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Everything posted by TheQ

  1. Many years ago I was at a sailing club after the event, the Helm and crew had an argument as they were loading the boat on it's trailer. One of them Jumped into the car and drove off..... Till the first telephone wire..... The mast was still up....
  2. TheQ


    Back in December /January they were talking about an early spring with Daffs out everywhere well it wasn't everywhere mine (many hundred of different varieties) only came out a couple of weeks ago!! But I think it has been the longest spring I've ever known.
  3. Having driven through an inch of hail / snow this morning I hope this weather improves for Saturday
  4. And they say do sport It keeps you fit... They don't tell you of the consequences later...
  5. I've not used V.O.X. on a boat, but have used it in vehicles, out on route marches and various other times. As long as your V.O.X. is adjustable I see no problems.
  6. TheQ

    Best View

    The finish line at the end of the 3 Rivers race..... Drifting through the broads at dawn on the first week end in June has normally been beautiful
  7. I was told by one of my trainees in Saudi that AM meant Arab Music and FM meant Foreign Music..... I was meant to be teaching them how to repair radar....
  8. Being at school in Inverness near where Mac Bethad mac Findláich, killed off Duncan the 1st. We had to do the Tragedy of MacBeth, but with a bit of what is known of the real History... Here I must leave this thread Before "Something wicked this way comes"
  9. I believe the new masts are installed, there is one on Horning sailing club, the others I believe are at the New Inn and one up in the top of the village somewhere.
  10. I have just received the latest news letter form a sailing association, opened to the second page, caught sight of a picture and thought what's my DAD doing in here.... and then I realised it was me.....
  11. I know It's Her Majesties Birthday, But I think they've put the guard post up in the wrong place. There is a little Red Guard hut appeared beside the Coltishall road at the Road works!! ( Airport side).
  12. Not when you are on Tank gas at, at least 3 times the price of mains gas ....
  13. I followed a car with a ladder on the roof through Norwich, as it went round the St Stephens roundabout it became apparent it was only tied in the middle. As the car swung round the roundabout, the ladder was across the carriageway as it drove along.
  14. I live in Norfolk I'm used to tractors......
  15. A gentle reminder to those hoping to go by boat, the Swan green moorings ,Horning sailing club moorings and half the Village green moorings are normally full of Exhibitors. Horning Sailing club will be running try a boat sailing trips 10:00 till 16:00 for £5, come on you stinkies come and see the other side... go to http://www.horningsc.co.uk/ click on the April 30th Poster for Details. Oh and our tea and coffee is cheap, you can just come and sit and watch everyone else for a break... I'll be there somewhere...
  16. When I used to regularly travel to St Andrews from Milton Keynes, I often used the A91 via Stirling or go via the Kincardine Bridge and cut across country. But From Kirkcaldy those routes aren't practical. I've no Idea whether the route through Dunfirmline or the coast road A985 to Kincardine bridge might be any use, probably slower but shorter. My route of Choice is A17, A1, A66, M74, M9 to Bo'ness these days. On the southern end, I have tried going through Lincoln, M180, M62, and except for Lincoln itself, its a better route. There are some back routes round Lincoln I used to use when working that way but to complicated to explain here, Up the top end, I sometimes cross country from Abington and head due north, much shorter and about the same time to do, but you do have to concentrate through all the villages.. If I'm Going East coast I'll Use the A68 to Newcastle or A68, A697 to Alnwick in preference to the A1, much less traffic, although there are speed cameras in odd places, where if you miss a speed limit sign and there a lot of speed limit changes, you could get caught out.
  17. The longest I've ever done (30 years ago), was Benbecula to Loch Boisdale, ferry to Oban via Barra , drove from there to Letchworth, dropped someone off and from there to the broads. Not something I'd contemplate these days without a long stop somewhere
  18. I've never visited Alnwick castle or the grounds, that's the problem with living there, you don't go to visit local attractions. Yep yet another bit of the country we've lived at, we just had a stop, a cup of coffee, a quick wander round the town centre and then set off again
  19. You probably had a quicker journey than my last one, we cut across to the border to visit Alnwick very quickly unfortunately it was an English bank holiday From Newcastle onwards we never hit 70 rarely hit 60 the total traveling time excluding the stop was 11 hours.
  20. That's definitely a tiring journey, I'm heading up to west lothian on 15th June back a week later, a month later I'll be doing the same again but the return journey will be the next day. These days I have to park up somewhere enroute for a half hour snooze. The worst will be the A17 as usual, watch out for the new speed cameras between Sutton bridge and kings lynn
  21. I hadn't realised how far that theory went, I've not read Coles report. It's certainly doesn't make sense to me. I wanted to be an archaeologist, but 40 years ago living in the outer Hebridies (school in Inverness) degrees weren't encouraged let alone going for something as esoteric as an archaeologist. I had worked as a school boy on an Excavation In Wiltshire at Ludgershall. Anyway I ended up an electronics technician ( with a appropriate degree from later on..) I'd agree that the water was lower back then, post glacial warming was and is still going on, even though the Roman period was warmer than it is now that was only for a comparatively short period. I'd agree the coast line was much further out than it is now, I live within sight of Happisburgh!!, the village of Eccles once had over 2000 acres and now is down to less than a couple of hundred. I believe the main estuary for the Bure would have been through the Waxham area, But Further out to sea, What is land there now would have been a soggy fresh water marshy area. With a Salty sandy Estuary like Breydon beyond. Back before the romans the roads would have been of little interest to the Locals, Canoeing up the rivers and through the marshes would have got them to where that wanted, but few would have done much travelling from Flegg, they had no reason to. Caistor on Sea, why was the Roman Fort there? Well there must have been a reason and it probably was to defend a navigable river Yare exit to the sea, partnering with Burgh Castle, how was the Fort Accessed? The Romans did use boats, but they were never the Romans Forte. So it is likely there was a road route and probably from Caistor St Edmund. Logically it could only have been via Potter Heighham Or Acle. If the Bure's exit was through the Waxham marshes then you'd expect the route to be via Acle. So if coastal drift had slowly blocked the Bure's exit, it would raised the water level on the Bure that would have cause it to fill the marshes between Acle and Flegg until it cut a new route to the sea joining the Yare near Caister on Sea. Where at Acle? looking at the ground levels I think the crossing could well be immediately to the south of the current bridge, from there to either Bilockby or Possibly Stokesby Since there is no sign of a causeway to Stokeby ( though it could have been wiped out by river changes) it is likely to be buried beneath the current Billockby road. There is an outside possibility Road access could have been as far north as Wayford Bridge, where there are some maps showing a roman road on the mainland side of the river, but nothing on the Seaward, side this then would have had to go down through the Stalham area to and down to Potter that way. But the area between Hickiling and Barton broads was probably one big expanse of Marsh. There you are now I understand where you are coming from, I'm agreeing with you, and looking at my thread contributions here and elsewhere, I'm as wordy as you!!
  22. I've just watched this and found it very superficial, other than the recent Anglo Saxon finds near Caistor st Edmund, there was nothing I didn't know about. The lost broads are mostly marked on Fadens map http://www.fadensmapofnorfolk.co.uk of which I have a reprint. I'm not sure where the idea, written up above that this is "another nail in the great estuary" theory comes from anyone who has been to the Ormsby area can quite clearly see that this is higher land it's actually called Flegg island. Which until recently was cut off from the surrounding areas by the remains of the estuary with one exit for the rivers being north of Hemsby / Somerton across the Waxham marshes and of course the old exit for the Bure on the southern side to the south of Caistor on sea. Right from earliest times Until the railways and modern roads Flegg was very cut off, even today there are just 5 roads off the island all across reclaimed marshes, sea and rivers surround it, except for where modern drainage and beach drift have joined it to the "mainland" Rivers were the most convienet way to travel until the mid 1800s..
  23. if you find that a little slow then this Has been known to hit 40 mph!!! They wouldn't qualify for 3RR as they are single handers but they could do the Tricycle winter mini 3RR. And now the cold truth, A, we don't often get the wind speeds these boats require. B, it is even rarer to get the wind in the right direction on the river C, on a river they would never get up to flying speed between tacks on the river. D, they might get up flying on Barton or Hickling but one bit of weed and you'd come to a very rapid stop....
  24. NO it wouldn't qualify for 3RR but this would. Down wind it has a special point for Grace too.... 20 plus knots and there is no speed limit under sail power!!!!
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