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Everything posted by JanetAnne

  1. Don't remember the blackberries in the one I tasted... Maybe they started drinking the rum and were banished?
  2. Over the years we have taken a huge selection of dogs boating. The one thing I have noticed is that they are always far more adaptable than we give them credit for and where we had expected problems the mutts turned out to be better at it than we were! As has been said on here many times, a doggy life jacket is a must. It's nothing to do with swimming abilities, more a convenient handle to be able to grab hold of and, whilst I doubt you would be lifting a soggy Newfoundland, the handle, hooked with a boathook, will allow you to steer him/her to safety. A bright orange blob is far easier to see in the water as well.
  3. No its not. 'Back to school' gives many a parent hope during the six weeks of torture!
  4. Do they make rods and reels then?
  5. Ouch! You mean the link between Shakespeare and Caister wasn't really fishing after all?
  6. Would Sir like a mince pie with that?
  7. I wouldn't stick it anywhere, just have it with you should you get asked.
  8. Beccles regular, forum member and all round good egg ( Victoryv - David ) painted the scene below for use in connection with this years event. After my daughters stroke in February he wanted to have his painting turned into posters and then used to raise money for the stroke charity. Those attending over the weekend could purchase one of these stunning commerative prints with all proceeds going to the stroke charity 'Different Strokes'. Different Strokes work particularly with young people (my daughter is 32) and so yesterday Hannah went to see them and handed over the weekends proceeds. The final figure is actually £270 as we received another donation a couple of days later. Sorry about the piccy. We haven't got any posters left and so I have used the one that spent the weekend pinned to a sandwich board down the quay!! A cracking result as I am sure you will all agree.
  9. Sadly now on our way back to the mooring.
  10. Anybody recognise the boat in the middle of the last picture?
  11. Still recovering from the weekend but a taster....
  12. I think I'd be checking pipework before fitting valves etc. It is also very possible that we are thermal syphoning the cold water tank bearing in mind the proximity of the final runs.
  13. Sounds like a crossed connection at the calorifier
  14. Auntie Pat's cafe currently moored Stracey Arms. Tomorrow's menu is bacon and black pudding rolls but we all shove off at 8.00 so she is opening early!
  15. I thought Dylan was supposed to be staying on the boat not stain on the boat.
  16. The plastic dust is mostly caused by the polyester mite chewing the glass strands that hold the resin together. That's why the gribble worms moved away to the salt water.
  17. Erm.... he never actually found the floorboard. Doug made a replacement!
  18. Not the best week to get trapped upstream mate..
  19. If that dog is applying stain with one front paw somebody give him a varnish brush for the other right quick!
  20. Westering home (2) by the way, is laid derelict outside Richo's wet shed.
  21. I reckon Herbert Woods woodies have the highest survival rate of all the fleets. Their construction is somewhat over engineered when compared to other builders. A close second would be Powles with Martham not too far away. The big Richardson's boats are now few and far between and almost none of Leo Robinson's fleet survive. This is based on the details we hold on the wooden boat show database so is hardly scientific. Of course, the next eBay listing can soon change my theory!
  22. I hope you have underwater cameras? It would be a shame to not have pictures of all the boats attending...
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