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Everything posted by floydraser

  1. I think the problem is getting the tension right. Ours is an Ashford but it came as a restoration project (doesn't everything?) so we're starting from scratch. I haven't had a go myself yet but I'm guessing it's a process of trial and error.
  2. What a shame we are unable to go. Mrs Raser has a spinning wheel she is struggling to get the hang of. We went to a similar event at Buxton but it was very disappointing.
  3. Just to clarify: We were told the ex contributor posted on fb. He was responding to someone else who raised the issue I believe.
  4. A couple of weeks ago as reported on another thread I bought an old telescope from an auction in Norfolk. My brother in law collected it for me and found in marked with a broad arrow and 1940. It's state suggests it's litterally been through the wars in a shipwreck. I won't get it until the weekend but if confirmed I will be chuffed to be in possession of something which clearly represents very brave men.
  5. We are currently in His Majesty's Lake District and the campsite is full. Walking around Derwentwater today (10 miles!) we saw people being turned away from the launches as they were full. I think the weather has a lot to do with it as we are currently getting 20+ degrees and blue skies every day. Last minute dot com holidays and all that. Sitting under that blanket of cloud is not helping Norfolk.
  6. And so the author of the report seems to be a loyal supporter of JP. My feelings too.
  7. Thank you Fred. The point I was trying highlight was that the ba have tried to justify these charges as a means of providing rangers, but if they were in place for the last two years they must have been already funded. So now fees are paid and there are no more rangers than before? So is that misrepresentaion by the ba? (Again!) If so, not a red herring thanks.
  8. Shouldn't quote myself but on second thoughts the suggestions have been that any increase is due to more boats being able to use the moorings because of the time slots. In which case it's the time slots having the impact and NOT the charges. I see no reason why the timeslots couldn't stay and the charges go. Whoever Charles Cator is, the ba shouldn't be in competition with him; they should look after their own business.
  9. So that makes it easy then: If someone would approach the pub and other local businesses to see if it's true that their trade has increased due to the charges, it would seem to settle things. I don't see what Charles Cator has to do with it?
  10. Sorry if this is a silly question but if Liana and the information centre were both there before the charges were introduced, how many rangers were there? (Not an A level maths question by the way!)
  11. I think the ba should know and it should be on record that they have been told, for future reference. BRAG should know for anecdotal evidence.
  12. Sorry I won't be able to make it. £3 is a very reasonable entry price. It deserves to be a great success.
  13. The hammer price was £5. I got the telescope for the same price.
  14. Not a perfect solution but I would think at the very least any boat blocking a ladder should have it's own ladder deployed for emergencies.
  15. Talk talk would be more convincing as they usually claim to be from Microsoft! Nobody with an accent like that was ever called "Michael", that's usually the first givaway.
  16. I hope this is ok: https://www.easyliveauction.com/catalogue/lot/e2c997e2e4f25f2eaba8f894c3a50cfd/0af8d24542e81eb9357e7ef448a6646f/online-only-sale-of-collectables-antiques-general-lot-339/ It's part of a lot consisting of framed prints, guide price £5 - £10. It's generally a house clearance auction. I'll be bidding on lot 416, a telescope, among other things.
  17. I just thought a few you of with an interest in history would be interested in this. Ironically, this auction notice is itself coming up for auction tomorrow in Snettisham.
  18. Before cutting, measure the wood again, then again, then once more to be sure the Elves haven't moved the cutting lines overnight. You can never be sure..
  19. Careful: Vaughan's talking about the 1960's. These days a Waitrose trolley on it's side will take up about 2' 6"..
  20. Yes, but maybe they get 10% employee discount? Or, if they refused to pay, the lady from the shop would issue them with a little bit of paper and the BA would have to fine itself through a court case. The case for the defence would be interesting...
  21. One has a cold, wet nose and the other one is a dog.
  22. Mooring at Ranworth has been discussed at great length over on the other thread, could we keep it there and leave this one for BRAG please? I'm not sure of all the legal ins and outs as some of you are but instead of going over it again and again on a forum, how about someone puts all this information together into a case and forward it to one of the email addresses in the notice above. No Facebook needed.
  23. Nothing at all. I just wanted to establish whether or not your creative time and energy were being co-ordinated with BRAG. You've made your point of view quite clear and I respect that.
  24. But you haven't been following so there's a chance you haven't understood correctly. Whether it's democratic or not doesn't matter so long as they can rely on support. They are achieving.
  25. Nice you've aknowledged their effort but over on the Ranworth thread you said you weren't following what they were doing. If you were you would know that effectively they ARE an elected body by virtue of the way they have formed up. It's not perfect and people have moaned but so far I'm not aware of anyone opposed to what they are doing, apart from the BA of course.
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