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Everything posted by floydraser

  1. I get that Fred but there's always a risk of putting someone off returning, and just one would be one too many. I could elaborate but I won't be going back Barnard Castle or Ravenglass for similar reasons.
  2. Same with twitter but there's a very tiny cross in the corner of the pop up to get rid of it. Not sure if it's the same with Facebook because I'm signed in. One of the biggest problems with FB is learning all the settings which are available. Settings to control who can and can't see the content. The BRAG page has everything set to open at the moment so anyone should be able to see it. There have been suggestions about making it a closed group but for the time being they are leaving it open.
  3. And that is just a typical social media response, " so whate you're saying is..." No one is trying to censor anyone, I was just stating my opinion which remains the same. If you are hiring a boat you are most likely to be successful and hard working. Probably a couple, both hard working. Just want to get away from it all and relax, not get involved in arguments. It would pee me right off if someone came to me with such information.
  4. While I'm sure you were well meaning, I would respectfully suggest it's best not to involve visiting tourists who may be blissfully unaware of any argument. That may have resulted in that person arguing with the people at Ranworth and/or the boatyard. It would have soured their day and may even put them off returning.
  5. From the other thread: If £250 a day is going to be the norm, that'll mean it's a success and it'll be very difficult for a future administration to justify knocking the charges off again.
  6. This was brought home to us recently. We buy stuff from house clearance auctions occasionally and while bargains are there to be had, we are reminded sometimes that we are buying someone else's wasted hard work. Far better to sell it or give it to charity. I would try and sell it first or choose the charity carefully; some of them charge silly money while the stuff stays on the shelf. "I'd like to know where it's gone" is what one of my grandparents used to say.
  8. I congratulate them. Just reward for a sensible, constructive campaign.
  9. I've been around Norwich plenty of times, around the ring road that is. I broke down on the ring road when the Leyland 3.5 tonner is was driving snapped it's cam belt. They fitted a new belt locally and I drove home at 40mph with a couple of bent valves. I've delivered to Asda a few times and got to know a few local characters - Tony the gardener and another chap who was always slagging off his sister who had won the lottery, "Doesn't bother me though." Oh really? Norwich town centre is on our to do list for this year as we embark on our retirement. I'm sure it's a lovely place as it is but I would love to have been able to see it's history as a dock. A preserved coaster as a museum would be an attraction for me. The air museum will get a visit too.
  10. Michael Portillo's railway journey featuring Norwich is repeated (again!) tonight at 7pm. I seem to remember he suggests corruption around the Town Hall...
  11. And the size of the ships; I understand there aren't that many places on board where you can actually see the sea!
  12. I thought some may be interested inthis article I found in an old Model Engineer from about 1956 or 57. How things change.. I've also just found an article on battery powered rechargeable railcars which were trialled between Aberdeen and Ballater with a charging point at each station, around the same time.
  13. On the subject of being made homeless, it should never happen. Even back in 1992 when I was flat broke there were procedures in place to help those struggling. All you had to do was communicate, be honest and make the effort to get yourself back on your feet. It's not just God who helps those who helps themselves. That said, if you sign up to pay for something, you pay. If you don't pay your BA tolls I expect as part of my agreement with them, that they come after you. Who ultimately pays for the legal costs - we do! If word got out that it was possible to get away without paying tolls a few more would stop paying and the rest of us would be idiots for paying.
  14. Just watched this tonight on BBC4 7.30. Same time tomorrow (Tuesday) it'll be about the Broads. Most of you maybe watched it first time round in 2013 but I wasn't here then.
  15. You're winning so far, mine's an Ideal Standard but later than that. I had to replace the thermostat and the thermocouple to stop it interfering with the digital TV signal.
  16. Sounds like a lack of gas due to a faulty flame failure device or thermocouple. The thermocouple is a diy job for a bloke like you as you don't have to tamper with the gas. I would be looking on the internet for the price of a new one and see if it's worth a try. You tube would be a good start to see how it's done. I have a similar set up but my boiler is probaly older as it has a pilot light. The guy who did my insulation told me that replacing my boiler like for like would save me gas with a spark ignition. But the cost of that would be about the same as ripping the whole lot out and fitting a combi, about two to three grand. Then more if you want the luxury shower. I looked into it recently when I had a problem with a lack of hot water, it turned out to be me forgetting to switch it back on after a weekend away! My understanding is that just like the electric shower needs an uprated supply, a combi does a similar thing with the hot water and therefore needs a good gas supply. I take that to mean a bigger boiler could need a 22mm gas supply. The installer should do a decent survey beforehand. Our view is that we wouldn't probably live long enough to see any saving so we're waiting until we have to change it, so we'll end up with one for the "future". Currently hydrogen but really? Electric only in 2025, really? Electric cars??? At the moment I would choose gas combi and with any luck there could be subsidies for us poor pensioners, I'm guessing just before election time.
  17. Can I point out the irony of car park charges - it's free at Ranworth. But as someone mentioned it: Car park charges can kill off any town centre and the best way to restore a town centre is to have free parking. It'll be interesting to see the long term effect of these mooring charges if/when they come in. We'll all be watching though. History may prove them to be acceptable but they are certainly not doing anything positive to attract more people to the Broads.
  18. On the one hand he's saying "look at what I did" and on the other there is an element of "how to...". He could have showed a little more responsibility by explaining what his toilet arrangements were to save those who are inspired by him, any doubt. It's not just bears that go in the woods then.
  19. I think we all know you only had the best of intentions. Thanks for posting, it has provoked some interesting points.
  20. Anyone feeling strong enough about it can easily post in the comments section below his video on Youtube. However, he does have the ability to remove any comments he wants to, which may be why there are no negative ones.
  21. This clever use of Youtube. He has 181K subscribers and if that's not enough to support his adventures maybe this is: https://simon-a-bloke-in-the-woods.teemill.com/ I read an old book about this kind of adventure, dating from the 1930s I think. Nothing new under the sun.
  22. ...smashing up a caravan then driving a Ferarri. The week after he drove a Ferarri then smashed up a caravan. The following week he raced a kid on a toy tractor against a Typhoon jet fighter. His imagination knows no bounds.
  23. Let the rich folk spend all their money there and keep the place open for all us cheapskates! Thanks to the free parking Horning is a nice place to visit anyway, depending on how much you want to drink. Is it possible to moor for free near to Horning and walk to the pub?
  24. Sounds rather complicated that. I think it would come down to how big and aggressive the other crew are.
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