.)
  23. Is that when you’re on the wrong side of the river?
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