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Everything posted by YnysMon

  1. I'll reserve the 'tale' until I get back. Had a lovely time yesterday just looking up River and then back down to our home mooring. Moorings were busy, the river less so.
  2. Sorry Jean, meant also to mention that we are thinking maybe Loddon on Sunday.
  3. Hi Jean. My latest thinking is to go north either Monday or Tuesday and just stay a couple of nights.
  4. Yes! We are off to Brundall tomorrow morning for our first week on Moonlight Shadow. I’m just so hyped up! I haven’t got any mobile WiFi to take with me this time, so you might not hear much from me for a week. Hope to see some fellow forumites during our travels. Helen p.s. The spell corrector thingy tried to correct ‘Moonlight Shadow ‘ to ‘Moderators Shadow’. Oh, er, I’d better watch out!
  5. Try resizing the photos before posting, that worked for me when I was having difficulties. Helen
  6. Yes, but luckily he has one or two other boats he can use to get around the Broads. Bit more economical on fuel too!
  7. Can’t we just all get on together? I feel the biggest blessings of my life have been to move to Milton Keynes and to work for the OU. The OU needs no explanation, it’s the most inclusive organisation dedicated to giving opportunities to all. On a recent TV programme about the 50 year celebration of Milton Keynes the bits that I loved most were the interviews with school kids where they expressed their value for the inclusivity of MK.
  8. ‘Across the world extreme views are proliferating towards intolerence in a way not seen since the 1930s.’ I think you’ve hit the nail on the head there Ray. It really worries me that all the gains of international cooperation that were made following WW2 (learning the lessons of the aftermath of WW1) have been forgotten. Sorry...politics..not supposed to go there! Helen
  9. YnysMon


    Yes, but what about his side kick Boo-Boo? (Yogi’s that is...).
  10. Did you mean ‘peel’ perchance? LOL.
  11. With great difficulty. I ended up with not very much carrot but lots of peelings!
  12. I excel at growing wonky veg. Think I’ve surpassed myself this time though!
  13. YnysMon


    Well, yes. hullabaloos indeed! A species of inconsiderate hirers known from the 1930’s onwards. (Check out Arthur Ransom’s ‘Coot Club’.)
  14. A warm welcome from me too. Helen
  15. Well, at least it shows that they are investing in improvements. Isn’t that a good thing?
  16. Steady on chaps! (Flippin’ ek...for a Welsh person to say that is just weird...). Just behave!
  17. Umm...Folies Bergere? Just noticed that one on Timbo’s phone photo. LOL
  18. ‘ hitched up his tights’ She’s sure about that one, is she?
  19. Jean, how could you! You’ll set him off again!
  20. Typing ‘ying tong’ with predictive text takes a bit of doing!
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