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Everything posted by TheQ

  1. We have a parlimentary sytem in the UK the PM is just chairman of the cabinet and has no executive authority on His/her own. Even though certain PMs in the past tried to make it seem otherwise. There is no need to spend vast sums of money on a PM election, when all (most of the time) of the cabinet are elected.
  2. Charlessa wins the Banana!! For many years I thought it was an old family name, but then I was told it was someone My parents knew, but I have never found any reference to it being used as a name anywhere. I now have my suspicions it was: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Keren, Qu often being used as a translation of the K, Ch(Hard C), KH of Arabic into English. In which My Grandfather was involved.
  3. I was asked to move my boat at the sailing club which had the engine running, due to the smoke cloud,..... A British seagull 102CC
  4. Wildly wrong, please review all my previous comments !!!
  5. In the world of dog showing, when you breed a dog, you put your affix at the start of dogs name, when you buy a dog it goes at the end. Hence we had Hazelside Sanderling at Sheque ( her pet name was Amber), and from her we had Sheque Amber Glenn, Sheque Amber Crystal etc Now all the normal Affix names have long since been used, so these days people use made up names ... My wife's name is Sheila.
  6. There are at least three languages, which use this as a word, meaning different things, but I wasn't named after any of them. Right I'm going off air for several hours., further replys to guesses later
  7. The second one Quentin Crisp doesn't have the same vowel twice in his first name, and it's not an "A"
  8. I'll be stopping off to get some Fernox tomorrow as some time soon, before it gets cold, I've only 17 radiators to clean out..... Before you think I have a huge house I don't, there are hoards of small radiators everywhere even in the outside toilet!! The parents of an area manager for Shell gas owned the house once....
  9. two of the vowels are the same
  10. 6 letters beginning with Q, 3 vowels, 3 consonants...
  11. I was given a very odd name when, when everyone around me was Mathew, Mark, Luke or John, With the odd Edward or Paul thrown in. Going through School was not good....
  12. TheQ

    Thurne Lion

    I've never had as meal (as such) in the Lion, But several times a season we sail down to the Lion, I have a pint with a bacon and egg baguette. Something I enjoy as a civilised break before, racing back to Horning. I would definately miss the Lion if it went.
  13. With the old drive system on my boat, the exhaust came out at the stern and as a centre cockpit boat that wan't a problem. With the new system the exhaust from the generator is from the side of the boat 2 feet from the awning, and it will be run to do the cooking. I feel a quick order of a CO detector is needed, in order to sit on HO2.
  14. The Old Catton to Spixworth Road to Buxton Road is Temporarily closed between Old Catton and Spixworth , The diversion is by the Old Catton to Horstead / Coltishall road
  15. It was better supported than expected, the whole idea of this show, was it was a club Open day, to get new members. We have recently, sadly lost some members, to ill health, deaths and moving away. Since the idea for this only came about a couple of months ago, we could only get a booking for this hall, for today. We'd have preferred a Saturday with much more passing trade. So we have 8 prospective members booked to visit in the next couple of weeks, with over a hundred more leaflets handed out. We have made more than enough to cover our costs, which important as we rent a small industrial unit for the model railway club which isn't cheap.... I was wearing a kilt for the occasion, because I was operating a layout built on the Island of Tiree, named after the island, with stations called Scarnish and Balinoe, after villages on the island. Although of course really the island never had a railway. When the builder died, it came here to his sister who lives near here, in norfolk, who sold it ( very cheaply) to her neighbour, who is a member of the club. I've been repairing and simplifying the electronics for him, while he and his wife are going to restore the scenery. The builders sister and husband came today and were very happy to see the layout running for the first time in 3 years and she brought some carriages that were left over, as a gift to the new owner. SWMBO took some pictures so when I've had time to download them, I'll post a few.
  16. The little light blue boat was a national 12, one of two, and both were visitors from outside of Norfolk. i don't think they quite got the grasp of leaving you enough room. I apologise for that... The other N12 was a little more careful having been torpedoed by a bowsprit early on in the week.
  17. Just a little bump as the first show is tomorrow...
  18. That I am glad to know
  19. The last time I had brawn would have been in the early 1980s before my grandmother died, she regularly made some. Cockles are the only seafood I'll eat, I've gone cockling in Northern Ireland, the outer hebridies, and various places round England. But my back won't take the bending now. I can remember getting winkles as well as a child, but I didn't think they were worth the effort. Macaroni pudding that's something I've not had for years, and about the only thing my second primary school produced that was edible.
  20. Well the double cannon has fired, that is the end of regatta week and the glasses have been handed out. The entry fees (50p per person on board, per race) help pay for glasses engraved with the club flag, if you enter and get a certain amount of points you get 1 glass, if you do well, with more points and enter almost all your qualifying races you get two glasses. It has gone well with 98 competitors, some non members came as far as from Shropshire, and our own members from the peak district. No rescues for me today, very light winds causing many races to be shortened. The light winds caused huge traffic jams in the morning, not helped by 3 sets of hired canoes ( one with tiny children) paddling through at the same time. Causing the motorboats to come to a near standstill as the couldn't move out into the river because of all the sailing boats. Later when the jam had cleared, I did advise one motor cruiser, that carrying on at the same speed as he was, might not be a good idea with a Park Ranger motoring along in front of him. Later the wherry Olive came through for more entertainment, she managed to be going round Swan corner, the same time as a motor cruiser with a large broads yacht towed alongside, and a large hire cruiser coming the other way... there wasn't a lot of room.... One more grumpy **** today, as I approached motor boat " The Black Cat" and was going to thank him for his patience, he said " how much of the river do you f***ers want" so needless to say he didn't get thanked.... But for the rest of the hundreds maybe thousands of non competitors who went through our chaos, I'D LIKE TO THANK YOU ALL for your patience and good acceptance of our advice.
  21. Poppy is on that one, though Some years ago, the club did get accused of having a sailing boat, with white sails and hull ( that really helps in identifying who it was!?), damage a private boat during the regatta, though the date given was that Saturday after the regatta, when were weren't racing!!! Thursday, Silver spoon day, these days only silver plated, not solid silver, a teaspoon for third, a middle spoon for second, and a dessert spoon for first. I have a lot of teaspoons, not many dessert spoons. The day started beautiful and sunny, yippee, but a bit too much wind, white boats and rebels had to have reefs. They ran the dinghies as a separate series from the keelboats for safety, although that didn't give me much time for lunch. In The afternoon the wind dropped down and reefs were not required. There were a few dinghy capsizes, but they sorted themselves out. The last main race had to be shortened, as after the rain, the wind died. The special evening race, "juniors helming fixed keel boats" (very brave owners!!!) had to be set very short. For that race my crew was the helm of the national 12 that was impaled yesterday, he said they had no injuries and luckily only £50 of damage. No real incidents today and all the passing motor cruisers were well behaved. Although my day did become more interesting when one of the barnes-brinkcraft, 10 person cabin day cruisers, went past with a beautiful young lady 18 -24? Standing on the back. Wearing a hoody top and a pair of very lacy knickers. Why? I have no idea, but it did brighten my day just before the heavens opened and I got very wet. We rescued ,10 ft branch floating down the river, an aluminium handled mop in good condition, and a tin of snake brand, prickly heat cooling powder.!!!
  22. I've seen a great deal more portable rubbish sites this year... Lots more hire boats with full bin bags sat on the back of the boat!!!!
  23. A picture for Gracie roughly at the site the incident but these competitors are much smaller and innocent!!
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