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Everything posted by YnysMon

  1. Oh drat! I hadn't realised you'd be in Stalham. Just catching up on the thread again after mooring up in Richardson's. We had lunch on board and popped to Tesco's. Unfortunately I didn't catch up on the thread again until we left. A big sorry!
  2. We stopped off at Stokesby to pick up some cake and chocolates. Now on our way again and most likely we'll go up the Ant.
  3. I phoned the bridge pilot earlier.He suggested calling first thing tomorrow, so there's a glimmer of hope. So far, she's running nice and sweetly. We haven't taken her above 2000 revs though as we are trying to treat her gently. Normally going along at about 1800, but that's around 5mph with the tide behind us.
  4. Looks like my hopes of getting under 'the bridge' are dashed. It's not long after slack on the lower Bure and the water looks high. I'm sure there are normally muddy banks visible.
  5. We are north, just passed under Yarmouth bridges. We moored at Somerlayton last night. I couldn't post as the signal there is virtually non existent. Started out just before dawn this morning. We had to be a bit creative with the starboard night nav light, as the one on the boat isn't working. Good thing that Seren's poo bags are green.
  6. We went to Beccles this morning but only stayed until 2'ish. Harry enjoyed some paddle boarding, but I forgot to take photos with my mobile, so photos will have to wait for the full tale. Destination this afternoon is probably Burgh Castle.
  7. She sounded quite sweet actually. We were heading into the tide so took it easy at around 1800 revs.
  8. I said we were hoping to be on The Broads again before December. Here we are again on Water Rail. Started out early evening from Oulton Broad. No prizes for guessing where we are now.
  9. I'm switching to my 'live' thread again for the rest of the trip.
  10. Well we have got here. Loaded the boat at Oulton Broad Yacht Station. Hopefully we'll be on our way soon. I'm still dithering where to go though.
  11. We wouldn’t know what to do with them even if we had them.
  12. That sea sickness is unfortunate. When we were younger Graham did try to teach me to sail off the coast of Anglesey, but I usually had a problem with feeling queasy. That’s one of the reasons I love the Broads so much. We also did quite a lot of sea canoeing. For some reason I didn’t feel seasick once when doing that. It’s almost like you are part of the sea instead of sitting on top of something floating on it. I know that’s a silly thing to say, but that’s what it felt like, and I’ve been out in some very choppy conditions.
  13. We were hoping to come me up north, but given the engine’s recent travails we’ll follow Dave’s advice on whether to do that or not.
  14. Looks like we are on our way to Water Rail tomorrow. I normally go completely overboard on preparations, lists, cruising plans etc., and Graham normally does lots of early packing, but we have left everything until last minute. No lists…nothing. We thought it would be chancing our luck to start packing earlier, given the uncertainty about the engine. So, we’ll probably leave half the stuff we need at home. Eldest son Harry has unexpectedly been told he’s got next week off work (IKEA do that if you haven’t used up leave) so he’s coming with us for the first week. We thought we’d have loads of room in the car, but since the last trip on Moonlight Shadow he’s bought a paddle board and that’s coming too. (My fault for booking that taster paddle board session at Geldeston.) As we have 12 days on board (if all goes well), rather than Harry trying to get home on public transport on the (new) bank holiday, we are thinking of driving back home to MK next Sunday evening and not returning to Water Rail until Monday. Not only will that help Harry, but it just felt wrong to miss watching the Queen’s funeral on telly.
  15. Alec had to wait months for his new passport, which arrived only a few weeks ago. I guess it will have been one of the last issued under Her Majesty’s name.
  16. Good to hear you are back on the rivers Kate. I hope our paths cross. How lovely that you are introducing more friends to the Broads.
  17. What are the river levels like after all these showers? I only ask because we have a glimmer of hope that Dave may have worked magic with Water Rail. I mentioned at the end of our last trip on MS that we hoped to be on Water Rail from Monday 12th. After Grendel’s ‘event’ (see his Water Rail thread) that seemed a forlorn Hope. However, the brilliant Dave has reported he managed to gets parts for the engine and got her running again. Testing has followed and we are crossing our fingers that all is well.
  18. Yes, thanks Griff, and thanks Mark for starting off the thread.
  19. A lot of moving tributes flowing in, and well deserved. I heard the news from my son who is currently in California. How the world has shrunk.
  20. A Margoletta? Not with that lovely crew though. The bit that amused me was the guy dipping the fuel tank with a fag in his hand. Not so bad with diesel I suppose, but it did make me chuckle. This has been posted elsewhere previously, but stands reposting. Delightful! I also thought the soundtrack was lovely. Wouldn’t it be boring if we all liked the same things! Just have to love the bobble hats.
  21. Ooo, that pain from a seized up back! Take care Kate. It’s really hard isn’t it, trying to keep mobile enough to help the back loosen up, but not to overdo it. I occasionally get back problems, but not as bad as when I was in my 20s. My job at the time required getting a large bag of currency out of a low safe. Not surprising that I did my back ligaments a mischief. A lot of women get back problems during pregnancy, due to back ligaments softening. I had the opposite. My back got better!
  22. When we were hiring we stopped overnight once at Ferry Marina. It was very peaceful.
  23. I did not know about slipway options at Weyford Bridge, I’m afraid. You could make enquiries at the nearby boatyard. As others have said, if you are nimble and used to canoeing, it should be possible to get into your canoe from the public moorings. Edited to add this Broads Authority webpage on slipways. https://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/boating/facilities/slipways-and-launching-points
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