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Everything posted by vanessan

  1. Couldn’t you have shore power installed on SK?
  2. It is rather ‘blue’ isn’t it! Certainly looks more like a residential property now than a pub. Good to have your wanderings back Cap’n, like others I have no idea what your comment on ‘burning bridges’ is all about.
  3. I noticed diesel was £1.35 a litre at Brooms - 🥺
  4. I’m hoping others will add to this thread. Anything goes! Here’s a story I read a few years back, it may even have been on this forum. Two friends went for a week’s sailing. One was always up early and brewed the morning tea. His mate commented one day that the morning tea always had a funny taste to it, sort of musty and rubbery, whilst the afternoon tea was ok. Turns out the morning tea brewer was keen on saving water and emptied his hot water bottle into the kettle each morning!
  5. Very high water at the moment. For the first time ever we got the steps out at Bramerton. (Might be something to do with age creeping up of course! ☹️)
  6. Hopefully the weather will have quietened down a bit. 🙏
  7. I don’t think I’ve seen one post where someone has said they won’t be getting the vaccine. I believe there are a lot of ‘anti-vaxers’ around so it’s nice that so many of us are either glad we’ve been jabbed or can’t wait to be. The news that the vaccine is helping stop transmission to an extent is great as well. The sooner everything is opened up again and operating as it should, the better.
  8. It certainly blew a hoolie last night! We were moored in Langley Dyke, only 4 boats there. My husband took one of the dogs out around 9.30pm for his final wee walk and noticed one of Brooms stern on to the quay heading on the downstream moorings. The bow rope had come adrift. The boat was all in darkness so he knocked on the back but to no avail. He thought there was no one on board, so he clambered on to try and find another rope to attach. Eventually someone appeared inside, a bit panicked to find the boat boarded by a stranger. After a lot of faffing about in the strong wind, rain and darkness, the boat was finally made secure again. It turned out that the mooring post had actually snapped. Anybody starting their trip yesterday, and/or boating for the first time, must have had quite an introduction to the Broads! Looks like we’re in for another day or so of this weather before it calms down and dries up a bit. ☔️
  9. Thinking more about this and remembering our hiring days, I never used to mind where we started from. We were on a boat, on the Broads and that’s all that mattered!
  10. Open 12pm to 9pm every day according to their website.
  11. Hired from Anchorcraft several times in the 80s, it was a great yard. Acle is good to start from, as you say if going south it’s handy. It’s also good if staying north, I don’t really think it makes a lot of difference to any other northern yard to be honest.
  12. It seems to be different wherever you are! We had the AZ vaccine, first and second appointments made together. A friend had the Pfizer but had to wait to be texted for her to arrange the second. The opposite to you, we’re in Kent.
  13. Don’t know anymore details than that. I’m afraid where dementia is involved things can go awry. I also don’t know how things work when it’s a home visit. If our surgery is not aware we’ve both had both jabs, well, ???
  14. We’ve had both our jabs, booked through the online nhs service. Since then we’ve had about six reminders each from our local surgery to book our jabs! I suppose at some point the systems will be updated so patients’ notes are correct. I did hear of an elderly person who had two second jabs within a week. The person concerned (who sadly has dementia) was taken by family to her surgery for one then her care worker organised someone to call and vaccinate her again. Luckily no repercussions. If patient details were up to date on the system that surely wouldn’t happen.
  15. Barriers removed today - maybe Lord Fairhaven’s words had an effect.
  16. And we all know how good people are at reading and complying with signs don’t we...............
  17. Although the full facts are yet to emerge, it does appear that this may have been the cause of the tragedy at GYYS. Standing on the back of a boat whilst it is sedately moving gives a false sense of security and probably doesn’t encourage using a grab rail. And if nobody can see you.............
  18. Likewise. £5 notes too for mooring fees if needed.
  19. vanessan


    The Cobb bbq systems are very safe and effective, you can (if you really want to) move them by hand when operational. It always amazes me how cool the outside of the Cobb stays.
  20. You’re not the only one to do that - more than once!
  21. He who knows about these things thinks it’s a very bad idea too. Probably mostly those who would benefit financially will be in favour.
  22. Dogs welcome round the secret garden, it can be slow walking though due to lots of trees.......
  23. Look forward to hearing your review.
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