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Everything posted by TheQ

  1. That I remember, sleeping in a Lysander 17, my arm would come out of the sleeping bag reach across, to the cooker, turn the gas on, light up and retreat until. A, The kettle was boiling, B, The frost line had melted down the windows...
  2. To which angle are you bias?
  3. Now THAT is a collection of planes, I'll be betting the few of mine that do have a brand name on them are not what they claim, as some were bought cheap in Saudi. I have two power planes as well as some spoke shaves. I found it was quicker and easier to make a mast with real planes rather than power planes. I always keep an eye out for old planes at car boots, the shiny new looking ones with a brand name are likely to be Chinese fakes.
  4. My wood work teacher would have been extremely unhappy to see planes sat on their face, they AWAYS had to be place on their side like the back two even if the Blade was wound in... I've got quite a few planes myself, sadly not all of the quality of Stanley.
  5. I gave up with the EDP when they started repeating the same stories in columns down the side of the pages and then managed to have the same story twice on the same page. I gave up with the EDP when they started repeating the same stories in columns down the side of the pages and then managed to have the same story twice on the same page.
  6. I failed the 11+ but have no idea why, I certainly was more interested in education than the others at the secondary modern. Then we moved to the outer Hebrides! and i was sent to the local secondary school. I was top of the school in all classes except Gaelic, a teacher apologised to me because they changed the rules that year to the most improved pupil so I didn't get all the prizes. That confused me somewhat I'd never been to a school that gave prizes it was the only one of the 5 schools I went to, that gave prizes. Shortly after they sent someone over from the mainland to interview me and I was rapidly transfered to a school in Inverness (accommodation at the councils expense). Personally I think the loss of the grammers was a bad idea, but I also think the 11+ at the time was wrong and didn't really assess a pupils real ability
  7. Having just got back from Broadland model railway club and tomorrow morning I'm helping launch A Yeoman keel boat for the winter season I think you can guess what my hobbies ars
  8. It's isn't necessarily So, a quick trip down the 149 and then over the top the Acle, may well be quicker than the roads from Wroxham. That would certainly have been the case last night, I had a company dinner at The Tamerind, Blofield Heath last night and at some junction towards there, after Wroxham the road was closed by a police car, I tried to go up towards Woodbastwick , but there was a snarl up with a coach trying to get past something big coming the other way. I ended up going down Via Rackheath to go around. Actually it may still be the case that going via Acle may be quicker after the NDR is built, as getting past Roys of Hoveton at rush hour / peak shopping time, when the queues stretch from the New medical centre to the lights then again from the River Bridge to the Railway Bridge can take a very long time. It was a good meal though
  9. The bypass may not (yet) do the circle but when it gets to the Wroxham road I shall be happier, as at the moment I go all the way out to Acle to get on the 47. At most times of the day it's better then trying to go round Boundary road.
  10. I've never needed a thruster on our elysian 27, But I can see the advantage. ( especially when we get older) I've often assisted/ instructed Hire boats how to get off the, often lee shore, just in front of the southern comfort. they could do with a thruster for when there's no one around, the last boat of the private boats moored on the Swan green there, often gets a bash as they drive forwards and backwards held on the bank by the wind. I have seen / heard Hire boats coming down the river entirely steering by thruster, what that does to thruster life I don't know , it can't be good.
  11. Yes there are a high percentage of sparkies of various types in my club, the layout I was with yesterday, one to the two operators had even been on the same course as me with the CAA but 4years eariler. The other had worked on the underground in the same department as another club member! But none of us new each other.
  12. Having been at the Model Railway Club, at 10.00 on Friday, to pick up our layouts and equipment we finished our set up at 17:00. On Saturday I left home at 06:15 and got home at 19:30. The show was successful and we'll Attended but numbers were down on the year before, we think for two reasons, there was another local model railway show the previous week (which won't happen again) last year was wet this year, was warm and sunny. BroadScot if you keep an eye on the Broadland MRC site next year, you can plan your visit better!! Our show is normally early Oct. There is also the Norwich MRC show in April, and the east coast model railway expo in January (9th next year) at Gorleston.
  13. Since we're on the topic of model railways, Tomorrow Saturday, 3rd October is the Broadland Model Railway Club show at the jubilee family centre Aylsham, NR12 6JG, 14 layouts, 9 trade stands. Starts 10:15, ends 16:30. Disabled parking at the hall others at Bure Valley Railway, from where a free vintage bus will take you to the hall. the show price I think is £4 for an adult. Or go to the BVR at Hoveton and get a combined rail ticket and show entry, £12.50 return adult! I'll be there 07:00 to 18:00 getting thing ready, helping show a layout. And then clearing the hall. I might not do much on Sunday.
  14. Certainly in the Saudi Arabian press (English language) they use an abbreviated form of Pakistan when meaning those nationals, I must admit I've not bought a copy of it in the UK (I've seen the Saudi Gazette in Smiths) to see if they use the same term.
  15. The amusing thing when you look at the caraboat video is that down the side is a long line of "the first amphibious caravan" as it gets reinvented every couple of years.
  16. The renown boat builders Bodgit & Scarper, should be sued that's not chip board that's sterling board, a much better board than required.
  17. I'd better not wear my Kilt to the UEA or they might.... Ask me to take it off...
  18. Back in those days: no mooring fees, no parking fees, no ebay, no insurance on the boat, and when did broads tax start?
  19. We've not used them on the boat yet, but we commonly over produce Chinese or indian or british dinners, then freeze them to use later when time requires. I used to use Hot Cans ( I got them for free at the time) when I was in my Lysander, puncture the can, place the can on a Heat proof surface and wait. 15 minutes later a hot can of food, Convenient but not the cheapest or best meals...
  20. But you can still use old ones (Mines a Silver century Plus modified to 25 to 1). If you get the smoke for my Land Rover in your lungs I hope you like Chips!!!..... it spends most of the time running on vegetable oil..
  21. Trouble with cars like that Near the broads, is you drive round a corner and be run over by a tractor that can't see you behind the Verge bank.
  22. With armored sides, to protect from bowsprits?
  23. I don't have much energy for anything these days, it's a real struggle, The above has been going on for 5 years and will probably take another 5 Years. Taking the engine out, fitting the electric motor and battery pack, I've had to commission a boat yard to do as I don't have the lifting gear and she's moored the wrong side of the river to move her with no engine. Other work Rebuilding my 18ft sailing boat that I built in the late 1990s, will be 16ft shortly.... weather permitting, it's under a tarpaulin. Just about finished the exterior of a 54ft X 12ft shed (it's taken 5 years) for my model railway and SWMBOs art studio. There is 1.5 acres of garden jungle Finishing rebuilding the Mobile home (double unit) in the garden, (The stairs in the house are too steep for the elderly relatives when they visit). It was 3 bed room, with the living room facing North west, it's now 1 bedroom, with the living room facing south west. I've fitted reversible Air-conditioning so it heats and cools, (therefore you don't waste energy with an electric 3 bar heater fitted inside the a/c.) Work can only be done in the winter, as one year we had 20 weeks of family Visitors... I definitely need to spend more time working on the house, I'm just about to commission tomorrow, having the chimney stacks rebuilt (there is a crack), I ain't going up there facing the North sea. (1/2 mile but windy!!) Oh and SWMBO is officially disabled and can't lift anything, stand for a long time or sit for a long time. She also has hand problems so can only paint on the good days and therefore has to work from photographs. although you wouldn't know that if you met her. If I hadn't hurt my back ( it doesn't like the twisting, with legs facing across the boat, but upper body trying to face forward to see where I'm going), I would be sailing every Sunday, the sailing boat above is being rebuilt so I can get back to sailing more often. and Also I have a full time Job, luckily no overtime, (except for tomorrow.) ..... What's a Holiday?
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