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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. As soon as these pics came up my first thought was "Don't panic Mr.Mainwaring!" Fess up, it wasn't just me was it.
  2. So what's all this about a drink problem? With this choice Where's the problem? And I've not covered "the fridge of doom".
  3. Don't forget rum! Mmmmm rum.... A nice dark spiced run at that.
  4. I don't have a drink problem, I've got plenty! No problem....
  5. 4k video downloader is good for youtube and misses out all the ads.
  6. When it drained harder it would have taken more silt down with it, the stuff they dredged from the lower bure was probably from the thurne/hickling in the first place, as soon as flowing water slows anything being carried drops out, hence the insides of bends are usually much shallower. Of course then the salt surges from higher sea levels would likely go further upstream.
  7. Floor repair or diet? Just askin'
  8. You'll get through the doors ok, try this stuff.
  9. As a devout born again atheist I've given up giving things up for lent.
  10. I gained a stone within a few months of giving up smoking, then had a bad stomach bug and lost half of it in a couple of weeks and stayed there for years, now getting porky at 11.5 stone, that'll be the beer mostly. Still buying 30" waist though, don't want to be a fatty like Griff...
  11. Mine also came from Jackson leisure due to the same reason, price. Anything with danfoss compressor should be good for 12v, don't even think about a 3 way for 12v as they are battery killers.
  12. Smoggy


    But now an empty brewery shop?
  13. Smoggy


    Offer them an exhaust silencer, like this one...
  14. That's not nearly as newsworthy as freezing cold doom and despair though, but pretty much as I understood it.
  15. Yes, it's at the front but they put it on backwards to make up for it...
  16. I doubt it, he's too busy worrying about the lack of gin bottles a week in another thread!
  17. Could at least have a pic of your own bike with that username, or is that a whole new thread?
  18. Mine has boat in the background, it's taken in the saloon.
  19. If the batteries are in a good state of charge there is no need whatsoever to run the engine while the heating starts and no-one wants to hear it when you get back from the pub at 12.00am, unfortunately lots of hire boats spend the last night close to the yard and they are not back in the yard long enough for a proper charge, next hirer picks up and heads for the closest spot and the batteries will be low which in turn takes it's toll on battery lifespan. A good long run on the first day will help give you a good head start on battery capacity.
  20. Before or after fermentation.
  21. Smoggy


    It's nice on breydon in winter as you can have the place to yourself quite often. I'm surprised to see you in a pub again... Keep up the good work.
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