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dnks34 last won the day on March 29 2018

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  1. In that case would it not have been more appropriate to contact the NSBA in advance to inform them that unfortunately they could no longer distribute the leaflet rather than saying come and collect them we are not doing it anymore. Sounds like someone with a grudge to me.
  2. If that in its self doesn’t put a spotlight on whats going on in the Broads Authority then I don’t know what else does. The pettiness of it speaks volumes.
  3. Will you be bringing a dog or are you looking to avoid their company!!
  4. We enjoyed owning a boat on the broads for over 10 years but Im not sad to say Im glad we no longer have a it. Not having one has also meant we have experienced other things we probably wouldn’t have done with that all consuming financial bottomless pit hanging round our necks If you are a boat owner I will keep you in my thoughts……..😂
  5. I once saw someone stood in the Bure on the inside of the Bend by Marina Quays attempting to free their stuck flappy thing. They were only in up to their thighs and that was in 2011.
  6. God forbid the BA would want to take on responsibility for anything that actually matters to users of the Broads and Local Residents. It would mean less spending in all the other irrelevant areas they have got involved in!
  7. Could it not be argued that the Broads is still a commercial waterway given that the hire boats are let out for commercial gain.
  8. I think whatever happens going forward Tolls are very unlikely to be rolled back and JP is very very unlikely to fall on his sword. As you suggest there is always the next ecologist with a Phd and an agenda to take his place anyway. The Broads Authority has grown into an ugly monster that even its mother couldn’t love. The Broads Authority should be forced to concentrate on being the simple mundane Harbour Authority it was originally intended with 1 very clear objective. Maintaining the Broads. Everything else it has got itself involved in is totally irrelevant to its every day business. Only then might the spending be more reasonable.
  9. Looking at that submerged quay heading on the right its not beyond possibility that the inexperienced could run in to it. Even without the flooding slowing down past moored boats should go without saying. When we moored on the river at the WRC it was very common having boats going by within 20ft and at full throttle, it could be very irritating.
  10. Even JP himself cant be ignorant to the possibility that sooner or later there is going to be some kind of backlash to this in whatever form it takes which may well result in his dishonourable demise as CEO. Not wanting to sound ageist here but at 71/72 years of age he is well past retirement age so why hang on unless to be doing it out of belligerence. It’s certainly not for his love of the broads boating community and local businesses thats for certain. More likely he is trying to install his own agenda before being removed (hopefully at some point in the not too distant). His leadership wont be tolerated forever the way its going.
  11. According to a FB post there are 11 staff in the Planning Dept at the BA, another poster suggests 1 planning officer elsewhere may be expected to handle as many as 300 cases. Reading on the same thread it appears the Planning Office at the BA is another unpopular department. Who could have guessed that!!
  12. How much money was wasted on the proposed Acle Visitor centre which is now not mentioned. Organisations with any grasp of good financial management do not waste money on schemes that never have a chance of going anywhere. It wouldn’t pass scrutiny. I could describe my feelings further but i wont incase the CEO claims he is being insulted again on television news, oh the Irony.
  13. Be careful or the Dr might claim he is being insulted again……
  14. A big consideration has also got to be the travel time and costs for the increased number of times you will want to use your own boat per year against just visiting 4 times to hire.
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