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Everything posted by TheQ

  1. Many of the broads boats engines are run very slowly for a long time, ( for water heating etc) that's not good for burning off the soot. so when they are given a blast everyone gets to see it!!. My old BMC 1500 had been in a boat since 1969, but had 3 coats of different coloured paint on it suggesting at least 2 major rebuilds. It wasn't looked after well by at least one previous owner, it had garden hose being used for coolant lines.... I just couldn't put it through a rebuild again, so had it put out of it's misery...
  2. Hopefully Jonzo, they will plant plenty of trees between you and the NDR, to kill much of the noise from the road.
  3. TheQ

    Barton Regatta

    I've only competed At Barton once, once I'd worked out where all the buoys are, it's a very good regatta, even if we came last in every race ( In a Norfolk Dinghy).
  4. I caught a bit of the NC JP interview, the National Park question was asked, and JP trotted out its only for advertising it won't make any difference, But we all know it's been JPs aim for years for the broads to become a National Park, NC let JP say anything nothing was challenged.
  5. Which One? I see no Duke ,!!!! The 7th Duke of Montrose, I posted was the son of the 6th Duke who married into The Hamilton Family When the Male line of Hamiltons died out. Now where Can I find pictures of either Montrose ancesters or the 13 Dukes of Hamilton ( Who incidentally owned Kinneil House in Bo'ness where many of my family live (Bo'ness that is not Kinneil House)
  6. Well if it was the previous Duke of Montrose, (the7th,) (the last family to own Brodick Castle, it's now National Trust) We now know what you look like, (the one on the right, I mean as you look at it.)
  7. You will be able to turn to port off of the A47 at Postwick, then after a roundabout or two, Turn to Starboard and proceed past Rackheath to Wroxham and Beyond. It will still pay to go Via Acle, if it's rush hour, due to the usual chaos through Wroxham and Hoveton. It will be shorter to go by the new route.
  8. Having been on the race committee in the past I can say: There are only 5 or 6 Down river races each year from Horning sailing club, (+ the 3RR) They are: 1. Chosen as much as possible for quiet times ( March, April, May) ( there was 1 in July and no more after that this year.) 2. Chosen to try to avoid any of the other sailing clubs events at Thurne or Acle 3. Chosen for going down with the tide and back with the tide with a stop for lunch at Acle or Thurne None of our Rescue boats can plane when crewed for duty (Yes I know I'm overweight), and we have been criticised by BA personnel for having rescue boats that are too slow. It can very difficult to stay with the sailing boats on a down river race, On rescue boat duty, I have been left behind....Which is why one rescue boat goes ahead of the fleet (also it places a turning buoy in front of the fleet) and one or two of the competitors have hand held radios issued. So the start line crew, Rescue boats, competitors and the clubhouse are all in communication with each other., The Next Down River race is Snowflake Sailing Clubs Tri-Icicle in Early October.
  9. I'll use the NDR every day for work, taking me off of some of the back streets in the north of Norwich, but more usefully it will mean no more driving West to go via Acle to drive east, a saving of about 9 miles each way.
  10. I have at the last count I have 32 Family tartans to choose from as well as some district tartans that would be relevant.
  11. And some in WW2, on the St. Nazaire raid for instance.
  12. It is appropriate that you wear the Trousers, as of course the Kilt was not worn by the lowlanders. it is only in the last hundred years or so that Lowlanders have started to wear the kilt. Of course the Royals as well as wearing many other Tartans to do with their titles and decendency, they also wear the Balmoral Tartan and no one will sell you Balmoral Tartan cloth or kilt with out permission of the Queen. I actually wouldn't want to it's not the most beautiful tartan around
  13. It was definately a skirt she was wearing Not a kilt, ( I have 3 Kilts, so know what they look like!)
  14. He may have been avoiding something. On the way home yesterday a mobility scooter lauched itself with owner off of the pavement (Choosing to cross), straight in front of me in Hoveton (Coltishall road), no warning whatsoever. Had there been traffic coming the other way there would have been an accident, I would have had to choose the mobility scooter or the traffic to hit. The mobilty scooter owner drove off, after I had passed, with no concern in the world, even though I cleared the front of her by inches..
  15. Our Air conditioning is barely working here, in the main factory, the new systems ETA is 1st of October. I'm off back into to lab where it will be 23+_ 0.5 degrees Celcius.
  16. Welcome, The first pub en-route is appropriately http://www.thedogpub.co.uk/ just a couple of hundred yards up the road from Ludham Bridge, which I believe allows Big furry animals in the bar. There are lot of Furry monsters on the Broads, our record is 4 on board, Rough collies.!! I have seen more... I think half of Yorkshire comes down on the broads for a holiday and some permanently (SWMBO is from Rotherham) enjoy you trip
  17. Whilst agreeing with the sentiment, if two boat were both to give way out of curtesy, it is quite possible to meet in the middle. Like the dance many get into when passing people in a corridor, you both move in the same direction to avoid each other (more than once).
  18. Maurice, We Sailors are used to HAVING TO obay the rules in sailing http://www.rya.org.uk/racing/racing-rules/Pages/the-rules-and-rya-prescriptions.aspx, These rules don't contradict the "International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea" (IRPCAS) and where there are differences between IRPCAS and Broads Regulations and the Racing rules, The Broads Regulations http://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0008/399230/Navigation_Byelaws_1995-1.pdf always wins. Sailing is a very technical sport, and even those who do not race have to learn the Broads Navigation regulations or we'd all meet in the middle. We tend to talk in a "who has the right of Way" style because thats what the regulations say. So most sailors (yes I know some don't learn the ALL the rules ) on a discussion page like this or out on the water have a more technical way of talking about incidents.. and This is where the ferry man was wrong, He knew roughly, that you cannot interupt a working boat, But did not know regulation 19.1 which overrides that.
  19. What about just putting it back to how it has been for as long as anyone can remember and NOT allow stern on mooring... As for sailies If it's a blind bend How do you know there are boats moored around the corner? if you don't know the waters, and many boats don't. I don't know what has happened so far, but it would be interesting to see a wherry get past there.
  20. All I can do is refer you to this with a bit Highlighted. Broads regulation 19 . 1 (1) Except as provided in paragraph (2) but notwithstanding any other provision in these Byelaws the master of a powerdriven or manually propelled or quanted vessel crossing from one side of a channel to the other side or entering a channel from a side dyke or other waterway shall do so at a proper time having regard to any vessels navigating along the channel and shall give way to such vessels. (2) This Byelaw does not apply to any vessel whilst entering the navigation area from any waterway within the jurisdiction of the Great Yarmouth Port Authority. Which, having checked the meaning of Notwithstanding exactly. Collins English Dictionary preposition1. (often immediately postpositive) in spite of; despite conjunction (subordinating)2. despite the fact that; although sentence connector3. in spite of that; nevertheless Means the Crossing Boat of any type except sailing has to give way to the boat going along the river....
  21. Just heard NC and a broads representative talking about the " National Park", Email of complaint sent...
  22. Broads regulation 19 . 1 (1) Except as provided in paragraph (2) but notwithstanding any other provision in these Byelaws the master of a powerdriven or manually propelled or quanted vessel crossing from one side of a channel to the other side or entering a channel from a side dyke or other waterway shall do so at a proper time having regard to any vessels navigating along the channel and shall give way to such vessels. (2) This Byelaw does not apply to any vessel whilst entering the navigation area from any waterway within the jurisdiction of the Great Yarmouth Port Authority.
  23. I must admit In all the trips I go past the NDR, twice a day, every working day, until yesterday, I'd never seen anything actually doing any work on the NDR. Normally all the equipment is parked in a neat line, by the time I go past after work at 15:30. Layers of Sand and bulldozing work just seem to appear... and I'd agree I've seen dust blowing across the Coltishall road.
  24. According to the TV last night tarmac. Is now being laid on at least one bit of the ndr
  25. Broadland Model Railway Club - Aylsham Model Railway Exhibition Sat 1st October 2016 The Jubilee Centre, Norwich Road, Aylsham, Norfolk NR11 6JG OPENING TIMES: 10am-4pm ADMISSION: Adults £4.00 Concessions £3.00 Children £3.00 There will be a classic coach service to and from the BVR station (NR11 6BW)and the Jubilee Centre. Anyone with a valid return ticket on a Bure Vally Railway train from Wroxham BVR Station (NR12 8UU) is entitled to free admission. This is an ideal way to travel to the exhibition for anyone living East of Wroxham as there is an excellent book shop and free parking at the BVR station. CONTACT: 01493 700226 QUICKINFO: CS HOW TO GET THERE: If you are Travelling by Car : Nearest Railway Stations : Check here for Parking Options. Worstead [6.3 miles] North Walsham [6.51 miles] Gunton [6.73 miles] Hoveton and Wroxham [8.14 miles]
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