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Everything posted by floydraser

  1. I spoke to my local supplier yesterday. I have a 3.9kg Calor propane bottle and need a refill. He told me he has 3 on order but he's not sure that he'll get them. He assures me if he can't he'll take mine against a 6kg refill. Doesn't help if you're limited on space but fine for my garage heater.
  2. I have read that two MPs, Jerome Mayhew and Duncan Baker have co-signed a letter to Bill Dickson, Chairman of the BA, asking him to explain the 13% rise and also clarify the position on the allocation of funds etc. The letter is the result of contact from the BHBF. This is the most positive action I've heard of so far towards reform. We await Mr Dickson's reply. BTW the storage fee for my caravan has gone up by 13%. It's catching...
  3. That sounds like he was suggesting that is always the case? Depends on the context but easily sorted by asking the question, do the windows leak? I wouldn't let it put me off going to have a look. Covers on the windows will protect interior fabrics from fading when the boat is left unused for long periods. Curtains and cushions will fade unevenly depending on the mooring. As FF says, cheaper to reseal unless they're all cracked, but that'll be easy to spot!
  4. I'm not sure if I've posted this before but maybe I should start a thread, "Church places you can't visit". Anyone fancy a guess? Because it's in Broads Chat I must add it's in Norfolk but not close to the Broads. The clock is circa 1650 and there's only one more like it in the Science Museum, and only one older in Salisbury Cathedral.
  5. It's yours then! Nice and quick thanks. PM me and we'll get it over to you somehow.
  6. This is the empty Flogas bottle I use whenever I get my little devil out. Having exhausted it I have now acquired (well, I've been promised) a smaller 3.9 Calor jobby. If anyone would like this one just let me know, I'm coming over next week sometime and could drop it off somewhere. No rush though and as long as know someone wants it I can keep it and bring it over next time. If no interest it'll go on Marketplace but I'd rather help a forum member. It's about 2ft tall and 1ft diameter if you want to see if it'll fit in your orrifice. Flogas: Be carefull. My local garden centre comes up as a Flogas supplier but when I got there they said sorry, we only do the barbeque bottles. Blofield garden centre also comes up but I don't know if it's the same with them, probably not as they did me a big propane bottle last year. Worth checking. My understanding is that this 11kg can be exchanged for anything smaller but nothing bigger. There also seems to be a surcharge of £4.74 to cover the fluctating cost of gas! I choose to wait until the gas price fluctuates down again.
  7. floydraser

    Odd One

    So we're looking for someone who was out on the town Friday before Christmas and needs to be drunk before they can saw in a straight line..... I have an alibi, honest. I don't know the area but if it's fairly remote then as Meantime says, they would have to carry whatever gear they needed a distance. If it's not then locals could have heard power tools? I know Swiss Army knives are good but I don't think they would cope with this. If the idea was to convey a message then it's missing somewhere so far.
  8. floydraser

    Odd One

    Friday night before Christmas Eve. Cut in half "while moored", I don't think so. Looks like a nice accurate cut from the photo. I would say someone dragged it onto the bank first? Probably done by some drunken idiot. No good doing it if you can't brag about it; someone will know sooner or later.
  9. "A four-year row about whether correct procedures were followed when considering two "minor" planning applications for piling work on a remote riverbank has finally come to an end... with a ruling that there was no significant wrongdoing." Is it a ruling, or just a report? Whatever it is, the BA doesn't come away from it squeaky clean. A few no, a lot of politicians are going through the same at the moment!
  10. The Long Shop Museum, Leiston. Adnams, Woodbridge. Or Woodbridge, then Adnams! Lavenham. The Lake District. Depending on what you like: we are currently enjoying membership of Historic Houses.
  11. So if you are now paying a service (how ever many times!) does this mean if the mooring goes wrong and you bash into another boat, you can now blame the staff member and all claims are directed towards his employer? I think being a staff member where these new charges are coming in is not going to be a pleasant occupation.
  12. I'm not sure what you're disagreeing with Fred. I didn't say I agree with everything it says; some of it may be BS but it is a response, it's polite and it's as good as we could expect. I can see what JP is doing and as I have said before, he's a very clever bloke. He's always at least one step ahead. A clue could be where you wrote "pre-written".
  13. Well as I expected, it just got very silly. Rule 2: No hate speech or bullying. The very bloke who set it up then posts "Everyone say hi to the BA spy in our midst" Rule 4: No moaning. But the above kicked off a list of the same old moans. I'll stay away thanks, it's just not the way to go on.
  14. My first reaction was fair play for responding to all the questions being thrown about in social media, in a public way without empowering any one person or group. Second reaction, shame there doesn't seem to be any agenda for attracting new people to the Broads, just deal with those already here. A bit short sighted I think.
  15. Yes, unfortunately there are those who seek to mess it up for all of us. When I put the boat on Facebook Marketplace I had two, sometimes three enquiries per evening from genuine profiles but hackers were using them to try and get me to visit a dodgy website. Thankfully they were easy to spot after the first one and the website never opened anyway. My profile clearly states I don't want any "friends" and the only reason I'm there is to sell stuff on Marketplace. I deliberately put in the wrong date of birth as a minor security thing and one of my neighbours sent me a card on the "wrong" day!
  16. I've had a quick look at this FB page and so far so good. I like the honesty of the statement of intent; it's trying to do what it says on the tin. I'll give it a while and if it doesn't get silly I'll join just add my name to the numbers. I'm not sure I could contribute any more than the experienced voices already there. My biggest problem with InstaWhappFaceTwitTok is that they all seem to have interfaces designed for those who want to live on them. For instance, we have a family Whatsapp group but because I don't live on it I can never remember how to do things! There should be free night school classes for the over fifties to learn these things.
  17. Stranger things have happened. It's a very strange time we are living in. If someone put in a good application and someone else thought it would get them votes, you never know. However, if no-one asks the question then we will definitely know the Broads will have missed an opportunity.
  18. Under the levelling up scheme £millions has been given to a project in Morecambe to build a tourist attraction which doesn't even exist yet. Also another few quid to Dover to "improve efficiency". This was levelling up Round 2 and the window for applications was last year between mid July and August. Would there be a case for funding to improve and restore the Broads for the greater use of tourism? I mean things like this bridge (and possibly others?), improving access, dredging etc to control/maintain river levels. Include the Walsham/Dilham canal too. Get it done as an investment for the future. My alarm will go off in a minute... oh forgot, I just retired. I'll carry on dreaming then.
  19. I don't know, maybe that's why no-one ever suggested it. It would probably lead to more bankside conflict too. But it surprises me that it's free to fish a waterway that is maintained.
  20. Why has no-one ever suggested charging for fishing on the Broads?
  21. It will be interesting to see how hiring companies handle these new charges. Whether the hirer has to pay or if it's included in the hiring fee somehow (refund). Or if there is some arrangement whereby the hiring company pays a set fee and the hirer pays nothing. I guess a couple of nights at ten quid is not much on top of a couple grands worth of holiday.
  22. Several of us have suggested rebuilding and raising the height so far but should this ever happen we don't want the BA involved in the finance; our tolls would go through the roof! If the old bridge had to close to river traffic, what proportion of the toll could we shave off for the loss of mileage? It would be interesting to see details of any old planning meetings for the building of the other "new" bridge. Surely the long term future of the waterway and the old bridge would have discussed at that time. For instance, if they had considered the possibility of the old bridge being removed at some stage, they could have made the new bridge higher to accommodate bigger boats. They must have decided that was never going to happen.
  23. Ah, I never knew that. So what is the difference between the two bridges in height, does anyone know?
  24. In 2007 storms washed away parts of the Severn Valley Railway and due to the impact on local tourism £3.8million was raised for the repairs. In 2015 storm Desmond washed away 2 bridges and damaged another on the Keswick to Threlkeld railway walk in the Lake District. £7.9million was the bill for that one and with no toll payers to recoup the cost! If PH was deemed to be totally unsafe it could actually be a blessing disguise and lead to decent long term outcome. It's value to tourism, listed status and location within a National Park would all count in it's favour.
  25. I reckon a Lottery grant would cover the cost of a higher rebuild. Just the kind of thing they would support. I won't mention some the stuff they've wasted millions on but this would be of great benefit to the area. Again, something for the local MP to champion.
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