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Everything posted by TheQ

  1. One thing not noticed by many is that many major items with made in the UK / EU / USA on them only have the final assembly there. Ie. The circuit boards made in china, the cases made in India. Or the case of the M and S knickers which had the lace, elastic, and other bits all made in different countries then they were assembled in yet another, brought to Britain had the M+S label put in and packaged up and then that was enough to put a made in Britain label on it. Shortly after that was revealed M+S stopped claiming all their stock was made in Britain.
  2. They've done some work on the Coltishall Road.....! They uncovered the end of reduced speed limit signs.....
  3. An interesting play on why they are dredging, according the the BA spokeswoman it was for public access to the wild life. Not mentioned was their duty to keep the navigation clear...
  4. Which means they're lost already, the road works are on the Stalham road, not the road to Horning / Ludham / Potter.
  5. The traffic lights at the junction near the railway bridge to Wroxham have gone, the traffic lights on the Wroxham road at the NDR have gone, with some trees trimmed and some cut down. I think the work at the Avenue in Wroxham has finished. In Hoveton there are a maze of white markings on the road, just up from the double roundabouts, that looks like it's going to be quite a large job when they get started. Still no sign of anything happening on the Coltishall road.
  6. Coming back from Norwich today and there's traffic lights in the dip before the Rackheath turn. They appear to be trimming back the trees in the area of the NDR?! I'd of thought it would be bulldozers!!! It would be typical if the council is trimming the trees as road maintenance and then they come and bulldoze it later. We'll see.
  7. I'm not a Labrador More a Rough Collie ( I must transfer a copy of my Avatar from the other place). Directly the NDR won't affect Wroxham / Hoveton as it's several miles away. Indirectly it will bring the area closer to London due to making the traffic flow as far as the railway bridge easier, therefore it will increase house prices by encouraging outsiders to move in. It may bring more people out of Norwich, if the traffic becomes easier to the Broads area. Yes if you Live in Rackheath or any other village close to the NDR you will be affected by the road, how Much depends on how close, as to the House prices, there it depends on whether people see being next to the NDR as an advantage for travel or a disadvantage for inconvenience (noise / pollution ETC.) For my own personal point of view, even with it not being a complete road to the A47. it will save me time every time I go to work, and save me driving through some Outer Norwich housing estates to get there. Then even though, I'll have to drive to Postwick from the Wroxham road it will probably save me time going to the A47 / A17 / A1 . except at rush hour when the traffic jam from Roys to the Railway bridge will send me out by Acle as I do now. Though the Worxham / Hoveton bypass would have been helpful to me, I hated their choice of route at the time. I wonder if that will ever rear it's head again.?
  8. The problem with employment is: Companies can't find staff because they are unwilling / unable to pay enough Money. Prospective employees can't find a job because they can't afford the money being offered.
  9. There are varying values but the site I used says roughly a 1d stamp in 1840 would have the equivalent cost of 50p to day. Bob Cratchit's poor wage for a week from Scrooge written about that time, was 15s (75p) But wages will be a minimum From April 2016 of £288 per week. (40 hour week, Bob would have done a 60 hour week) So Bobs 1d stamp cost him 1/180 of his weeks wage, From April a second class stamp will be 54p So today that's 1/533 of a weeks wages, or 1/800 of a weeks wages, if todays person did a 60 hour week If my maths are right at this time of the morning..
  10. And I noticed a little blue rain cloud showing roughly over Riyadh on the world weather map this morning, I take it the King will now ask every one to pray for rain?
  11. It's a pity the governments plan to fine councils for putting in road works signs and then not doing any work isn't in place. They'd not have put them up so early, 11 ish junctions +£5000 per day fine, for about the 5 days they've been up so far, that would be about £275,000 pounds it would cost us so far.
  12. Just driven into work this morning and it's remarkably warm and windy, had to dodge a few branches on the road ( as well as the road works)
  13. Missed one, there now traffic lights as you have crossed the railway bridge into Wroxham, they are three way, I think it's for a new entrance to that new housing estate, on the road to "Woodfords"
  14. Actually Fibreglass boats burn very well, unfortunately with toxic smoke, and leaving a pile of glass fibres and other bits that don't burn. they aren't economically recycleable and are shredded for landfill..
  15. The road works have gone mad, Just up from the mini roundabouts in Hoveton are signs saying there will be roads works there for "footpath reconstruction", with the drainage works at the A149 / A1151 Junction just short of Wayford bridge, the NDR, and 3 other sets before I get to work this is getting to be very annoying. at one point I'm sat alongside roadworks at traffic lights for the next set of road works.
  16. Not quite letter writing, Whilst Reading the Burns night, Burns history speech the Speaker, suddenly said, "Ah my IPad has stopped" and reaching into his pocket said " good job I brought my Analogue I pad" and carried on from his written notes! My last phase of weekly letter writing was until 2001 while in Saudi Arabia, Phone calls to the UK were £1:80 a minute!
  17. I've used Another place on Both forums, It is not meant to be derogatory in any way, there are several other different subject forum pairs I belong to and use another place there as well
  18. I see someone started a similar thread in "another place" it too descended into a pointless discussion whether or how the road should be built when it's too late. As I stated there road signs have now been up some time and no sign of any work, this will cause people to ignore them and will cause accidents ...
  19. My rural views won't disappear under a housing development, they might disappear under the nNorth Sea Though.
  20. Well Welsh (Cumbric) is the appropriate language for the Kingdom of Strathclyde
  21. To A Gaelic speaking person, BroadScot Is a Sassanach as that is what they refer all native English speakers as. ( Unless BroadScot is a Gael of course) Which is why when referring to the Highland clearances they say the English did it. But in fact it was mostly carried out by their own English speaking lairds, often reinforced by Glasgow muscle... Highland clan chiefs sons (later, and daughters) had to be lowland educated since 1609 under the Scottish parliaments instructions.
  22. Would that be re-named in true Monty Python Style " This is an Ex-Turkey? As for name changing I didn't even bother telling BA of the change until I got the next Broads tax bill in and changed it on the return form.
  23. Oi, this was meant for letting people know about the road works that are now beginning to take place, not the much Discussed Cus'd rights or wrongs of having it built!!!
  24. What language is Inded from?
  25. Whilst not directly on the broads this road will effect everyone who lives on the broads or who comes to the broads. So I started this topic, so that we can let people know where the traffic jams and road works are, while they build it. They claim it will be finished in 2 years!!? One road I know of is already closed to through traffic is the small lane that passes the eastern end of Norwich airport ( it's actually the northern end of St Faiths road) which joins Quakers lane. Also on the Norwich to Horstead /Coltishall Rd near the Garden Centre are 30MPH signs and there are markers in the verges showing where the works will be for the Junction / Roundabout there. Anyone for 3 or 4 years of chaos?
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