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Everything posted by TheQ

  1. if you find that a little slow then this Has been known to hit 40 mph!!! They wouldn't qualify for 3RR as they are single handers but they could do the Tricycle winter mini 3RR. And now the cold truth, A, we don't often get the wind speeds these boats require. B, it is even rarer to get the wind in the right direction on the river C, on a river they would never get up to flying speed between tacks on the river. D, they might get up flying on Barton or Hickling but one bit of weed and you'd come to a very rapid stop....
  2. NO it wouldn't qualify for 3RR but this would. Down wind it has a special point for Grace too.... 20 plus knots and there is no speed limit under sail power!!!!
  3. All the great abbeys and monasteries though they are seen as remote now, were actually on major routes. Especially round the coast and up rivers, travel by boat was easier than land until the railways came.
  4. They have been busy, that hole by the Coltishall road has been mostly filled with concrete definately a temporary access road for the build, mean time there was single lane working with lights there, you couldn't reach 30 mph!! There is also a big bulldozer pushing back all the soft soil to the sides. As I reached the mini roundabouts in hoveton they were loading the temporary lights into the back of a van. Couldn't see what they did today though.
  5. Well Danny Millet won it, now he's feathered in Green
  6. Stupid machine won't let me edit again, so I'd like to add wrong "your" should be "you're", cheaper barrels are available and it's recycling not buying new...
  7. Yes it does, http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/220L-Litre-45-Gallon-Water-Butt-Rain-Collecting-Bosh-Barrel-Plastic-48-Gall-/321783225414 £16.75 Just one example off ebay just add a plastic tap and your away... Other colours are available
  8. New cars being made in Norfolk New cars being made in Norfolk?!!
  9. Gone are the days when that sort of thing was a regular move on the railways.
  10. An interesting and enjoyable read.... My food hunger each time I came home from Saudi was, bacon butties and pork pies!!! and still is if SWMBO is not looking....
  11. The outbreak of work has Extended on the Coltishall road, there is a 3ft? deep hole roadway width, running 50ft toward the airport, it looks like they've deeply excavated, to a solid base, for an entrance road to commence building. More very large earth moving equipment is on site and the metal fencing has been erected. Similarly on the Wroxham road various holes and embankments have been build and more machinery has arrived. Oh and the mini roundabouts at Hoveton have sprouted more signs warning of 4 way traffic lights, I'm expecting a long queue tonight...
  12. An out break of work!!!, JCBs, mini diggers, and a big pile of metal fencing panels by the side of the Coltishall road.
  13. I would point out that Porsche is named after Ferdinand Porsche and Mercedes was named after the Daughter of Emil Jellinek an early designer /founder of Mecedes. Me, I got a name that appears to be that of a Battle in Eritrea, followed by a surname as being used as a second Christian name. When just about every other boy was Matthew Mark Luke or John. Not Good.... I did work with some one called Paul O'Donnel Which sounds alright but everyone called him POD
  14. And then followed by only then should you have seen
  15. Strange I seem to have lost the ability to edit at the moment, so you should have seen. Followed by
  16. I used to see a lot of these Or Once inside you found, but in Scotland we do this
  17. Mountain......... Norfolk ......Where? That's as likely as it being a N********** P******
  18. I saw a digger at work on what will be the new route for the Rackheath / Wroxham road link. Not the NDR but the Crostwick to Frettenham road is closed for some sort of works.
  19. TheQ

    Speed cameras

    Thats 'cos is goes with your web name you obviously like high temperatures
  20. Having had some interest in previous listings in the other place, here is the list for 2016 as I know them. Most have childrens and concession tickets and a Tea / coffee / food bar Sat April 2nd 10:00 to 16:30 Norwich Model Railway Exhibition at Hellesdon High School, Middletons Lane, Norwich, Norfolk NR6 5SB. 18 layouts. 13 traders. £5 for an adult ticket. Sat 7th May, 10:00 to 16:00 Diss & District Model Railway Society - Rickinghall Village Hall, Hinderclay Road, Rickinghall, Diss, Norfolk IP22 1HD. 16 layouts 6 traders. £5 for an adult ticket. Sun 7th August 12:00 to 16:00, Broadland Model Railway Club Open day. Stalham Town Hall. More details to follow. But about 6 layouts, entry £1 to help cover the costs of hiring the hall. Sat 24th Sept 10:30 to 16:30 Strumpshaw Steam Museum - Model & Miniature Show. Strumpshaw Hall, Strumpshaw, Norfolk NR13 4HR everything to do with modelling Adults £5 Sat 1st Oct - Broadland Model Railway Club - Aylsham Model Railway Exhibition The Jubilee Centre, Norwich Road, Aylsham, Norfolk NR11 6JG. Parking at the Bure Vally Railway (NR11 6BW) free vintage coach to the show from there. Return ticket holders on the BVR from Wroxham and Hoveton Station (NR12 8UU) get free entry to the show. Further details to follow There are many more shows throughout the UK some of them are on here http://www.ukmodelshops.co.uk/events/exhibitions
  21. The first Policeman I saw that looked young ( was he old enough to leave school?) was 30 years ago.........
  22. yes but our water is cleaner...
  23. SWMBOs Singer is her grandmothers, it's a mere 128 years old, a foot pedal machine. She much prefers it over her all singing all dancing electronic thing...
  24. Snowflake Sailing club at Horning were also out yesterday in sleet and light wind, Darn chilly it was....
  25. Tyres make good fenders ( if you don't mind the black marks) therefore they are good at stopping you going too fast.... and banging against the bank
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