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ScrumpyCheddar last won the day on September 7 2017

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About ScrumpyCheddar

  • Birthday 20/12/1972

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  1. That’s the second shipment of Class 43s and Mark 3 carriages to go.. The First shipment went to Mexico and This shipment is off to Africa..
  2. We always shop around every year and can not find anything cheaper than ours.. And ours don’t seem to go up much a matter of a few quid £8 rise this year on both cars, we can’t grumble on that. I limit my mileage on the policy and low excess. We use Adrian Flux we have been with them for the last 11 years very good 👍
  3. Abit of winter prep today. To soon to go on at moment. 🤣
  4. So Clive the big Question is would you base any boats south and run a southern yard. I for one would definitely be a customer and many more ex silverline customers to 👍
  5. Personally the Southern broads needs more or another Hire yard.. Then it gives the option to stay south or explore both north and south. Realistically you only have 2 hire yards on the south that have boats what can fit under the low bridges.. Broom have a couple of Boleros and pacific have a few boats what can.. But that is very limited boats on the southern side.. I would have thought this would be an ideal opportunity for the other yards to step in now and launch a southern yard.
  6. I think the boat yards need to realise that banging up the prices is not going to attract new and returning customers . All this fuel inclusive in the price is a con.. At least before you knew where you stood with that. It was always nice to have a little back on return. Personally I think the Southern Broads now from hirers point of view is extremely limited now. What has basically stopped a lot of people from hiring from down south with loss of silverline. I would have thought at least one of the big yards on the North side would take an advantage of this and set up an operation on the southern rivers even with a small fleet of boats.
  7. Silver mystique is best boat we’ve ever Hired. It’s so practical easy to move about. Comfortable well fitted out. We should have been on her in September but as she has moved up on the Dark side it scuppered are southern plans. Looks like your having fun on her Simon👍 Enjoy the rest of your Holibobs 👍👍
  8. So does that mean you are No longer aloud to go up the dyke and turn around and come back out ..?
  9. Perhaps it was Elton John playing there yesterday 🤣🤣🤣
  10. And they wonder why the pub trade is dieing..
  11. Is this the same lot who opened up a cafe next to the pub a few years back ..?
  12. The way things are going on the broads is going to be a massive turn off to anyone thinking of coming on holiday or considering buying a boat.. What a complete shambles moorings disappearing, moorings now you have to pay for what was free, And toll increases, what’s next paying for bridge swings. ‼️
  13. Congratulations 🎉 What a fantastic river .. Had many happy times and years on the Ouse. Hopefully one day would love to explore it again.
  14. Not been with Taki talk for nearly 6 years thank god, but they still call me saying I have problems with router 🤣🤣.. They was absolutely crap .. it was Quicker to send emails 2nd class with Snail mail il stick to BT 👍👍
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