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Everything posted by YnysMon

  1. Yay! We'll be back on the Broads next week! Dave (JanetAnne) sent me a PM a few weeks ago to ask if we might be interested in taking a woodie that he's recently acquired (Tabitha Rose) from Beccles up to Oulton Broad next Thursday so that she can participate in the woodies 'cruise in company' from Oulton Broad to Beccles on Friday - a prequel to the Beccles Wooden Boat Show on Saturday. I've been wanting to visit the boat show for ages, so it will be lovely to be part of it, even in a small way. I'm glad that Graham and I have got that Covid thing out of the way before next week's event!
  2. It's very noticeable how much extra we are spending on fuel anyway. Our fuel was £1.55 per litre when we had a week in May and £1.80 in July - both fuel from Boulter's.
  3. I can attest for that! Mind you, I'm glad I've got Covid out of the way before the Beccles Wooden Boat Show.
  4. I think it's a different matter nowadays, when parents can get fined for taking kids out of school for family holidays during term time. I thought mid-July was very quiet. I expect it's busier now.
  5. We are newbies to the Broads (relatively), not discovering their delights until 2014. I hope we’ve made up for it since though. So far we’ve only been on the Broads in August twice, and then only just about. First time was our maiden voyage on Moonlight Shadow in 2019 for the week beginning the bank holiday weekend (a scorcher). Apart from one night on a wild mooring, just past the Acle moorings, we spent the whole time on the Southern Broads, so can’t really be counted as a typical August experience. Possibly I’m wrong there though…maybe all forumites high tail it south during summer holiday weeks. The following year we had an August bank holiday weekend on Water Rail, not so scorching, but lovely. Again, spent on the south side. Bliss.
  6. My grandad taught me to play bowls. Happy memories!
  7. Isn't there a bowls green right next to the beer garden of the Chedgrave White Horse?
  8. We have recently switched Seren over to 'Yora' pet food. It's made from insects (grubs) that are grown 'in house' mixed with oats, potato and seaweed and supposedly reduces your 'global pawprint'. Given that a lot of commercial dog food uses low grade meat or fish protein, I'm in favour. we get it from 'Pets Corner'. It's not cheap, but is more reasonable than the previous meat based 'quality' dried food we had been buying. Seren likes it anyway, and seems to be thriving on it. Her coat is as glossy as ever, and I'm convinced that's a good sign.
  9. I'm sure little Fred will give you much joy. Well done for keeping off the ciggies!
  10. What a cutie pie (Fred, I mean).
  11. I don’t see why asking the question is problematic. I agree that the subsequent discussion was going around in circles though.
  12. I think I just committed a cardinal sin…I served up dinner just after England scored their second goal, but before the end of the match. Graham and Harry currently watching the end on catch up. Its a good thing they aren’t normally mad about football…otherwise…ouch!
  13. There’s an article on BBC news website reporting that Anglian water are saying there won’t be a hosepipe ban. By the way, my Mam occasionally used to mispronounce Anglian Water as Anglican Water. Holy water?
  14. Our allotments don’t allow hoses either. I doubt if any do nowadays. Before going on holiday week before last I put out an appeal on our allotment WhatsApp group and a couple of my lovely allotment neighbours ensured that my plot was watered whilst I was away.
  15. Thanks Kate. If you don’t get a response I’ll be happy to submit a report of my own.
  16. Gosh! I have been inattentive today haven’t I. My thread got hijacked and then not without my knowing anything about it! Actually, I’m flattered, and wouldn’t have minded…if I’d noticed. Kate, You sound like you are on a mission. Let us know how we can contribute. I agree with the comments that suggest that if the paths aren’t cared for they could become impassible and then abandoned. It’s a real threat to access.
  17. Lovely photos. Where did you manage to capture the brilliant one of the kingfisher?
  18. I thought I’d seen one in the basin, but I might have been mistaken.
  19. That’s disappointing. I had hopes of water as I thought I’d caught a glimpse of blue hose.
  20. I noted last week that a new operation has started managing the former Pedro's moorings. Where have they sprung up from I wonder. Anyone have any info?
  21. Update on Harry. Fortunately, the paracetamol helped yesterday evening and brought his temperature down somewhat. He's much more himself this morning, thank goodness but has tested positive. Alec is either next, or gave it to the rest of us in the first place - he was rather snuffly for our first few days of holiday.
  22. When we hired we always booked direct. I may have looked at Hoseasons, but only to make a comparison and look at reviews. Mind you, I can only a handful of holidays over the years that we booked through an agent, and I suppose that's because I had become accustomed to my Mam doing all our holiday arrangements and bookings herself.
  23. Good news…I’m definitely on the mend, and back at work (remotely) today. Not such good news. Graham started going down hill evening before last, tested positive yesterday and has stayed in bed today. Harry started mentioning a sore throat this afternoon and did a lateral flow rest (negative). He’s now got a temperature of 40 degrees C. We’ve been fussing around him making sure he’s taken some paracetamol, is comfortable etc., but I must admit I’m worried. I’m sure that neither Graham nor I had such a high temperature.
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