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Everything posted by TheQ

  1. And. The J50 Group Model Railway Exhibition Sat 20th August 2016 The New Victory Hall, Street Hill, Neatishead, Norfolk NR12 8AD OPENING TIMES: 10am - 4pm ADMISSION: Adults £3.00 Concessions £2.50 Children £2.00 This is the First Model Railway Exhibition for the J50 New Build Steam Locomotive Group. All proceeds will go towards the group. Plenty of Layouts and Stands. With Refreshments Available! Plenty of Layouts and Stands Attending! List of Layouts Attending : ! Peckston - N Gauge Terrier's Territory - 00 Gauge Gilling's Mill - 00 Gauge Iron Street Road - 00 Gauge St.Denzil Road - 00 Gauge More to be Announced! List of Other Displays : The J50 Group
  2. If there is interest in Model railway shows here are a couple coming up in the area. Broadland Model Railway Club - Club Open Day Sun 7th August 2016 Town Hall, High Street, Stalham, Norfolk NR12 9AH OPENING TIMES: SUNDAY 10am-4pm ADMISSION: Adults £2.00 This is the Broadland Model Railway Club's first Open Day. It is being held in the heart of the Norfolk Broads at the height of the holiday season to provide yet another attraction for both visitors and residents. This is in addition to our annual exhibition exhibition being held at Aylsham on Saturday 1st October CONTACT: 01692 403846 List of Layouts Attending : The Following Are Club and Members Layouts. All Will be Running But Three Are at Different Levels of Construction and Or Renovation. Scarnish N Gauge BR Scotland Port St Arbor 00 BR(W)1970-80's Broadsea 00 Any Period We Choose! Formhill 00 BR 1950-1980 Broadfield TMD 00 BR 1970's Lower Woodend 00 BR(W)1960's There Will Also be A Club Sales Stand.
  3. Three casualties, swimmers caught by rip tide!! Two pulled from sea by life guards unconscious, 4 life boats in attendance 2 from Happisburgh, + Mundesley+ Hemsby According to daily mail..
  4. 12:17 3rd helicopter arrives 12: 38 another set of sirens arrives 12:47 air Ambulance departs 12:50 coast guard helicopter departs by its angle aiming to Norwich, refueling?
  5. at about 12:00 23/7/16 air Ambulance flew over, followed by multiple sirens, vehicles coming from Stalham to Palling, followed by coast guard helicopter flying down the coast from the north lowering under carriage as it arrived looking to land.
  6. River cruiser class 20 Is Nyanza and looking at her picture here. http://rivercruiser.org/index.php/yachts-for-sale?sail_no=20 Her gaff is much more inclined than the boat in the sinking so I think that confirms its Orange Tip. its quite easy to sink a white boat, Hold the main too long, or it jam it. while close hauled and you'd definately get water over the side. Also I was told, that, Famously the Late George Southgate managed to sink his White boat sailing down wind by just having such a huge amount of wind from behind he sailed the bows under water.
  7. Although not 100% certain, It looks to me like a White Boat rig which would make it Orange Tip
  8. Trying to work out how to get SOB under Ludham bridge....
  9. The Lifeboat crew need to keep an Eye out on NBN!! It was reported Here, 17 hours ago according to this site... i.e. before their call out!! ( no I am not critising them for responding!!) I hope somebody doesn't call them out every time we have someone capsize during a sailing event!!
  10. TheQ


    It was slight rain and very distant thunder on the coast south of Happisburgh
  11. That's appropriate all you can see of Orange Tip, is the tips of her sails.
  12. TheQ


    I've sailed with a water temperature of around 37C!!! the air temperature was 50C. The rescue boat on the longer races used to carry crates of bottled water to be given out. I couldn't cope with that sort of Heat stress these days.....
  13. Someone with no witnesses, except their own crew in a sailing cruiser, many years ago managed to lasso one of the channel markers on Hickling broad on a very windy night during the 3 Rivers Race, I believe the mainsheet equipment was screwed to the top of the stern, which removed the top plank on impact. I know I've banged a boom on a post there, on a misty night on the broad. At HSC, several boats have managed over the years, to sail between the mooring posts on the other side of the river from the club, which is all right unless you lasso something or find the user of the mooring has put a rope between post and bank side! Last year a Laser Sailor who was struggling on a windy day, went in there to be brought to a halt by a large Moored Metal Motor Cruiser, He tried to get out and finish the race But the wind pinned him between Bank and cruiser and we had to rescue him which actually was quiet difficult with limited manouvering room and the wind determined to keep the boat pinned in there. As He was Last anyway, Everyone was watching!
  14. TheQ


    My Motor scooter was recording 29C Air temperature yesterday afternoon, all the way from Norwich to the coast (16C on the way back at 06:00 this morning)
  15. After all these years, and not being directly involved, I can't remember who's White boat it was!!!
  16. until
    I'm on Rescue boat all week.... give us a wave!!
  17. Another bump to keep this notice in view till we cause chaos on the river. Rescue boat duties have been going a long time and in my early days of sailing I was a regular user of them. In Fact, one Year I borrowed a RAF Sailing Association Enterprise for Regatta Week and we won the Wet Wellie Trophy during the week. The problem was the trophy was for the most Capsizes in a season!!! The Trophy, as you may guess, is a pair of tiny childs wellie boots mounted as a trophy. The most serious rescue I have seen, I was not involved with, some years ago a Whiteboat caught it's mainsheet on the rear cleet of a passing Hire boat. Whos' fault that was I'm not sure, but it dragged the White boat and caused it to take water on board and sink. The crew of the Hire boat promptly drove off leaving the White boats' crew in the water. By chance a River inspector was passing and chased and stopped the hire boat, while the rescue boat fished the White boat out of the water. Luckily there was no damage to the boat or the soggy crew. Rescues I have been involved in On Black Horse Broad we noticed at the other end of the broad a lot of waving so we chased up the other end to find a lady in the water she had fallen in when transfering from one boat to another and they were unable to get her up the high sides of the motor cruiser or the fairly highside sailing boat. Another on Black Horse Broad, the club pontoon was approched by a lady in a bath tub Motor cruiser, her daughter had disappeared into the bushes in a hire boat lugsail. We were radioed and came down and found she had sailed up the little stream in the North east corner of the broad that goes on to Burnt Fen Broad (via Bewilderwood). After getting her drop the sails, lift the centre board and rudder we were able to tow her back to her mother. Later on we heared shouting onboard about sailing!!! ..... We came the round the corner one year ahead of a fleet of White boats filling the river to find a hire boat moored just by it's bows, stern sticking fully out into the river blocking over half of it. So we came and pushed the stern in with the bows of the rescue boat just before the White Boats arrived. We found out they had broken down and managed to get the bowline on shore, but the stern line was too short to reach and they were trying to pull the hire boat parallel to the bank by pulling on one side of the bows against the wind!! Outside the sailing club, a Hire craft coming up river had just rounded the corner (on the wrong side) to see a fleet of boats charging down towards him they were still a good 100 yards away but he slammed the boat into reverse and damaged the gearbox therefore having no drive at all. Luckily We were in the boat just setting off after a grabbed cup of coffee. So we went over and as he had boat lines led fore and aft we grabbed tham and tie on along side, trouble was we couldn't steer and turn the boat against the wind, so the best I was able to do was a falling leaf motion and with going forward and back got round our buoy and drop him in front of Southern Comfort. You may notice that I've mostly mentioned Hire boats, but over the years that is mostly what I've rescued. Racing Sailing boats wish to continue the race and so generally get back in or sort themselves out to continue. The most common sailing boat rescue is they, having had a problem, get stuffed into the reeds on the leeward bank and can't get out against the wind.
  18. Paddling or rowing has right of way Rule 23 B (iii) says a sailing vessel has to keep clear of a quanted vessel, and I, as well as all sailors I know, assume that this would also include a paddled vessel. So basically a motor boat has to keep clear of sailing boats and Manually propelled A sailing boat has to clear manually propelled vessels. Everybody has to keep clear of vessels constrained by their size or draft ( EG Southern Comfort or larger) Everybody has to keep clear of most Towed vessels. Towing a tender or little dinghy does not count!!
  19. Welcome to the site, I think you are correct, unless you are helmsman of the admirals barge or a similar job on board, little in the RN will help on a broads cruiser. ( Unless you were the chef) a radar technician, engineer, or gunner is not normally required!! Though some think a maybe a good idea on board. I'm sure you will enjoy the holiday, have your cameras available you never know when there is something worth taking a picture of. There are many sailing regattas on in August, the most inconvenient to holiday cruisers is Horning Regatta, the first week in August, so I'd recommend you read the Horning Regatta 2016 thread if you're coming our way. It may be of interest even if you're not coming our way. All the regattas don't mind careful drivers and many people love the view of the sailing chaos. Other regattas are listed here http://www.thegreenbook.org.uk under diary dates. Note there are events every weekend in the summer, at all clubs, but the regattas listed involve many more boats, up to 150 at Horning against our normal Sunday sailing of about 30 to 40. Please also have a read of Gracie's thread "to all newbies" we often complain about things on the broads, but we complain about the unusual, not the normal. enjoy your holiday
  20. They turn around the mid point ( the front wheels on a forklift. the load is forward of the front wheels), but the steering wheel on a forklift are at the back just like a boat with the rudder so the stern/rear swings out.
  21. Boiling away in a Burco, or even further back in a copper with a fire underneath ( I lived in a house with a copper but didn't use it) will use vastly more energy than a modern washing machine @ 40 degrees. Yes the disposables are buried but they took that into account with the full energy cycle. Older style disposables used a plastic skin which didn't degrade. Many Modern ones do degrade as does the filling which is mostly wood pulp . Not much different from your loo paper being washed away which then needs disposal at the sewage plant.
  22. During Horning regatta week one year, on rescue boat duty, while heading for Dydlers mill, my crewman heard a shout from The Dyke to Black Horse Broad. So we went down there and found a lady and 3 small grand children ( everyone life jacketed) in an open boat of about 12 ft long. Engine out of fuel and no paddles!!! We towed them Back to their chalet on the main river. She was grateful but Sadly we didn't get any bacon butties....
  23. One problem with the original quote, is they've recently proved that washing nappies is actually more environmentally damaging, than throw away nappies, due to the huge energy needed to heat the water. Plus in modern times the 230V to run the machine.
  24. I'm just back now in Norfolk, with no jams on the way. But just so you know, a quick description of the road works. From the end of the M80, through to the start of the climb into the hills on the A74, 50mph limit with Average speed cameras. But it was a clear run through at 08:00 this morning. A66 just after the first section of dual carriageway over the hills on a single carriageway, 40mph limit, road surface removed, this limit goes into the village with the BP station in it , which is 40mph anyway but the village has now sprouted average speed cameras. Last section of dual carriageway A66 toward Scotch corner, they've just finished resurfacing east bound but speed limit still 50mph. A66 / A1 roundabout, in bits at the moment, you still use the normal route going down south, going north you go for a temporary wander across the countryside to get to the A66. A1 to south of Leeming, two lanes each way narrow, wandering from one side of the new roads to the other. 50mph limit. Average speed cameras the whole way. A17 new average speed cameras from Sutton bridge to the first kings Lynn roundabout. They are chucking gravel at the road surface ( overnight I think) about ten miles north west of KL. As a separate thing I came down the M62, M18, M180, A15 to Sleaford. The motorways are were very clear, easy run through, A15 easy run to Lincoln with plenty of chances to over take, Lincoln bypass was very busy but moving, then across country back to the A15. A17, well yes, it was the A17, heavy traffic, follow the leader all the way. A47, no change, follow the leader, dual carriageway, follow the leader, dual carriageway, follow the leader, Norwich bypass.
  25. My on line navigator is recommending A74, A66, A1, M62, M18, M180, A15, Lincoln, Sleaford A17 so that what I'm going to try.... I'll let you know what happend in many long hours time....
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