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Everything posted by vanessan

  1. I don’t think anyone is huffing or puffing, just having a reasoned debate as to the viability.
  2. Recent data is saying that, as the vaccine prevents you from getting a serious dose of covid, so it also reduces the transmission possibilities. All to do with ‘viral load’. Makes sense to me - I think! 🤔
  3. Both of ours (the AZ and Pfizer) were done at different vaccination centres. Some neighbours of ours both had AZ jabs recently , one has a second appointment the other doesn’t. All seems a bit haphazard to me.
  4. Second AZ jab booked along with the first with an 11 week gap. A friend had the Pfizer a week earlier but still has no date for second.
  5. The government has promised that the second jabs will be available despite the expected shortages. I do hope they manage to keep to that.
  6. I think both these statements will probably prove right. Some will get hooked whilst others will hate the gloomier rainy days and not know how to cope with them. I don’t particularly like the idea of hire prices being hiked up for this season but I certainly don’t blame any of the hire companies for trying to recoup some of their losses - as long as they don’t go too silly!!
  7. I’ll add some of the text that goes with the chart. **Members were less enamoured by the Broads, the meandering waterways straddling Suffolk and Norfolk. It mustered just two stars for peace and quiet. Members warned to avoid it in summer, when visitors flock to explore the ‘Venice of the East’ by boat. We had many complaints of excess traffic and lack of parking. Even the scenery divided opinion; some enthused about big skies and colourful flora, others called it ‘flat, muddy and boring’. ** (It sounds to me as if those who responded visited by car, therefore missing the true pleasures of being on the water for a few days and discovering the peace and quiet that definitely can be found. Plus, anywhere you go gets muddy when it rains!!)
  8. That does seem to be one of the long term effects, I’d hate to lose either of those senses even temporarily. I hope she improves soon. And you’re quite right about keeping safe, we’re a long way off being clear of covid - if we ever are! I’m sure the government etc were expecting cases to go up once the young ones went back to school but it’s the transmission that will matter. If the jab keeps people out of hospital, we’ll get there I’m sure.
  9. Sore head this morning Ian? I guess you are well entitled to wear a NatWest t-shirt........... (And did the cookbook come from Australia? 🙃)
  10. Excellent news. Fingers crossed it all goes to plan. A big thank you to the BA for the comprehensive update.
  11. I am looking forward to helping the economy as much as I can, a bit of retail therapy in other than essential shops will be very welcome. It will be interesting to see what the ‘new norm’ develops into. We (or those of us who followed the rules) have been rather cocooned in our own worlds for most of the last year. Especially those advised to shield from day one. I think a lot of people will be wary of venturing forth whilst others will no doubt be acting in the same way they always did. I for one will be behaving in a cautious manner, probably that will be my new norm! I did read that the nhs (or carer) lass who appeared in the news last year because she was unable to buy food after coming off a long shift, has decided to quit her job. That’s sad and I wonder how many others will decide the last 12 months have been too much for them. The pandemic has brought out the best and the worst in people everywhere but I hope there are still the likes of Sir Tom somewhere. Happy Birthday Ian, I hope this year provides all the joy and pleasure that last year took away. Just duck when you get to Ludham Bridge please!
  12. Andrew - are you able to look at this link? https://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/boating/navigating-the-broads/boating-news/update-on-st-benets-abbey-24-hour-mooring The situation is all a bit of a mess at the moment and not entirely down to the BA although it is the Authority who is going to have to step up and sort something out.
  13. Peter, this seems to be information that has only just surfaced. I can’t find anything related to it anywhere else (apart from someone on fb saying they had noticed part of the moorings were sinking). It must have some truth in it as I can’t believe the BA would just close moorings for no good reason. You mentioned a short while ago that the NDAA had been assured by the BA that the barriers would be gone by June 16 at the start of the fishing season, it makes me wonder why they were put up in the first place. If they are removed, will mooring be allowed again? (I know you personally can’t answer that but it would be nice to know.) These things that don’t ring true are becoming quite loud alarm bells now, are we to add St Benet’s to Thurne Mouth and Fleet Dyke - it could become a long list if we don’t watch out. ☹️
  14. I assumed that, when the BA went out to tender in December, they were aware of the works that were needed. The moorings haven’t been in use since December to any great extent so I am surprised this has ‘suddenly’ become apparent. However, I know absolutely nothing about such matters so have to rely on those that do have an understanding to explain things. I think the BA urgently need some sort of contingency plan for St Benet’s although heaven only knows what that could be. Many hirers head for those moorings having picked up their boats for their trip, it’s a nice first cruise from Wroxham or Potter for a first night. It’s one of the iconic spots for photographing the Broads during a holiday and is in constant use during the season. I foresee many boats trundling round that area at dusk looking for somewhere to moor. Still, there should be extra rangers around this season available to give ‘guidance’.
  15. Maybe use ‘illicit’ instead?
  16. To be honest I don’t think finding out who owns what has really any bearing on this issue, the fact remains that a prime mooring location looks as if it is perilously close to being lost. With the season only 3 weeks away from kicking off, this could be pretty disastrous. It’s clearly going to be a very busy season and, even if the lease etc is sorted out, repairs are going to take some while. Back in December the BA put out an invitation for tenders relating to the refurbishment of the St Benet’s moorings so they knew then that works were needed - but obviously not urgent at that point. I can’t believe the piling has deteriorated to such a degree that they need closing off immediately. Something just doesn’t ring true here.
  17. From the BA website:- **Repairs cannot proceed until agreement is reached between the Environment Agency and the owner of the site regarding the future responsibilities for the piling. It is also not possible to start work until the Authority’s lease of the site is renewed. The St Benet’s site is leased to the Broads Authority by the landowner and is managed by the Authority as an free 24 hour mooring location. Previous works carried out by Broadland Environment Services Limited (BESL) saw the new flood bank redeveloped behind the piled edge, meaning the piles no longer form the official flood defences in this location. Under such plans the Environment Agency (responsible for flood protection measures) is no longer required to maintain the piles and the responsibility for maintaining, replacing or removing them has been offered to the landowner. The Broads Authority has been in discussion with the landowner for some time, attempting to renew their lease for this iconic mooring location. In anticipation of the lease renewal a major refurbishment of the timbering was planned by the Authority (via a tender advertised on our website) to make the site ready for the 2021/22 season. Unfortunately the refurbishment has had to be put on hold as the landowner and the Environment Agency have thus far been unable to reach an agreement on the future of the piles, meaning they may be removed and the Broads Authority has not been able to progress its lease for the site.** Stalemate then, unless the BA can purchase the moorings which I believe they have also tried to do.
  18. So does that mean the moorings can be used by boaters from 16 June as well I wonder? Curiouser and curiouser.
  19. Maybe ultimately that’s the plan..................🤔
  20. Funny how double mooring wasn’t allowed last season but we are now reminded by the BA that it is allowed at St Benet’s. Covid hasn’t gone away and we will still need to act cautiously for a while yet. This is a really poor situation and one that needs sorting asap.
  21. I believe that’s exactly what happened at Thurne Mouth when the issue couldn’t be resolved.
  22. This sounds horribly like it could go the same way as the Thurne Mouth moorings. We can but hope things will be sorted out satisfactorily.
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