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Everything posted by TheQ

  1. I've a feeling the Saily going, Tack, wham, bank...faff. Tack, wham, bank...faff. must have been one of those visitors who are used to sailing in open sea I was talking about earlier!!! Mowjo, Thank you for your comments Trips to the Hebridies, a very beautiful place, the sailing is good and not as crowded but a lot less forgiving if you make a mistake. The fishing both sea and Loch is fabulous, the fish queue up to jump on. But Woe betide you if you fish In the wrong loch without permission, The Ghillie can and has been known to confiscate your car as part of your illegal fishing equipment!! While I was up there the first time 1971-75 a soldier had a lot of explaining to do when an army Landrover got impounded!!! You need all the time, clothing for rain, sun, hail and snow because it changes so rapidly. But most especially you need https://www.amazon.co.uk/Avon-Original-Spray-Jojoba-Citronellol/dp/B00LSZ1PEQ/ref=sr_1_1_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1467828861&sr=8-1&keywords=amazon+skin+so+soft The only known thing to stop the midges biting the moment it's not raining snowing or hailing...
  2. I've a feeling you've just picked the worst week, " the Lads" are having their weeks out just before the rates go up for all the school children and families to come on holiday. I have a feeling that with the vast increase in boats when the children are holiday, more BA boats will be out. No excuse for the " the lads" behaviour though, sadly more of this may occur if the pound keeps going down and holidays in the UK instead of costa del... become the cheaper option.
  3. Well We (at the moment) are talking about sailing in drifting conditions....
  4. Timbo, I assume you've take RT back home for access to work on her, otherwise I'd recommend Horning sailing club sailing school, there are keel boats as well as dinghies to learn on and it's not all children. I note you are a retired archaeologist, something I wanted to be many years ago, but life took me another way ( well my parents did, to the Outer Hebridies....) Used to help on the excavations at Ludgershall castle in the school summer holidays.. (up to 1971)
  5. Horning Sailing club has had Motor cruiser races, but not involving speed for obvious reasons. Up on Black Horse Broad, they are tests of your manouvering abilty, but heavy on the social side of the event. Sadly I've never joined in this one as I've not kept the engine working long enough
  6. Sailing boats under power Should follow Motorboat rules, do however be aware their engine may be running and not in gear, to either be ready to replace sail power , or to charge the batteries on board. Sometimes I have known of those sailing having the engine in gear just to provide an extra little bit of push in light conditions which is a bit naughty... Timbo I like your post a lot but I'm not sure If you are interested in understanding whats happening or do and make a good story... You could visit a local sailing club and I'm sure someone could explain it for you. I used to Visit North Hykeham club when working up there, behind the houses on the right on the Newark road from Lincoln. very friendly. Or if you are down here, I'm sure someone at HSC ( or any Sailing club) would help, Don't visit and just stand / sit there, ask for someone like the Commodore and they'll find someone to help you. We have had visitors who come down and then just stand / sit around, not trying to speak to anyone, with over 400 members, many will assume you are just another member and carry on with what they are doing. HSC as a self help club with no paid staff our tea and coffee is cheap!! which is good, I might buy you one. If you are down here down this Regatta week, I could take you out on the rescue boat and explain what going on, in between asking the Non competitors to keep right. Here is a thought for you. Motorboaters find it difficult getting through the fleet, Think what it is like If you are a sailor from the open Seas or a big lake coming down on your first holiday on the broads, on one of the Hunters craft and sail round the corner into maximum madness. No engine and used to sailing yards apart...
  7. I have regularly Seen Scouts (male and female) and possibly other groups ( they might be scouts not in uniform) canoeing through the normally locked gate. I presume they have access to the key. I would assume BA and the surrounding land owner (Cators?) know about it. I rescue enough people, without more soggy ones in canoes
  8. I will not get into the discussion on this forum over how my original post was written, almost all on here have taken the piece as I wished. But I must add a simple statement. I am NOT, nor have there ever been, to my knowledge, an Official representive of Horning Sailing Club on this or any forum. I just try to help HSC and anyone else know what is going on on the river to Avoid or get through the Navigation with the least difficulty to sailors or Motorboats. I have and ( when they work) use both.
  9. I think they would only maintain it as it was in 1986, canoes even then, not 1796 as Shown IIRC on Fadens map of that time.
  10. SWMBO caught something about tolls on Mustard TV, sadly she only caught a bit of the programme and there was something about toilets in the piece?!!!
  11. I wonder if they Know about the Three Rivers Race often using that piece of river as the turning point perhaps we can hope for the sight of many saris (and the Gentlemens equivalent style of clothing) or in western dress, viewing the racing. Plus of course to encourage them to join in...
  12. There is another way past most of the area in Horning normally used for racing, Sadly today you can only do it in a canoe, Looking at Google maps / aircraft views. There is a gate a few hundred yards down river from Dydlers mill into the fens that are opposite Black Horse Broad across the Bure, there are are still narrow waterways through the area and through what was a broad, to somewhere on the river near the New Inn. Anyone got a very big JCB to restore that lost water way?
  13. I didn't know Derek and family Joined as late 1970, by the time I joined about 10 Years Later, Derek, Mollie, Sally And Paul were an integral part of the club And kept beating me on the water as well. I'd assumed they had been members for many years longer than that. Yes it's quite possible David or George made the earlier films. But I haven't seen them..
  14. That film I have not seen.... YET. I presume it was made by the sadly missed Derek Howes, I've seen several of his films. These days there are cameras everywhere and have been for several years, some even on the boats themselves. Last year Someone made a Regatta film again. I hate to say I'm half asleep in a rescue boat as usual. I hope they will continue making films, I do note the film last year, seems to make the river less crowded than it is during regatta week!!!
  15. Other pilots can do low flying too, in the 1980's I was working on a radar station on Benbecula and we used to score pilots for a low pass of the station which was on the civilian airfield. Two I remember particularly, One a Hercules disappeared out to sea, which was Odd as it's a long way to America, then we heard a roar of engines as he pulled up to go over the sand dunes and us, unfortunately he then flew right across the Island at not a lot of feet, scattering the Sheep. The C.O. had to go round the Island appologising and had a pack of damage claim forms with him. Then an American F111 went Supersonic at near ground level over the airfield, which caused equipment that was bolted to walls come away, The C.O. Had to......
  16. Baitrunner I think you should have put on
  17. Am I the only one who sees the title of this thread and thinks.... http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=bad+manners&qpvt=bad+manners&view=detail&mid=84CC69F091BD10126BAB84CC69F091BD10126BAB&FORM=VRDGAR
  18. A little before my time that one, Vaughan, there nearest I've had was gently going down Dinghy Dyke in a Yeoman and Getting Hit by a huge Gust. I had to put the Yeoman up the slipway, right up till it impacted with the keel but luckily with no damage to the Yeoman or other boats. Otherwise I've always found Toppers make a good fender as they are nice soft plastic! This site http://www.archivealive.org/video/index/id/121 used to have the 1908 Horning Regatta film on it. But now this link doesn't work and I can't seem to find an alternative viewing for it.
  19. Thank you very much Maurice Mynah it is much appreciated The Q I too have now left the other place it just wasn't worth the grief anymore...
  20. I'd agree thats the best one, I've used it for years. particularly for the 3 Rivers Race.
  21. I love the way the EDP ( Probably fed By BA) says "It comes after the authority agreed to trial a system of paperless tolls in March, with tolls plaques removed and data instead stored electronically." After the printing Cockup at the start of the season... The worry is that also those groups listed as having reduced fees mean the rest of us are likely to get increased fees...
  22. Sadly this attitude of some who having joined a friendly thread, Start making false accusations, simply following the rules of navigation, for all boats, seems to make some assume we are attacking or denigrating others. I put a warning out to attract the attention of others who had failed to notice, a friendly Thread which may affect their enjoyment of the broads and people leap on the band wagon of attacking what was written often without reading it themselves. Yes all who are on the broads have a right to navigation, following the broads regulations, and taking note of advice given, to reduce the impact on your journey is all that we ask. All the others on this thread have accepted the warning for what it is, A REQUEST TO HELP YOU and others navigate through the normal chaos of regatta week If you read the full thread to which this thread refers you'll see that warnings are given out to sailors. The broads are crowded and more crowded at some times than others, recognising that others have a right to navigation, whether, it be a Sailing boat, a Hire boat, a working boat or a private boat is in the Broads regulations all you have to do is follow them. We sailors regularly have avoid all types of boat, some driven inconsiderately, some fantastically well. Just because sometime you may be inconvenienced By sailing boats following the broads regulations, causing you to stop for a few seconds is not a denial of navigation nor is it arrogance. It is caused by the difficulty of sailing in confined waters. Many years ago when there hundreds more hire boats there were long queues going down the rivers through Horning and other towns looking for the elusive mooring. Would you break out into such a diatribe for those and the circling motor boats we still see at Horning staithe? I'll not go through that advice here it's on the other thread.
  23. Ah a true Cutty Sark, a short flimsy Dress
  24. I'm Not in the picture, I was (and will be) up around the corner sheparding boats, like that day boat that appears to be looking to overtake, though he may have just cut swan corner and ended up further out than I would have liked..
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