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Everything posted by vanessan

  1. Or you can do what I’ve seen happening umpteen times this week, hire 2/3 boats then all hop onto one to eat, drink and get merry!!
  2. Use old towels, when damp they don’t slide and give good grip. We use them for the dogs if it’s frosty/icy - which it has been the past few mornings!
  3. Have you tried it? It looked quite interesting last week when we went by. I’ve just realised looking at the website that it’s the guy who used to have the Thai street food trailer on the industrial estate in Hoveton. That’s a great new spot for him, I hope he does well.
  4. With a big ego no doubt like many small dogs. Scary for a burly policeman!
  5. I saw that yesterday, I really thought it was a private boat! Looks great.
  6. Could you give more of a detailed position Cheesey? Upper reaches whereabouts?
  7. Brooms have similar, Clean Sweep or Explorer. https://www.broomboats.com/holidays/the-explorer/ Marginally cheaper I think.
  8. I don’t need a second guess.........😉
  9. By the time you come back for your next trip those moorings will be back in use. I’m glad to hear repair is underway. Thank you for that info.
  10. The Burgh Castle moorings ceased to be BA 24 hour moorings a few years back, they were taken over by the marina I think and still offered as 24 hour moorings. No maintenance has taken place and the steel piling is a bit the worse for wear. However, I believe the BA are taking them back again and preparing to carry out some refurbishment so things are looking good again. Maybe not in the short term though. The Fisherman’s moorings only have room for 3/4 boats and that just leaves Berney Arms if Burgh Castle is a no-go. With the length of pub moorings now closed off, it could get quite busy!
  11. Only one thing for it then, you’ll have to return. Perhaps for a full week? 🙂 I do think you have made the right decision and the weather forecast for next week is looking good. (Your trip is next week isn’t it? 🤔). I see low water at Wroxham next week is during the mornings so you may well be able to get under the bridge for a trip to Coltishall, Gold Gem is low enough but it does depend on those tides settling down a bit. As already mentioned, Potter Heigham bridge is more than likely to be a no-no, a small dinghy is the answer these days it seems! Enjoy!!
  12. You do seem to have planned some long days bearing in mind the time you have and, as has already been mentioned, the stretches below Stracey Arms and St Olaves will not be the most scenic! We usually suggest people ‘go with the flow’ for a few days, there will be plenty to see and pubs to visit in the north. Still, whatever you do decide, I hope you have a very enjoyable trip. And, no, I don’t think a rented motor home in GY really cuts the mustard!
  13. May I ask the question please - have you been on the Broads before?
  14. https://www.norwichcamping.co.uk/shop/product/kampa-steel-folding-double-step-2016-4353/ We use these folding steps, ok as long as you have room on board for them when out cruising. Very sturdy and safe.
  15. Liana was moored between the two bridges where I believe the water bikes are now going to operate from. She used to be taken to the opposite side of the river, by the parkside, to load with passengers.
  16. Nor are we! Thought this might help you get an idea of pontoon mooring, this is at Oulton Dyke (Dutch Tea Gardens).
  17. Mooring against a pontoon is really no different to mooring against a quay heading or bank. You are not level with the water. We find a caravan step useful at, say, Hardley Mill but find we don’t need it at the Oulton Dyke pontoon moorings. The nice thing about pontoon moorings is not having to worry about adjusting ropes.
  18. Will you lot please button it, you all know how awful it is on the southern Broads. I think you’re just trying to empty the northern rivers! Just be honest and remind people of the terrors and traumas of the south. ☠️👀😇
  19. They were pretty well my thoughts. A group of people with each paying their own way is one thing but for a family a tidy sum. However, I don’t know what other water transport costs. We spent a couple of days at Geldeston Locks last summer and there was a constant stream of families with canoes, kayaks and SUPs so I think the water bikes will probably be popular - this year particularly.
  20. You can leave my bot out of this!
  21. That really surprises me. We mainly cruise the southern waters and have yet to see one of these.
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