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Everything posted by TheQ

  1. Our numbers are a bit down this year I'm told, mostly because there is a major regatta for optimists in Scotland (Largs) this week and for toppers also in Scotland ( North Berwick) next week. So our best sailors in those classes are away and of course they take their parents so we lose more sailors. There is only so much time a parent can take off of work at a time. I didn't quite make it back to the landrover straight after typing last night, a friend in the club staying in his motorboat offered me a glass of wine.... It arrived in a near half pint glass, nearly full and was topped up later...... I slept well.....
  2. Wednesday, Yet again started dull and drizzly, but quickly dried up to sunny with scattered clouds. Today we managed to have an incident 1 minute before the start, a private non competing very large broads cruiser sailed up river close hauled on port tack. Arriving just as the larger dinghies Were getting ready for their start. Unfortunately as he cleared the Swan in he caught the increase in wind coming down the river towards the Swan accelerating him into the fleet putting his bowsprit under the mainsheet of a national 12 towing the national 12 backwards and throwing the crew overboard. This cause a loss of steering in the broads cruiser which then ran into a nearby bank damaging the national 12. Once crew and N12 were rescued the broads cruiser was towed to one of our nearby quay heading as it needed to fix it's damaged bowsprit. Later the two boats exchanged details and all was sorted amicably. There was much more wind today and some competitors decided not to sail, the Rebels and White Boats were ordered by their fleet captains to have reefs. We rescued a topper dinghy which managed to get into a death roll going downwind ( rocking from side in ever increasing amounts till you capsize) the tip of the mast dug in and the boat needed pulling out. Later we had the scouts rowing downriver in a gig, oars all Over the place so that created another hazard. When I arrived back at the club there was a hire canoe on the front, that had been rescued by the club with two young ladies in it. They had been unable to paddle back up river against the strong wind. I was very disappointed to find no Yeoman's went out in their last race today , Yeoman's love strong wind. I was not suprised to find only two entries into the ex servicemens race. Sadly many of our ex servicemen are no longer fit enough for those conditions. I hope to be able to enter that race again, once my sailing boat is sorted. It took me 30 years to win the trophy the first time, I don't want to wait that long again... I can hear the vintage Broadsman aka the getto blaster coming up river, time to retire to safe safe distance to save my ear drums..
  3. One of the side effects of the reduction in pollution of the broads is more and more water lily and water weed growth in the rivers. This is causing many more sailing boats to catch weed round the rudder and impede their sailing. Similarly I've seen more motor boats this year with steam coming out of their exhausts instead of gurgles of water. I guess from blocked weed filters. Another effect of modern times is, I went to charge this tablet in the clubhouse last night and couldn't find a free mains socket!! Every non "needed for club use" socket was plugged into a mobile phone!!! And talking of last night, the team I was in won the quiz last night!!! not that it was a lot to do with me!! Many subjects I didn't have a clue and so I was on here for a while, till the internet went off..... It was drizzling earlier, but now at 06:30 I can see some blue sky!!! Yippee!!!!
  4. A couple of not very good pictures, how to frighten the tourists.
  5. Tuesday, Dull drizzly and not a lot of wind. The sailing seemed to go reasonably well but for several retirements from lack of wind. And there wasn't much happening till I spotted a bathtub doing its best to squash a white boat against the bank. I went over to signal the bathtub to come forward to clear the white boat and the driver came forward leaving the controls while moving, claiming we didn't know how to sail, didn't know the rules of navigation and he was an ex navy man.... Well I suspect by the rough northeastern accent and the fact he was covered in tattoos I doubt he was the navigation officer probably more like a stoker!!. ( I am not insulting Geordies ). Later just as I had REQUESTED a hire boat to keep right and slow to avoid the sailing, a boat started to overtake and I pulled out rapidly to get round to the drivers side , which caused him to slow slightly, before I could say anything he appeared out of the cabin shouting that "You upstarts have no authority to tell me what to do, how dare you try to stop me" ( or words to that effect) since I hadn't said anything or tried to stop him, that's quite some statement. I think SOME who own a new Broom 45 are have an exaggerated view of their worth or their place in the real world. The last two races today were a cruiser race and the officers / retired officers of the club race. By this time the wind had really dropped and I was glad to see one boat ahead retire, so I could lift buoys 2 and 3. On getting to the corner we received a radio message to move buoy 1 nearer the club, as the officers were struggling to reach it. Another rescue boat did that. But when we got near that buoy we were asked to move It even closer, which we did. Then the wind totally stopped and the race officer arrived in another boat and set up a finish line and we moved the bouy to a few inches in front of the leading boat. After a few minutes they finished and that a few minutes later so did the others and we could pack up. Right quiz night to night and I need a pint....
  6. A couple of minor things I forgot, the line crew decided buoy Y would not be up at woodcutters, but between buoy X and buoy one. This is so the beginners can turn at Y instead of mixing it with all the other fleets at X. And also.... At one point at rescue boat i was in started sinking!!!, It was not the boat i normally use, as that was busy cutting the weeds in the dykes. We were up at the first corner from the club when it started gaining water, so the crew started pumping as I drove back. What had happened, was a plastic bung failed it's locking mechanism, most odd, as we had been on the water for a couple of hours. We wouldn't have actually sunk as there is plenty of built in buoyancy but we would have got very wet feet without the pump.
  7. Monday, There was quite a reasonable wind this morning so many of the boats were sailing up to buoy 3. Not too many hire boats to ask to stick to the right hand bank, they and the privateers were very well behaved . From the point of view of sailing the only hazards were the broads yacht Maidie being towed alongside through the fleet during maximum chaos time, with its mast hanging out a huge way over the stern and later the wherry Albion provided a good wind block as it sailed up to Black Horse Broad. We rescued a lightening dinghy whos crew was unable to get back on board, it was difficult at first to get to him as he was right in the middle of the fleet. We pulled him onto the rescue boat then he climbed back on board his dinghy to retire. We also fished a broken fishing rod out of the water, no owner, reel or hooks. But line on the rod, dumped because it was broken? When the wind dropped at first in the afternoon, much of the fleet were running down wind on the their way to buoy 2, then the wind came up for a while. Of course, when the wind restarts, it does so from behind, so the boats at the back get the wind first and then those at the middle then those at the front. This concertinas up the boats so huge amount boats all arrived at buoy 2 at the same time which caused some interesting manoeuvring as they were packed from buoy to bank. I saw a laser pushing off another with a large boot, and shouted out about who was going to do the 720 degree penalty turn and one of them sheepishly did start spinning while trying to keep clear of the rest. Later the wind became very light several of the cruiser class had to retire as the were unable to make there way against the tide. Right it's time for bingo, with fish and chips. Luxury here..... and the odd beer.
  8. Zigzagging You cannot sail directly into the wind, think of sailing upwind / into the wind, as squeezing a orange pip between your fingers , the wind pressure one side, the water pressure on your keel the other. So you go forward, but the wind pressure is to one side . Many zigs and Zags are required, to get go your destination upwind on the river or broad. Mostly boats end up sailing at 45 degrees to the wind to go upwind, as they will this morning as the wind is blowing straight down river towards the Swan Inn. Right I got the rescue boats ready at 06:00 ish, the days start line/galley/ race entry people are arriving and to 08:00 cannon goes of in almost Fifteen minutes. Time for a coffee and a bacon butty.
  9. The start line at Horning SC on the river, is from a triangle which swings out from the mast to aline with one of the lettered boards A to D, on the other side of the river, set as depending on wind direction. The start line crew watch the start, ready to sound the hooter if you're over the line, but it is more difficult to get back in the restricted water. For historical reason the buoys are set. Buoy 5 is by southern Comfort to get people back to the finish, Buoy X is near SouthQuays yard entrance Buoy 1 is on the first corner up from the club. Buoy 2 is at black horse broad entrance, Buoy 3 is in a bay half way towards Dydlers mill. Buoy 4 is at the mill Buoy Y is round the normally reserved for the cruisers and may e as far as wood cutters All the buoys may be moved somewhat closer to to club if the wind is light. The course board is on the start box and may be set say like, 3, 4P, XP, 3P,5P The initial 3 being a black letter indicating 3 laps. If the race is shortend they sound a hooter at X and you sail straight back over the line to finish.
  10. The course set on both days was roughly the letter M, but with a link across the bottom to get you back to the start for next lap. The buoys on Black Horse Broad are set with: Number 1 near the Hoveton road side Horning end, number 2 buoy near the Hoveton road side Hoveton end, Number 3 buoy near the river side Hoveton end, Number 4 buoy near the river side Horning end, Buoys 5, X ,Y are set as required any where on the broad. The course set set so the first leg is straight into the wind, this splits the boats up before the first buoy the second leg is set as near as possible coming back downwind, but not into the start line The next leg is again almost into the wind,n Often we have a short leg which would widen the top point of the M to get the boats, across the roads so as not to have everyone crossing in the middle. Then back down the other long leg of the M as across the bottom to start then next lap. Time for you to draw this on paper! The buoy numbering appears Random because the start line has to be moved to achieve a start into the wind So for instance yesterday with the wind from the Hoveton roadside Hoveton end the bouys were set, first to 2, the most of the way back but across to the riverside to X, then up to 5 which had been placed to the left of 2 but not as far as 3, Then across to 3 down to 4 The across the bottom to Y to start the next lap. This gave a course of 2P,XS,5P,3P,4P,YP The p being port indicated by the letter being red on the course board. The S being Starboard indicated by letter being green on the start board. The start line has Three buoys, an orange keep out buoy, which stops people running over the HD weight ropes, disqualification if you go between the committee boat and that. An green inner distance mark which is one end of the start line Triangle on a buoy marking the out end of the start line. It is the boats duty to stay behind the line at the start, if you are over a hooter is sounded and you have to restart without getting in the way of the other competitors. Which means youve just gone from the front of the fleet to the back!!!
  11. Saturday I forgot this, The rebel fleet decided to go one buoy round the wrong way every lap in one race, which was fine until the other fleets arrived at the same time then there was chaos!!! The Reedling fleet managed to miss a buoy entirely in one race and retired themselves. Sunday. While sitting on the club house frontage at 07:00 when a Richos Finesse came hammering up the river leaving a trail of rocking boats behind them. I waved at them to slow down and amazingly they did and stayed slow on my sight. Where they thought they would get I don't know, they would have arrived at Wroxham long before the bridge pilot or anything being open. While the traditional church service was on, I was on Black Horse Broad with my rescue boat crew and part of the start line crew setting the course, yet again the wind kept shifting, so I didn't get back for the tow, However when the course was set I went over to see why a Herbert woods boat was moored on our club pontoon. It turned out they had a split engine hose and were awaiting Rescue. HW rescue turned up during the first race. The two incidents today were: The broads cruisers started their race 5 minutes early, somewhat dominating the toppers that were meant to start then. I had to go for a quick drive round to tell them to go back. A Rebel had it gaff attachment failed bringing down the gaff, which luckily didn't hit anyone so we towed them back to the pontoon. Sorry no pictures, my new action camera got stuck on video and I've had to let it run down to reset it. I'll try again tomorrow. I'm off to get a Chinese for my evening meal...
  12. Saturday. Well, I went up with others to Black Horse Broad, and laid out the course. By the time we left the Broad the wind had changed!!! So it was back to the club a pasty for lunch, and get ready for the tow up. We started the tow in light drizzle, but by the time we got there it was bucketing down, and did so for an hour which killed the wind. The start line crew hard reset the course a couple time as it kept changing its mind. Once we started Racing I took position near the first buoy, as this is most interesting with the crowds of boats on the first lap. Incidents on Saturday An enterprise cut across the front of a white boat which neatly put its bowsprit through the mainsheet, causing the enterprise to be towed backwards for a few yards. The white boat crew managed to untangle the ropes but they lost three places while doing so. At the end of the main races there was a enterprise single handed race, while waiting for that and not paying attention the lad capsized, so I got the lads father on board the rescue boat and while my crew held the enterprise he got on board and bailed like mad. He just managed to empty the boat and get back on the rescue bot in time for the last race. Later that evening we had club films from 1964, 1982 and 1989. I do hate seeing film of myself 34 years ago.. While that was beginning one of the young boys 12-14? Who learnt to sail here, arrived clutching a large Trophy, he had come second in the national schools sailing held at Gorleston last week which finished Saturday. Well done!!!
  13. A cup of coffee and I'm on my way....
  14. Just having a look at next weeks forecast during HSC Regatta racing time Saturday, 6 to 3 mph Westerly, possible, showers, High Tide 09:23. Sunday,10 to 12 mph Westerly, sunny, High Tide 10:30. Monday 6 to 3 mph Westerly, Sunny, High Tide 11:29. Tuesday 6 to 1 mph Westerly to Northerly later, sunny then cloudy, High Tide 12:22. Wednesday 10 to 15 mph Southerly to Westerly , rain likely, High Tide 13:08. Thursday 8 to 14 mph South Westerly, rain later, High Tide 13:50. Friday time for the big finish, 17 to 25 mph Westerly, possible showers. High Tide 14:28. Temperatures mostly around 20C but 24C or 25C on Wednesday. The tide, makes a serious difference to the sailing at Horning, I've been swept up river at 1mph against the wind in a rescue boat!!. So when for most of the week the wind is so light, some will struggle. If there were no non-competitors around the sailing boats would use right up to the bank to get out of the tide when sailing into the tide. The wind, a Westerly / South Westerly is perfect as it comes straight down river toward the club meaning the fleets are sailing into the wind at the start and so are well split up by the time they get to the first buoy. For non competitors a westerly /South Westerly means you are less likely to get a solid wall of boats running towards you.
  15. keep to the right hand bank please!!!
  16. The international 2.4m is an Olympic disability class, but in club racing can be raced with almost all levels of fitness or disabliity. very competitive. There are a couple raced at Wroxham or Horning occasionally steering is by joystick or foot pedals as required. Sailing is one of the few sports where if you are fit or Unfit, 8 years old or 108 years old anyone can race together and anyone can win. Being beaten by a 8 year old is a bit annoying...
  17. Nice of you you to join us I think you'll enjoy Pottsering around here
  18. Kingline in Horning also have a disable friendly boat with a wheelchair lift on the back. http://www.kingline.co.uk/index.php/day-boats very nice it is too , electric powered.
  19. The man has just been and sorted the problem, however it now has decided to load 30+ updates, our company doesn't download direct, but everything goes via IT to check it's virus free and compatible with our systems, so we get a monthly download of stuff and it just happens that this system from one of our subsiduaries has missed several updates during it's transport here. Don't I love being paid to sit here and wait.... I suppose there is always the internet to look at while I'm waiting... 8 left to install then a restart...
  20. I'm modelliing the GWR / MSWJR in EM Gauge or will be when my shed is complete, When I scaled up the Plans, the station works out to be 34ft long!!! Hence the shed is 54Ft long, the interior is now 2/3 done but it's taking so long I'm having to maintain the outside already!! Many of my models will have to be scratch built. Modelling the GWR period is OK, But when I back date the line pre-1923, other than a couple of models almost everything locos, Carriages and Wagons will have to be Scratch built or heavily modified from something. Luckily the only thing on the station which changed was, GWR got rid of the Gas Lamps and Put in Oil Lamps on the platforms, As I'm not going to keep changing the lamps over I'll Keep the gas ones they look better. I think animals and Humans are the most difficult thing to get right, most of the humans will be sat on the various benches.
  21. Don't run aground on an Orange tip!!! There is no bad weather for sailing only incorrect clothing.... Sat here facing a huge pile of unco-operative test equipment. Waiting for someone to come fix the computer, of course I'd rather be out there.
  22. The Model shop, Autoloco, in Sheringham is rarely open and I've never seen model figure there, The Model railway shop in GT Yarmouth Arcade has gone. The Model Shop in Cromer opposite the information centre is good has a great range of Items, and I do Buy from there, But they are alway full price. Great Eastern Models www.greateasternmodels.co.uk on Plumstead road, Norwich, will probably have some and do have discounts, The Model railway shop at Aysham Bure valley Railway http://www.bvrw.co.uk/shop/model-railway/, I've not seen figures there ( but I've not looked for them). I hate to say it but the ever decreasing number of Model shops cannot compete with. http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2050601.m570.l1313.TR0.TRC0.H0.XOO+gauge+cows.TRS0&_nkw=OO+gauge+cows&_sacat=0 or http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_odkw=OO+gauge++unpainted+animals&_osacat=0&_from=R40&_trksid=p2045573.m570.l1313.TR0.TRC0.H0.XOO+gauge++unpainted+cows.TRS0&_nkw=OO+gauge++unpainted+cows&_sacat=0
  23. My motorboat comes up not paid as well, That's because it doesn't have a Broads safety certificate. That's because it's still in the boat yard being re engined. But it has been up and down the river Under the boat yards control So they are just finishing off, not long before I get it back And have to pay the tax bill
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