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Everything posted by SwanR

  1. Ah yes, I can see it now, a little further out, but they're not sitting on it. There's one falcon there at the moment, perched on the edge, squawking away and flapping its wings about.
  2. Took another look this morning, there was one peregrine sitting on the corner in the wind but I couldn't see an egg anywhere.
  3. Apparently the first egg has also now been laid at Norwich.
  4. Top five ... I know I'll post this and then think of somewhere I forgot! North Cove Womack Dyke Ranworth Island Paddy's Lane Bramerton Common .... but not when it's full on a Friday night!
  5. Found a page with data for the last few years. Shows that the first egg last season was laid one year ago today. http://upp.hawkandowl.org/norwich-peregrines/egg-laying-hatching-fledging-data-2012-14/
  6. Welcome along Jayfire. It definitely does seem that the Broads attracts people back year after year once the boating bug has got you. We've been hiring two or three times a year recently and seriously considered boat ownership ourselves. But given that we know nothing about maintaining a boat we decided it might prove too expensive. So we opted for a caravan not too far away so that we can at least get up to Norfolk more often. However ... I know it's not going to feel quite the same to arrive somewhere by car rather than by boat!
  7. Welcome along Christie! I'm sure you will all have a great time. If you have a read of some of the holiday tales then I'm sure you will get lots of ideas. My first Broads holiday was back in the 90s with our children and they particularly enjoyed the simple pleasure of feeding the ducks. As for an overnight stay I've used Premier Inns in many different places and always found them to be good value for one or two nights. There's one in Norwich by the river which is very nice if you fancy stopping off in the city before you start your holiday.
  8. Condolences to you and your family Robin ... sad news indeed! I am sure that going through all his things will lead you on a voyage of discovery that you will make as and when you feel ready. I think you learn to let go of things over time but don't be too hasty in that. Good to know that you have support around you. Take care.
  9. Oh yes ... that would be make a cup of coffee ... eat a slice of cake ... read the paper ... watch the tv ... make more coffee ... repeat the loop!
  10. This is exactly why we didn't buy a boat in the end ... we would have to pay other people to do all the little jobs you're very cleverly doing yourself, Alan. How much longer are you there? Hope you get some time to just relax and enjoy the rivers.
  11. Thoughts with you all. Glad you made it back safely.
  12. It is a case of each to their own but no-one should be disrespectful of another's choice. We have tried a number of different boats but know what suits us best. Mind you I'm liking the look of Zircon Emblem, Ferry Marina's latest offering. And in the time it took me to type this I see that Grace has also replied ... and I agree with her wholeheartedly.
  13. I would advise asking the yard when you take the boat over as to what the river levels are like. We have had short breaks in mid-October several times when the water levels have been high. On Silver Emblem (a dual helm cruiser) we were advised it unlikely we would get under Ludham Bridge so we avoided the Ant that time. On Fair Prince (a centre cockpit boat) we did get under but we needed to put the canopy back and take the windscreen down to be sure. As we were only there for four days it was fine as there were plenty of other places to go.
  14. I do wish people wouldn't post things designed to tease the mind but with a refusal to give any more information. If anyone knows anything that they feel shouldn't be posted then please can they not mention it in the first place ... doing so only leads to unhelpful speculation!!
  15. Safe travels Eric! I'm sure you'll warm up when you get home!
  16. This is always my dilemma Alan whenever we go to a coffee shop or tearoom in the morning. My head says it's the right time for something like a sausage sandwich but my heart says it's never too early for cake!
  17. Ok ... next question ... where do I find the iBookstore app please? Sounds like I have missed a trick here. I'm sure I use very little of what my beautiful Mac has to offer.
  18. I agree that Swancraft's boats were always really well booked up and we would have to book 12 months in advance to get what we wanted when hiring from them. However I disagree completely with the viewpoint quoted from one of Robin's videos about how little you can see from a forward steer boat. They are so practical in so many ways compared to any other style ... and actually sometimes you really don't want to see any further than the riverbank. Why would you want to be able to see the roads and the traffic when you're enjoying the peace and quiet of the rivers. Just my own opinion.
  19. Interesting to see what you're using Bryan as I always enjoy your videos. And Helen, now that I've started doing it I really enjoy just messing around with some photos, video clips and music, and seeing what I can make with it.
  20. I used the YouTube editor for my first couple of videos and it was really easy to do. But I then realised it had automatically created what is now a Google Photos account with my photos that I used in the video but without telling me. Plus there was no way of saving the video back onto my computer so that I had my own copy. There may be ways of doing this but not straightforward youTube functionality. So I switched to using iMovie on my Mac. That works well although I could do with finding a manual for it as it is sometimes trial and error ... and if I haven't used it for a while I forget how to get started. But it means I have all the media and a copy of the finished video stored on my computer before I upload it to YouTube. As for music copyright I try to use something that I feel fits the atmosphere I want to create and the length of my video perfectly. And then I check out the copyright situation on YouTube. Once you have created your YouTube channel and signed in, if you go to Video Manager which is underneath the search bar at the top of the page, then on the left click on Create, then on Music Policies, you can search the track you want to use and see what it says. It's amazing how often what you are looking for will be listed. And if the specific track isn't there then I have a bit of a look at the artist's other music to see what the copyright situation is likely to be. You don't have to be using their editor to make the video in order to do this. For me, finding and fitting the music is the bit that takes the longest ... because I want it to be just right.
  21. I have taken to using a cross country route quite often from Essex to Bedfordshire because lorries overtaking lorries on the two lane M11 from Stansted to Cambridge is somewhat frustrating. As for all the technology in new cars ... are we in danger of people learning enough to pass their test and then forgetting it all while they rely on their car to think for them?!
  22. I agree with Poppy. If you keep to the limits, which are there for a reason, then you shouldn't be worried about speed cameras of any sort. I do think that the average speed cameras are more effective in terms of road safety than the single ones that people slow down for and then speed up again. But I sometimes wonder how many people do get caught by them. A sweeping generalisation here, I realise, but commercial vehicles of all sorts often seem to speed by me in the outside lane as if the speed limits don't apply to them particularly in roadworks areas.
  23. Beautiful photos. I've only been to Wells once but am hoping to get back up there this year.
  24. I have known that site to be temporarily unavailable in the past so it may spring back to life. I'll definitely have to keep checking it out.
  25. Grace you forgot that they also might not like slowing down to four miles per hour! I was watching a programme earlier about a couple with a large family who were buying a holiday home in Kissimmee near the theme parks ... can't imagine anything worse personally but each to their own.
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