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Everything posted by Lulu

  1. With all whats going on, Im finding myself more and more looking for restful things to watch to calm my anxiety. This one is now my go to video
  2. Lovely video too. Ive just subscribed :)
  3. Warm welcome to the forum :) My best piece of advice is dont rush into the first boat you see like we did. (Embarrassingly we ended up buying three boats in a year) The first one rapidly became too small. Look at as many boats as you can, and spend a decent amount of time on each one. Is it easy access for all passengers including dogs if you have them? Do you want to go under most bridges or would you rather see over the reeds? Our centre cockpit with canopy has resolved both these issues for example. There is never the perfect boat, (i really wanted a well deck) and you will need to compromise on something. We had petrol with our first two boats which was a faff and to be honest, I personally didnt feel that safe and it guzzled fuel. We now have diesel and we can go for miles and miles on a tank. Factor in your travel costs to and from the boat. Good luck and have lots of fun looking and let us know the outcome!
  4. Lulu

    One For Vaughan

    I cant think of a different way to rephrase and it still sounds wrong! Seriously though, the collection looks amazing, absolute works of art.
  5. Lulu

    One For Vaughan

    Amazing work. I want the Skipper!
  6. On the path walking to St Benets Abbey?
  7. Unfortunately its closed down. We used it a few times and they even did a takeaway for us to take back to the boat in the marina. Good food, shame its shut
  8. I do remember the tracing paper and having to go outside to the damp school toilets , ughh, not good memories https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/this-britain/minor-british-institutions-izal-toilet-paper-1727294.html
  9. Lulu

    2020 Tolls

    £378 last year, £391 this year so based on last year £4.82 per day for us
  10. Noooo! It is history, it was built there and should stay where it is otherwise it just becomes a folly type monument in a random field somewhere. It is an historical and important part of the Broads and Potter Heigham. It is a landmark. It is the reason I love mooring near it just so I can look at the bridge and think about the history it must have seen. We don't go to Potter just to go to Lathams lol. Yesterday was a prime example, taking video and yet more photos of it. It meant I spent money in Bridgestones because I wanted to see the bridge in the bad weather as we couldn’t go out on the boat.
  11. No, leave well alone providing its safe.
  12. No. We bought our boat knowing we couldnt get under (as long as it could get under all the others) but since talking to the bridge pilot a few months ago, apparently ours on a good day will go through. I wont assume we will ever get a ‘good day’ but it will be a bonus if there is one when we are there.
  13. I took the videos on an Iphone if that helps with any technical info
  14. I couldnt keep the camera still. The gusts were really strong but it certainly was bracing! The marina is fine. Thankfully the flooding has gone so we could actually get to the boat! Our tv aerial had turned around and the pennant is torn. We did up some loose poppers on a fellow NBN member’s canopy but apart from that all was ok. Hence why we came home which we were gutted about. Yes the quay heading looked very smart.
  15. So with the last two storms and cancelling our plans to go out on Luna we couldn’t take another week without at least staying on her in the marina. The gusts last night were really fierce and we didnt get a lot of sleep. Decided to drive to Potter and had a lovely breakfast in Bridgestones before coming home. On the bright-side we fired up Luna’s engine which start first time and she was beautifully dry inside. The Brooms pennant needs some attention as its been ripped but considering the recent weather, she is ok. Hoping these videos work: BA41E7B5-9CD3-49AD-AA4D-55E4A5D88597.MOV 3758A96D-E994-456C-BF69-1073E69AC78F.MOV
  16. Having had another think, any side on moorings are pretty much all I want. I feel a bit claustrophobic stern on moored and just a forward facing view. Also any stern on mooring means we can’t get the hound on and off.
  17. Thank you for sharing this Griff and to everyone else for their tips too. As relative newbies, this will prove invaluable to bear in mind. I do feel we are pretty good at trying to anticipate issues with the weather conditions hence with our inexperience have cancelled the last two weeks boating which is now driving us nuts as we need our boat fix!
  18. Irstead because its, well its just lovely. Stracey Arms. We don't notice the road noise. I’m fascinated/mesmerised by just watching the tidal flow. Maybe I’m just weird but I could stay there for hours watching the river doing its thing. Entrance to Thurne Dyke so we can watch the world go by and the incredible sunsets.
  19. Gales and strong winds completely freak me out when Im outside. I never used to be scared of it until some years ago when I was walking my hounds. I was suddenly caught out in a gale, mini hurricane or something that had been forecast but seemed to arrive a lot sooner than had been forecast. The hounds were terrified and branches and debris was flying around us. We started running and then heard a loud cracking/splitting sound just by us. A massive old horse chesnut tree came crashing down. Way too close for comfort, a very narrow miss. We ran back into the village and tiles were flying off roofs and some corregated iron was threatening to fly off a barn at any minute. A lovely lady opened her door and said we could stay in her house until it died down. By this time I was a quivering wreck and crying. Yesterday i was walking my dog and realised my fear hasnt gone as I was very jumpy especially near to any trees and constantly looking around me for flying debris and the storm had only just begun. Staying indoors today!
  20. Thank you Carole. Every time we drive over, I always say I wonder what yard it is. Hope you get a buyer for that beautiful boat soon.
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