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Everything posted by SwanR

  1. I had paused the show for a while when hubby got back from the footie ... important matters had to be discussed ... like how Leyton Orient lost again. Consequently I fast forwarded through some of the rest of the programme. Will have to check that out on YouTube.
  2. Have to admit that I was slightly biased this year - my son was at uni with Ore and has always said what a genuinely nice person he is. They presented a sports show together on uni radio ... ! Not that I would have kept voting for him if he hadn't been such a good dancer. And wasn't it lovely to see his wife and his mum and dad all there in the audience.
  3. I think that the early stages of the competition are something of a popularity contest. And the public vote for the people they like and they know rather than the quality of the dance - it is an entertainment show really after all. But as the competition goes on I always feel like I get to know the people I might never have heard of before so it really is all about the dance by the end. For me the unsung heroes are the singers and the band. Tommy Blaize has an amazing voice and I can easily find myself watching something over again because I want to listen to his rendition of a song. I don't think that they get enough recognition but the live music absolutely makes the show.
  4. I really don't know who should take this. Len has been clear that he hopes it will be someone from the world of ballroom and latin. Maybe a completely new face is needed. Craig is my favourite judge though. He's the only one who seems to be really consistent with his marking.
  5. Brilliant show. For me it was definitely the right winner - shame that Danny and Oti messed up their first dance. I had enjoyed watching them right from the beginning. But in the end Ore and Joanne were the clear winners for me. That was a touching tribute to Len Goodman with a classy ballroom dance by the pros. Even Craig looked almost tearful at that point, I thought. There is a programme next Friday evening at 7pm on BBC1 which is Len reflecting on his time on the programme - behind the scenes and archive footage and interviews if anyone is interested.
  6. Don't forget that the final is Sunday night - it does slightly irritate me that the whole series runs on one day and time and then the final is completely different!
  7. Thanks for the link to eBay JM. I never would have thought to try to sell anything like that on there. But I guess that anything that is worth something to someone may sell. When I went through a lot of my mum's things after she passed away, I had so much that I didn't have a clue whether anyone might be interested in. I suppose putting things on eBay is one way of finding out.
  8. I've still got all my Brooke Bond tea cards books fully completed. My dad used to send off for any that we were missing when they moved onto the next topic. As for the postcards, are they all in mint condition JM or are any of them used? I would never have thought to start collecting anything like that. Sometimes it feels as if it's too late to start as it takes a lot of years before you have a meaningful collection of something new.
  9. I have also seen some appalling manoeuvring where everyone turns in from the Bure to go down to Ranworth. I remember one particularly bad incident that we witnessed this year with someone so desperate to turn in before other boats that he caused a couple of very near misses with other craft. It was quite unbelievable how stupid his actions were.
  10. Welcome to the forum Gallipoli. The speed limit is 4mph down there if I recall correctly so no-one should be going that fast anyway. If there was a particularly slow boat I might well go past but otherwise I agree, knowing that space at Ranworth Staithe can be at a premium, it does feel as if one should keep to the order in which the boats arrive. I actually enjoy mooring on Ranworth Island if we don't need shopping or to fill up with water. And from there it is often quite obvious when there are boats determined to race ahead and grab the last space. I would certainly not want to do that once out of the dyke and onto Malthouse Broad. However if someone has obviously ignored a space down the side of the staithe that I think I can fit in, I might well moor up there while they consider any spaces on the front.
  11. Lovely piece of writing. Thank you for sharing your memories with us. My childhood was spent in London so it was a complete contrast to the wonders of the countryside that you described. But I was fortunate to grow up in a loving family, never wanting for anything ... and Santa always found his way down our chimney.
  12. Many congratulations to Mr and Mrs Poppy - how wonderful to have been together so long.
  13. Sounds like a good choice to me Tony. I loved Swancraft boats as well. Having hired Swan Reflection from them when they were a small business in Brundall, as Howard said, I also hired the boat again from Richardson's this year. I checked out the photos and descriptions on Richardson's website - I think Swan Roamer was built a few years before Swan Reflection but is quite similar, just a few feet longer and with a larger bathroom. So I think you'll find this a good boat. We also hired Moon Beam this year which was ex-Swancraft as well. The boats we've had have been very easy to handle, responsive to steer, very economical on fuel and very comfortable - in my opinion very good value for money. If you go to the holiday tales forum and look down the list you will find my write-ups. Or just go to YouTube and search for "Jean Mann Norfolk" and you will find my videos.
  14. Wonderfully descriptive writing. I'm sure there are many of us who would have enjoyed coming along for the ride. Sounds amazing.
  15. Lovely photos Alan. I do hope your good lady is feeling better.
  16. It's interesting reading how different it is for an "owner" on board their boat than the kind of routine we have as hirers. It would never occur to me to go back to the boatyard and get the car to go somewhere. And without access to electric posts most of the time, we pretty much have to do a few hours cruising every day. But at least we don't have a need for tools and maintenance work while we're on our holiday! Must have been lovely to be at Bramerton while it's so quiet.
  17. Sad to see another operator closing down. I had seen their day boats around but hadn't realised that they were doing anything else from Thorpe.
  18. I have found O2 to be very much improved this year over any other year that I have been on the Broads. Can't be sure for the southern rivers but the only place on the northern side that I couldn't get 3 or 4G was Acle. Everywhere else was brilliant. And it was the same at Lowestoft this weekend. Meanwhile my hubby has EE and he has been struggling to get a signal almost everywhere. My vote is definitely with O2 at the moment.
  19. Strange to see it like that in the photos with papers still hanging around in the office. Looks like someone left without tidying up behind themselves. Very odd.
  20. My geography is hopeless ... my worst subject at school! So I looked up Riyadh and Bali and Norfolk on a map. I hate to tell you this Eric but you've moved in the wrong direction!! Hope the rest of the night is quiet for you all.
  21. Always interested to read your posts Eric - that's the thing about online groups ... you kind of get to know people you would never usually meet any other way. Hope the whole family are settling in ok. Must be quite a change for the girls.
  22. Sounds like you have it all worked out then.
  23. Sounds amazing to be out on the rivers. Enjoyed seeing your photos.
  24. Wishing you a speedy recovery Simon. Lovely to see your photos. We haven't done the stretch from Wroxham to Coltishall but our next trip has been planned with the tide times in mind and we're really hoping to get down there.
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