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Everything posted by YnysMon

  1. I’m with Lulu. Strong winds just make me want to hunker down and not go anywhere. It’s not the cruising bit, it’s the knowledge that we’ll need to find a mooring at the end of it and the stress of not knowing how the wind might affect the handling of the boat.
  2. You’ve no idea how much we missed you Gracie. This thread has both brought up fond memories of best times on the Broads but has also had me in stitches.
  3. A belated Paddle board cam from Harry. Paddling his way back to the boat in Beccles on the second day of our trip.
  4. Harry's video from yesterday's agility class. She's not supposed to bark!
  5. I know how you feel Ray. I’m slightly more tuned in nowadays (again apologies to Monica) but the first year or so after joining the forum I found it really difficult. I did actually start a spreadsheet to try to keep tabs on forum names, real names and boats. It was (and still is occasionally) bewildering. Maybe we need a forum guide to who’s who. (Only joking!)
  6. …and my apologies to Monica. I knew it was M something. I’m as bad as Ray. Hopeless at names! Sorry Ray!
  7. Helen here! I thought Hylander’s name was something different? I hadn’t realised we shared a name.
  8. I doubt that today’s money would keep you warm. Isn’t it plastic nowadays? It would probably just shrink into a little plastic ball.
  9. A video from yesterday morning's walk and a photo from this afternoon. First the video (sorry about the poor quality). Seren is tired out after agility this morning. Not sure why Pozzick is tired out - he just watched.
  10. Thanks for the video Jean. Lovely music choice, as always. Did the moisture traps help?
  11. We’re the moisture traps provided by Ferry Marina?
  12. Glad you found The White Horse lived up to expectations. We also found the crew at Eastwood Whelpton very helpful and welcoming.
  13. Thanks Jean. Losing steering must have been scary! It does sound like you were fortunate to have a very good and thorough handover though. Thats very good news. It’s a big thumbs up that you’ve booked the same boat for your next trip. When we hired I was a big fan of the all inclusive price, and probably would be even more a fan with the increasing fuel costs. Judging by holiday tales this year more people seem to be having to pay extra on top of their fuel deposit at the end of their holiday compared to previous years.
  14. Thanks very much Tim. It’s been a lovely tale, well worth waiting for. Like Jean, I think it would be lovely to hear where you visited in Devon. No pressure though!
  15. Sounds like you had a wonderful time. That third photo of Mevagissey looks like a picture postcard shot. Beautiful! Thanks for posting.
  16. Sunrise and mist on the river…worth getting up early for.
  17. I can see why you didn’t bother going to a pub for a meal. Looks yummy. Seeing that I’m feeling hungry even though we’ve already had our dinner.
  18. I'm glad to hear the sailing left so that you could get on the water point okay. They probably realised that having breakfast on the mooring contravened the clear signs that said mooring for the water point only! I've sometimes thought that I'd like to visit the cafe in the garden centre that's not too far away from the Weyford Bridge moorings.
  19. I almost got lost too. Half the public footpath signs around there seemed to be missing. Definitely a walk on which you need a map.
  20. Glad you managed to moor up at Irstead. It s a gem. I must remember about your tip about the Chinese takeaway when we are next there.
  21. Thanks very much for posting. We have been admiring Moorhen, so it was lovely to hear you had such a good time on her. The couple of times we’ve moored at their yard we have found the Eastwood Whelpton crew to be very welcoming. I was interested to hear about your walk from Dilham. It’s a lovely mooring and we have walked as far as Tonnage Bridge, but obviously we need to explore further up to Honing Lock!
  22. Sounds like you had an idyllic day. I can see why you didn’t want to side-on moor when the river level was high. Rose Emblem looks like she is perfect for a stern-on mooring. Thanks for mentioning the OAP special at The Kings Arms. We might try that on our next break. My appetite isn’t what it was so it might be just the thing. I keep forgetting that I’m into my 60s now and potentially eligible for such things. I like the atmosphere in The Kings Arms. Seems very community focussed. Not that they aren’t welcoming to visitors. Seems a proper village pub.
  23. Thanks Jean. Good to hear about the comprehensive hand over. Is Rose Emblem the one with radiators, or am I thinking of another Ferry Marina boat? Looking forward to hearing about the rest of your trip.
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