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Everything posted by SwanR

  1. Now for what we thought of Bronze Emblem .... absolutely loved it. What a great little boat for two people. It's only 31 foot long, air draft 7'1, is older than most boats we have hired and was the first one I have helmed without bow thrusters. But we managed. It was a dream to be at the helm. The steering was really responsive and required no effort at all. The winch for winding the canopy back was very easy ... again no effort required to use that. Plenty of storage throughout the boat and a very well equipped kitchen. We like hiring from Ferry Marina. Great staff, very helpful and friendly. They really look after you. Yes the all inclusive approach to cost could work out more expensive if you are someone who often gets some of the fuel deposit back. On the other hand it meant that we weren't so concerned about fuel economy because we knew it made no difference. I did try to work out whether we were going with the tide but the wind was such that I don't think it made much odds most days. They had fitted a new engine last year and we had no trouble with the batteries being charged although we did cruise around four hours most days. It's great to be able to take the electric hook up cable with you in case you want to use it. And at the end of the week it's so much easier to get away because you don't have to hang around to wait for the fuel to be sorted out. It suits us. So in summary we loved Bronze Emblem - I was sad to leave and would definitely hire this boat again. Highly recommended.
  2. So next my observations on a few things. The Weather Now this was amazing for middle of October. We had the top back on the boat every day. Sunday was spectacular, not a cloud in the sky from dawn til dusk, a warm temperature around 23 degrees and probably our best ever day afloat ... and that's saying something given the number of trips we have made over the last five years. Other days were quite sunny as well. The wind was a bit of an issue when mooring up but we did our best and other folk kindly helped us on occasion. One foggy morning but even that held its own charm once we got underway. Was It Busy? Well we have hired during that same middle of October week since 2013. But every other year we have gone for a four night midweek break. This year we took a full week and the weekend was very busy. The good weather had been well forecast and we had never seen as many private boats out and about. Come Monday it calmed down a bit and we were able to moor where we wanted to. The popular spots were fairly full most days - Ranworth Staithe and Womack Water being the obvious ones that we visited and which pretty much filled up even during the week when we were there.That said we could have got onto the public moorings at Horning a number of times but didn't fancy being by the car park! Where To Eat? Talking of Horning reminds me that we stopped at the New Inn without any trouble for a lunchtime mooring at all. And Gus very obligingly helped with the ropes as always. This was without doubt the best meal of the week. Scampi and chips, a good sized portion but not too much and worth every penny. We only ate out three times - the tea rooms at Potter Heigham did a lovely cod and chips. But I found the Maltsters a little average - the service was good and hubby enjoyed his fancy burger but I was perhaps feeling a little under the weather that day. Other Hirers Now I am usually amongst the first to defend any generalisation about the attitude of hirers. However I have to say that during this week I was surprised by what I saw and came to perhaps appreciate better why private owners would be wary of who is coming along. Saturday night one hireboat came along after sunset and bumped several others at St Benets because they couldn't see what they were doing. They had lights on in the cabin and would have lost any night vision they might have had. Being unsuccessful at mooring they disappeared and I don't know where they ended up. We saw a few people moor bow first at Ranworth. One boat tried several times to moor stern on but gave up and poked the bow in instead. Someone else moored that way overnight but I didn't see how they managed to get themselves back out the next day. And there seemed to be an attitude at stern on moorings of just bumping other boats to either side to get in. We weren't impressed at all and this really wasn't something that we had ever encountered before.
  3. Hope you had a lovely anniversary. :)
  4. As there are several other holiday tales running at the moment I'm going to write this slightly differently and as usual there will be a little video posted when I get to the end. Our route for the week, starting Saturday 14th October, worked out as follows ... with very little planning really other than deciding roughly which days we wanted to cruise the Ant so as to avoid too many Richardson's boats on changeover days! Day 1 - Picked up the boat at Ferry Marina and headed for St Benets. Day 2 - After watching a beautiful sunrise we cruised from St Benets up the Ant to Wayford Bridge, stopped for coffee, then cruised along to Sutton before heading all the way back down the Ant and along the Bure to Ranworth. The staithe was full so we happily moored on the Island with the peace and tranquility of only one other boat moored overnight. Lovely. Day 3 - Ranworth Island to South Walsham Broad including a cruise around the inner broad, on down the Bure about halfway to Acle before turning back and then going up to Potter Heigham. Moored in Herbert Woods yard for our lunch stop which was somewhat challenging as by now the wind had got up. Moved on to Womack Water a little later as we had thought that might be a bit more sheltered. Let's just say that after that incredible sunset with the red dust in the air on that Monday, it was very blustery and the ropes and fenders were creaking quite well until late into the night. Day 4 - Womack Water to Horning. Took a quick pumpout at Ferry Marina as we were passing and the side mooring was available. Plus if you have hired from there then the pumpout is free. Moved along to the New Inn for lunch. Then in the afternoon we cruised on into Wroxham, turned around before the bridge, then went back to moor overnight at the yard. Yes, I know, overnight in the boatyard may not always make sense but with Ferry Marina being right on the riverfront it's really like a stern on mooring anywhere else with the added bonus of a free connection to the electric post. Day 5 - hmmm ... now where did we go today ...oh yes, I remember. We had decided that as the forecast was for a cloudy maybe showery kind of day, we would have a Ranworth day. Given that the battery was well charged from the night before, we only cruised for two hours from Horning down to Acle and back to Ranworth. This time we got onto the staithe so we had lunch at the Maltsters, went for a walk to the church and the nature reserve, then returned to the boat as it was raining quite hard by then. There was already some money on one of the slots on the electric post so we plugged in and turned the heating on and that was us settled in for the rest of the day. Day 6 - doesn't the week go so quickly?! We awoke to a mild but very foggy morning so had an extra cup of coffee and stayed where we were until a little later than we usually set off. Once it started to clear we decided to head back up the Ant again. Another successful pass under Ludham Bridge saw us heading up as far as Gaye's Staithe where we moored for a break. That was the first time that we had moored there and we could see why it is popular. After taking the opportunity to fill up with water we headed back out onto Barton Broad. Lovely! I used to have a real fear of Barton Broad, a wide open expanse of water where I didn't understand all the different channel markers and struggled to see where I was supposed to be. No such problem now and it's one of my absolute favourite places. I went round through Paddy's Lane turning right and right and then coming back onto Barton Broad. Straight back across we were soon back down the Ant again. And this time we headed back to Womack Dyke. Absolutely love that place. One of our favourite moorings on the northern side. Day 7 - the last day had dawned all too soon. No urgency to get underway as unfortunately this was the worst weather day of the week really. Cloud and rain which didn't really clear other than briefly at lunchtime. We cruised back from Womack Dyke via South Walsham Broad again, on to Salhouse Broad where we moored up for a couple of hours. We could see new hirers from Wroxham starting to come along the Bure so mid afternoon we headed back to Horning. Could even have stopped at the public staithe but carried on back to Ferry Marina. It's personal choice as to whether to spend the last night in the yard but we find it a relaxing way to spend the last evening and the final morning. And when it's a little chilly at night we do like the chance to get plugged into the electric and put the heating on if we want to. No rush to get anywhere, no need to get up really early the next morning, just a leisurely breakfast before loading up the car and heading for home. I'll post some more of my highlights, observations and recommendations along with how we liked the boat in another instalment tomorrow.
  5. We passed you two or three times last week and waved as well. I think we were along the Bure and around Ranworth.
  6. If it's not the pizza cabin outside the Maltsters is it the franks cabin they've got there as well? Can't remember what it was called!
  7. Wow what a sight. We avoided Horning and went up the Ant instead. That Sunday was one of the best days we've ever had on the Broads.
  8. We definitely did. I find there is also something special about passing a boat from the same yard ... kind of like belonging to the same club.
  9. I am enjoying reading everyone's holiday tales ... and realising how many other forumites were around last week. Did you set off on Saturday 14th by any chance? We left Ferry Marina that afternoon as well. We moored up at St Benet's and saw the Southern Comfort go up and down Fleet Dyke with some nice jazzy music playing. If it was last week then I am fairly sure that we passed you several times and called across to you at How Hill and spent the same last night in the yard. If not ... then it was someone else. :)
  10. I think that we could equally be called Mr and Mrs Can'tDecideWhatToDo! We've never managed to moor at Stokesby, and as you will see if I ever manage to write up our trip last week, we didn't get further than Acle this time. We always notice the ex-Swancraft boats when we are there. Swan Reflection 2? Love that boat ... having hired numbers 1 and 2 that's where my username comes from! Every time we passed you last week I said "I hope they know that's our boat they're on!" ;)
  11. Aha ... Rose Emblem ... we were on Bronze Emblem and I know we waved to you when we passed you a couple of times. Particularly noticed the boat as we have hired it before.
  12. Looking forward to reading more and hearing which boat you were on. It did seem very busy over that weekend.
  13. Wayford Bridge Inn is one of our favourite places to eat. The moorings before the bridge are not very long so best to have a backup plan just in case! We haven't managed to get any further up towards Dilham or the moorings on the other side of the bridge as there hasn't been enough clearance to get under whenever we have been there. It's something of a mystery to me as to why all the hire yards constantly warn about Potter Heigham, Wroxham and Beccles Old bridges but don't seem to mention Wayford Bridge as having limited clearance. We saw someone get wedged under there when we visited last week.
  14. Well done Helen! We saw Fair Regent out and about quite a number of times last week. I'm guessing there are two of them! Obviously a popular boat. It is a shame that Ferry Marina don't seem to have a loyalty scheme of some kind but we do like hiring from them. I will write up a holiday tale in due course. Just sorting out some photos. March is a great time to be out as well. We did that last year and it was soooo quiet. :)
  15. Wonderful to read how things have turned out after such a hard time previously. And I'm sure that your trip next year will be everything that you want it to be. The NBD fleet always look such well turned out boats.
  16. Great start to your holiday tale. Lovely photos. We were out last week too so probably passed you somewhere. Looking forward to reading where else you went.
  17. Don't forget as well that it's half term week for most areas. And from talking to the yard we hired from there's going to be a lot of boats out. I agree completely with Andrew that a lot depends what time you get away. Personally I would find it more relaxing if conditions are really windy and late in the afternoon to stay put and make a nice early start the next morning. But each to their own. Have a great time.
  18. Womack Water on the staithe.
  19. We had the same problem with NBD not matching Hoseasons. We had a 5% discount voucher from booking directly with NBD previously but Hoseasons were still cheaper. Seemed a bit odd. We did speak to NBD but they didn't want to match it.
  20. Not sure how this has come out. Hard to tell on a small phone screen. Windiest weather I've ever experienced moored up this evening. Will be very relieved when this calms down!
  21. That might explain this very strange light here in Norfolk now. The wind has got back up and the sky is a strange yellowish grey like it's going to pour with rain but it's still quite warm.
  22. We're out on Bronze Emblem which is the first one I've helmed without bow thrusters. Air draft 7'1 with canopy down and we got under Ludham Bridge no problem yesterday at high tide. Been up the Ant on Fair Prince several times as well if you're after a centre cockpit but that one is more expensive. Forward steer boats and centre cockpits seem to be the way to go.
  23. Brilliant! Have just found this thread and read it through from start to finish. How very entertaining. :)
  24. Loving the photos and reading your tale. Might have to try that couple's approach to mooring myself. It can be tricky when there are only two of you on the boat and no extra hands for getting the ropes tied.
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