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Everything posted by YnysMon

  1. What a great holiday tale! Thanks! Hope you find an affordable boat for next year. We feel so lucky that we bought into a syndicate boat the summer of 2019. Yes, we did ‘lose’ a couple of weeks during the lockdowns, but we have had far more holiday weeks away from home than most people have managed over the last 18 months. I’ve spoken to several work colleagues over the last few weeks who have not not been able to get away this summer on holiday because they couldn’t find anything affordable. We feel slightly guilty as we have another holiday to look forward to. This time a week booked in September with other family members in a self-catering property. We were originally booked to stay there in May last year, then changed that to May this year, but had to push it back again due to rules about multiple households staying together. I’m sure that a lot of holiday accommodation has been ‘pre-booked’ by others who have had the option of postponing bookings, so that’s probably fuelled the shortage of holiday accommodation too. As for us, we are hoping it will be ‘third time lucky’ and that we’ll actually get there this time.
  2. At least there’s a pontoon on part of the DTG moorings.
  3. I get the impression that the Cantley mooring seem a bit low compared to others on the Yare. Whenever the river levels seem a bit high they seem to be awash. Not that we’ve yet stopped there overnight.
  4. I really wanted to get to the Wooden Boat Show this year. Instead we had to travel to Anglesey yet again to continue the long struggle of trying to get my father in law's house in to a relatively habitable state.
  5. Sounds like you had a great couple of days.
  6. Ooh err! Hope all goes well. You have left us on a classic cliffhanger.
  7. The opposite is the case in my work place (Open University). Caps in Teams chat I haven’t yet come across, probably because we all been trained over a long period of time that it’s a big no-no. Mind you, as our teaching is done at a distance we have always put a lot of effort into training our students in the niceties of communicating remotely, so I guess that’s not surprising.
  8. I love these posts, both from Vaughan and Wussername. Valued memories indeed.
  9. I agree, it's unfortunate that the discussion focussed on one establishment. There was one particularly slow summer at work, preceding a Broads trip, where I checked the food standards agency website and made note of establishments that had particularly good scores combined with good reviews generally, which informed our plans of where to eat out. We don't eat out much anyway, so I guess I'm more bothered than some might be when we have a sub-standard meal. Some establishments with poor hygiene scores at the time had very good reviews, but I didn't find many places with good hygiene scores that had poor reviews.
  10. That's a good point. The truth is that ratings do fluctuate as businesses get repeat inspections. I recall one Fish and Chip Shop changing overnight from a 1 to a 5. However, the current published rating for the establishment under discussion is 1, so technically the EDP are correct.
  11. Anyone can check the Food Standards Agency's website. It clearly confirms what EDP reported is correct. I would have thought that the Agency would take care to publish the correct rating on their website, otherwise they would most likely be sued.
  12. It’s worth googling, the guy who built the church sounds like he was a bit bonkers too.
  13. Great tale as usual. Slimy fish? Eels or something else?
  14. Lovely tale again, sounds like really special day that will be remembered. I’ve been wanting to have a closer look at that church. It’s history is tied up with the Boycott family, the term ‘to boycott’ originates with one of the family who worked as a (not popular!) land agent in Ireland during the late 19th century. Interesting history!
  15. Work! Oh, flip, yes, back to work tomorrow. Work for me is still based at home. On the whole that’s been okay, but it does blur the boundaries between home and work which I still find disconcerting.
  16. I think I read somewhere that is is mandatory in Wales. So why not England?
  17. I would eat that lot too. Maybe not all together though.
  18. So with all that gear on board you could theoretically get under ‘the bridge’. Except for all that rain. Sheesh, what a summer!
  19. I didn’t realise Acle Spice delivered to Reedham. That’s a good tip!
  20. Doh! You see what I mean about being confused!
  21. Have Silverline expanded their fleet? Either that or they are getting a lot more bookings. We seem to be seeing a lot more of their boats year on year (southern Broads obviously).
  22. I must admit we do like our little dimplex during winter months. It just makes getting up during the night a little less chilly.
  23. If they are aiming at the locals that sounds like a good plan, maybe more sustainable than passing traffic, provided they’ve improved the road to the pub. I gather it used to be a bit pot-holey.
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