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Everything posted by TheQ

  1. I'd agree the " comprehensive safety protection" is likely to be doing it's stuff and shutting the output off. Making this unit unsuitable for your task
  2. Looking at the sign it has the appropriate sign you'd definately want to dodge that water in case it's live!!!
  3. I reckon he's making his own tazer..... Either that or he's going to put a cattle fence round the broads to keep all the Hullabaloos out. PS I've used High Voltage transformers in various bits of Radar and CRT displays, so if you don't get a better offer then give me a call...
  4. Marine Waterborne Aquatic Riverine
  5. I saw om TV a year or two ago There are small bit's of Hull (Kingston upon) that have still not been rebuilt after the war.
  6. I think they have a little more equipment than I'll have and none of the six will go under Potter bridge (or any other broads bridge). If they could get there with all their engine problems... although they are a generator to electric motor boat just like mine!!! I'd prefer to be sailing but a support ship is handy....
  7. Who needs rough weather? just a Wroxham day boat or the Brundal navy would do it.
  8. This unit to monitor your battery is somewhat cheaper http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/DC-6-5-100V-0-100A-Voltage-Current-Power-Energy-Combo-Meter-Car-Battery-Monitor-/162083223100?hash=item25bce9b63c:g:260AAOSw6btXRnFG
  9. It's the Yare and Bure two day event on Black Horse broad, which would normally include a evening dinner on Saturday night, hence more people staying over night. The rest of the club had sunday normal river racing. I also note the stern on mooring on swan green which as far as I know is not permitted by BA. If they were not away by the first race, It would make interesting Turning at the number 5 mark which is between the start line and southern comfort normally.
  10. As long as the sign isn't an indication that you're being replace by one of those cardboard PCs!!!
  11. Thank for the info I needed a chainsaw sharpener, that another less in the North Walsham store, much of lidls' parkside tools are actually made by Bosch,!! You having building works at the station? Or is it next door? ( I WAS concentrating on the road, officer)
  12. Searching out the cheapest supplies is something I've done for years, often the Identical item can be bought from caravan suppliers for much less (in the field of lighting). I work in Electronics, so know what I'm looking at and often buy Items from the internet Via the site of the strong women or via the site of the electronic cove. Often they are they are the same item but with a huge UK / EU marine, mark up + taxes. A quick check of one of the Cheaper marine internet sites shows almost £5 for 1 Toggle switch + postage, a check of Amazon, £1.47 delivered. This is however different from buying from our nearest chandlers for boat specific Items, I do try to support my nearest chandlers and will always buy from there if their charge isn't TOO much higher than the net. Even in the company I work for, although the Items sold by it are sold as US or EU made, the circuit boards and components come from China, sometimes pre assembled and only put in their fancy box in the UK / US. For a real mark up, try galvanic Isolators, cost of components to the makers, less than £10, cost to you near £100.
  13. I'll be there in November because it's also good for... Spalding Model Railway Exhibition Sat 12th November 2016 - Sun 13th November 2016 OPENING TIMES: SAT 10am-5pm SUN 10am- 4.30pm ADMISSION: Adults £7.00 Concessions £6.00 Welcome to the forum....
  14. Having had 5 Rough Collies and a Border Collie at the same time, we definately didn't encourage them to go for a swim, drying those coats took hours... When they were younger, charging around and not looking where they were going, I fished them out of a canal several times, soggy smelly doggies, at least they had time to dry a bit before we got home (another 2 miles) I certainly wouldn't want a soggy doggy in the back of a car...
  15. I suspect it's the EDP that has dragged that picture out of it's files, not the BA. It would be interesting to Know how much of that Figure for tourisum, actually includes those of us, who live around the broads and Use them but aren't actually touring... and come to that How do they measure it?
  16. if we're going to go off line, lets have the right vehicle, a Morris.......MARINA
  17. TheQ

    Barton Regatta

    Saw several boats leave Horning Sailing club for Barton this morning and several more pass under tow. I'd have loved to be there, but with no floor on the cockpit of the motor boat this morning I had some work to do.
  18. I doubt there will be more roundabouts on the NDR than they are installing now, almost every major road will have one anyway. When they build new estates, they'll tap into the major roads and put the roundabouts on them to slow the traffic into the city.
  19. Many of the broads boats engines are run very slowly for a long time, ( for water heating etc) that's not good for burning off the soot. so when they are given a blast everyone gets to see it!!. My old BMC 1500 had been in a boat since 1969, but had 3 coats of different coloured paint on it suggesting at least 2 major rebuilds. It wasn't looked after well by at least one previous owner, it had garden hose being used for coolant lines.... I just couldn't put it through a rebuild again, so had it put out of it's misery...
  20. Hopefully Jonzo, they will plant plenty of trees between you and the NDR, to kill much of the noise from the road.
  21. TheQ

    Barton Regatta

    I've only competed At Barton once, once I'd worked out where all the buoys are, it's a very good regatta, even if we came last in every race ( In a Norfolk Dinghy).
  22. I caught a bit of the NC JP interview, the National Park question was asked, and JP trotted out its only for advertising it won't make any difference, But we all know it's been JPs aim for years for the broads to become a National Park, NC let JP say anything nothing was challenged.
  23. Which One? I see no Duke ,!!!! The 7th Duke of Montrose, I posted was the son of the 6th Duke who married into The Hamilton Family When the Male line of Hamiltons died out. Now where Can I find pictures of either Montrose ancesters or the 13 Dukes of Hamilton ( Who incidentally owned Kinneil House in Bo'ness where many of my family live (Bo'ness that is not Kinneil House)
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