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Everything posted by SwanR

  1. So as this isn't about the Broads I am posting it in this forum. I know we have a Tales of Other Waterways section but that's hidden in the members area and I didn't want to restrict this post to members only - perhaps we could consider moving that, or something similar, to general viewing. Anyway ... I have been following some of this gentleman's videos since the ones he posted on YouTube about the Norfolk Broads. This one has been uploaded recently and is about cruising up the River Ouse into York. It made for pleasant viewing given that I have probably watched all the Broads related videos ... some of them several times! So here you are ... in case anyone else is missing being out on a boat.
  2. Happy New Year to you both, Charlie and Eric ... and to everyone else who comes along later. Are you settled into your new home now Eric? Here's a little quote I found online and rather liked. "May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you're wonderful, and don't forget to make some art - write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can. And I hope, somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself." Neil Gaiman.
  3. My sincerest condolences to you Timbo at such a sad time. Take good care of yourself.
  4. Amazing what you find on Google ... although I wouldn't want to infringe any copyright. That would have got me a wagging finger for sure.
  5. The photos and music posted here brought a tear to my eye - a beautiful tribute.
  6. Such sad news. Prayers and heartfelt condolences to his family.
  7. I do believe that the anagram of melon is actually on the couch ... and the melon itself is something else. I had a good look down the Facebook page of the creators as there are a couple of long threads related to this which have some clues on them ... and also tell you some of the things that are not relevant at all. So that was quite helpful and edged me up to 94. https://www.facebook.com/ifourdesignagency/?fref=ts
  8. This was another of the ones that I had never heard of so if you reach a point where you have given up then let me know and I will let you know what I came up with ... eventually!!
  9. To be honest I'm not entirely sure now, having looked at it so many times and tried so many things. I have found out about bands that I had never heard of such as ... don't want to spoil it if anyone is also having a go. I am up to 93 and could post a very long list if anyone wants some answers to check off their own. Not convinced that I have come up with anything for the wreath on the back wall with a red ribbon, or the fact that there are two white lights on the ceiling, or the cushion on the floor by the purple chair. If anyone else has any bits they are stuck on let me know. I racked my brain for ages over the watermelon with sun glasses and the knife on the chair next to it! Then I discovered what they were and it all seemed so simple ... in a strange kind of way!
  10. Thanks for posting this Paul. I have been waiting to see the details and internal photos on this boat as we would love to hire on the southern Broads again at some point. However I am disappointed to see that the bed is the wrong way round yet again. What is this fascination with putting the headboard in the middle of the room? I realise it saves a few inches because of using the space under the window but it's not good for tall people. That's another option off the list then. Shame. As for the shore power debate ... it's not essential but it is a "nice to have" if you're hiring early or late season. Makes so much difference for keeping the heating on during those very chilly evenings.
  11. I'm up to 91 out of 99. I have a feeling I am going to be very lucky to get anymore. Some of them are quite obscure!
  12. Looks like a nice little boat. Always interesting to see what the yards are building.
  13. Wham is the name on the sweet wrapper on the arm of the purple chair.
  14. That's where my daughter definitely helped me out. I got to around 50 on my own but there were some items I couldn't figure out but I knew had to mean something. She gave me answers of groups I had never heard of. There are bands in there from the 60s onwards so you really need to have knowledge that spans a number of decades. I saved the picture so that I could open it up in another editor and zoom in to see things like the names of the books on the shelves. Without doing that I wouldn't have got so many. I was also using Google to search for some names ... and some things are obvious once someone else says them. I've added another one now so am up to 74.
  15. I was completely shocked when I heard this news. Very sad to lose another talent. I remember the first time I heard Careless Whisper ... such an amazing voice.
  16. I got to 73 out of the 99 with some help from my hubby and daughter. Very good fun.
  17. As someone raised on games of Scrabble I enjoy word facts such as this.
  18. Ok ... very random or are you already pulling crackers?!
  19. Been quite a year for it and then one more is announced. RIP indeed ... not that I was ever a Quo fan but music caters for all tastes.
  20. I am a little disappointed with this. If a tall person can't hang their feet off the end of the bed then calling it a "walk round Berth" is only half a meaningful description. Shame as this seems to be quite a common way to build them.
  21. I agree with you on that Steve. If once they got to the final five there were people who lost out because Lord Sugar didn't think that he would want to invest in their particular business plans, then really it had all been a complete waste of their time. I think that they need a new sponsor or boss or whatever name you want to give to Alan Sugar's role. Then they might come up with some different tasks and liven the format up a bit. However that's not likely to happen and I'm not sure that I will watch it next year.
  22. Interesting thought about the browsers. I just tried it on Chrome and on Safari and it didn't happen on either one when I went to reply to this thread. They're the only two browsers installed on my mac so I must have been using one of them yesterday. Very strange ... something and nothing then, not to worry. Incidentally, just wondered whether you might have any idea about another strange problem not related to this site. On another website where I post, when I use Chrome it often doesn't recognise the space bar on my keyboard. So even though I am pressing it, the letters just all squash up together. Slightly irritating as I downloaded Chrome to use on that particular site because it runs slowly in Safari, but it doesn't work properly in Chrome!!
  23. I have noticed just today that if I click on reply at the end of a topic that I have already posted on, the contents of my last post automatically come up on the box. I then have the option to clear them or keep them. I can't imagine why I would want to post the same thing again - I'm more likely to want to quote someone else or simply write something completely new. Were you aware that this feature had appeared? Is it something that could be disabled?
  24. I actually really like Craig. I think he's the fairest and most consistent of the judges - the others all tend to overmark people and give contestants the same score when they were clearly not of the same standard. Anyway ... it seems that on these tv programmes you have to have the one judge that everyone wants to get a good mark from. In X Factor that's always been Simon Cowell, in Strictly it's Craig. It will certainly be interesting to see what happens.
  25. Fab-u-lous ... but please not Karen Hardy. I'm not sure I could carry on watching it. I agree that she is knowledgeable but rather OTT. How about Ian Waite?
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