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Everything posted by Lulu

  1. Many apologies too. I started my new job this week and my brain couldn’t cope with anymore thinking!
  2. Nope! Selsie usually does the driving and I always peer over to have a look as we cross, and also on the A47 towards Brundall. I dont know what boat yard it is there on the left under the bridge that I always gawp at.
  3. Potter is certainly looking choppy this morning.
  4. My hound is now a nervous wreck with all the sudden bangs and whistling noises. Not even her favourite biscuit is being eaten. My parents have just called to say a tree has come down narrowly missing the house. Definitely got worse here in the last hour.
  5. He definitely was cleaning with bucket and cloth in hand. Now obviously distracted from his work!
  6. Just seen you on the webcam cleaning BA at Potter. Ive taken a screenshot from the webcam but not sure if I have permission to post it. Looking pretty breezy there already.
  7. If you come across H683 it would make my day
  8. What years are they? As I put on another thread, Im looking for a picture of our Skipper when it was on hire
  9. Oh! Ive only got an iphone so no zoom for close ups when circling around us. Apologies. :(
  10. Ummm, we are having an official photographer on board again aren't we?
  11. They were like a magnet to us woodie fans ;)
  12. We didnt realise we were being dragged across Oulton Broad when acting as photographer boat for the wooden boat show last year. It was the first time we had mud weighted and found a spot in the middle for everyone to circle around us. We didn’t realise we had drifted so far until I realised we were in the middle of the ‘shipping lane’ . Most embarrassed by our realisation we hastily skulked off back to where we started and then I kept a paranoid eye out to ensure we weren’t drifting again.
  13. Haven’t we all lol Warm welcome to the forum :)
  14. Warm welcome to the forum Big Cheese. Really interesting and informative post.
  15. Definitely helps as I know she was called Mickly Muckly when on the Ouse. So now all i need is a brochure pic or any pic of her as H683! This is what I love about the forum. Thank you all
  16. Is there anyway of finding this out? Will it be hidden away inside the boat somewhere? and apologies David for going off topic!
  17. Looks like she was Wren 2 according to the database
  18. That would be great Vaughan and if anyone finds Luna in a brochure I would be ever so grateful to have a pic.
  19. Thank you Vaughan! Exactly the same layout as Luna. Are registration numbers visible in the brochures? Luna is 389Y
  20. I had bad gateway messages a couple of days ago throughout the day. I had to keep refreshing the page
  21. Ah ok, thank you JA. Id loved to have seen the old girl in a brochure
  22. Grrrrrrrrrr, thats not like ours. We dont have a sliding roof as you well know! so to be more specific, are there any Skippers with fold down wooden sides?
  23. Are there any Broom Skippers in the brochure? Id love to see ours if it was on hire at the time
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