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Everything posted by TheQ

  1. Acle or Potter? if it's Acle no jumping up and down in front of the camera, the Acle Bridge camera is courtesy of the Inn this year and it's already up and running..
  2. This mornings forecast has gone up to a whole 6mph, a huge improvement, I think it's going to be an A rater / Punt / tall cruiser race unless it keeps increasing.. and a very long night for most... At this low wind speed the many boats will miss the window for going to Hickling first and have to go down with the tide to Acle, then back to Hickling..
  3. No news on the guardship details, Worryingly the forecast for Saturday is showing only 3 mph northerly at 11am, The first boats are already tied up on the club frontage.
  4. 1 week and about 20 hours to the start so just a little bump up, enjoy your days out there folks..
  5. A more accurate map of the NDR (in red) https://www.norfolk.gov.uk/roads-and-transport/major-projects-and-improvement-plans/norwich/northern-distributor-road/your-ndr-questions-answered/route-map
  6. I don't actually have any news on the situation, I'll be down the sailing club tomorrow, to PAT test all the cooking equipment so everyone can have their bacon butties and breakfasts, So I might find out then. If not then one day next week in the evening we'll get a Guardship briefing,(and pick up all the gear) So I will find out then. Personnally, I wouldn't have asked BA, all someone has done is trot out a standard answer. "No mooring for more than twenty four hours, no you can't reserve a mooring." The River Rangers are somewhat more sensible, When you've moored up and put all the signs up, they'll come alongside for a chat, but won't do anything like report you. I suspect if the Acle guardship goes down there, even on Friday, the rangers won't do anything stupid.
  7. Today being Thursday the observant of you will notice volunteers getting the sailing club ready for the sailing school where later up to 80 kids and the odd adult will arrive to be taught the gentle art of sailing in ever decreasing circles. Though thats not on next Thurday as the front will be lined by boats for the 3RR
  8. Hello, life has started appearing on the HSC web cams, Herbert woods camera onto Potter Bridge has appeared, and interestingly it appears to be live live pictures not 15 second apart stills. A week and 2 days and 15 minutes to go..
  9. Flashes are getting rarer, Trafficus Kameris Digitalis does not always require one..
  10. Depends where you are getting on. If you are coming from the Kings Lynn end, It's a bit of a rat run leaving to go through Costessy and Drayton, You are better coming off the 47 at the B1535 Honningham if you wish to go the Almost whole length of the NDR, to turn off for the Wroxham junction. Providing there is not much traffic through Roy's town then the quickest is to stay on the 47 till the Postwick Junction and then just do a short stretch of the NDR till the Wroxham Junction. If it is Rush hour, I'd go the old route via Acle 47 roundabout.
  11. It is pretty in places though, they have not seeded the banks, but allowed natural plants to invade, so there are a lot of poppies and other flowers along there at the moment..
  12. Does it work with the coverup ad the side coveres closed... I founfd thoe only person who could here the orginal horn on my boat was the driver.. it was fitted iside the control panel and by the looks of t always had been..
  13. As an ex field service Engineer I don't generally need maps at all. I've worked everywhere from Salisbury to the Outer Hebridies travelling the roads many times. But I do have a navigator on for long journeys, mostly for when there is an accident and you get sent off into the wilds, with no further directions to get you back on route.
  14. If there is no problem with the roundabouts, then how come Most of them have tracks across them and damage to the entry / departure areas. You don't see anywhere near the amount of damage on other roundabouts in the area.
  15. Going back to the Topcraft boats, the reason for their odd layouts is they were built to carry caravans,, If you look at the stern you can see the line each side where the stern was lowered to allow you to put your own caravan on board. You just had the forward steering cabin, and a flat area behind for the caravan. The Idea failed miserably because the cost of hire was almost that of hiring a normal boat.. So they were converted to the rather strange layout.
  16. It would be easy enough, to rig a kill cord, by putting an fuse unit in line (attached to side of battery box?) with a kill cord attached your leg and to the plug in fuse to pull it out if man overboard.
  17. This is one of the problems with the road layout at the roundabouts, the left hand lanes are marked left and straight on, you never know what the driver is going to do if you approach from the right.
  18. Hmm the only 2 years, and just under a month I could relive I was in nappies, I think I'll give that a miss...
  19. will the other side have a target on?
  20. On a landrover forum I go on a couple of people have gone to the post office to fill in the relevant forms and been told to pay up for their road tax, come back next year for the free tax..
  21. A minor point on the 40 year MOT exemption, although they say its 40 years, it's at the end of the 40th year you can drive without an MOT. so the car is actually 41. Same applies for not paying road tax. My Landrover is 1984, so a while to wait..
  22. I've seen river inspectors use those table tennis bats. (ok I know river rangers). Occasionally I've used one that asks people to "Please keep to the right hand Bank", "Racing ahead" and on the other side. "Thank you" Though I prefer to talk directly to the drivers, if there aren't too many hire boats around, as you can give an explanation why. We have a cannon like that at Horning SC, it fires at 08:00 each day of Horning Week (we get comments from the village if we are late) and at at the end of the last race of Horning week it's fired twice. The look we get from an unsuspecting hire boat is wonderfull...
  23. I followed a car the other day with a 59Mph speed limit sign in the back window, it didn't make 39 Mph on a clear dry 60MPH road
  24. Well if you included a stamped addressed envelope, your race packs are on the way, sent yesterday, Harriet says acceptance emails have been sent.
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