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Everything posted by floydraser

  1. This has made it onto the forum as it took place in an area often mentioned in Broads matters. Sadly, it seems this is more common than we may be aware; last month a car driven by a drunk, mounted a kerb and hit two 14 year old girls in Leicester, killing one and injuring the other. Trying to find reference to the above I googled "drunk driver car crash - Leicester". Sadly, there have been a few similar incidents in this area.
  2. Looks like it's on a giant sled.... just wait for the snow.
  3. This chap knew the laws and the possibility of a prison sentence but it wasn't enough of a deterrant. Before you know if a longer sentence would be more of a deterrant you would have more victims. Couldn't we (as a community, not the forum) concentrate on preventing victims in the first?
  4. It would be interesting to hear his side of the story. He knew what he was doing when he had extra drinks, knowing he was going to drive home; he wasn't just over the limit, he was virtually legless. Was it a local pub where he usually had a few and drove home? I know people who have done that in the past and I should think there are still those who risk it. I wonder how his friends and family feel about it, especially if they've seen him do it before. Several families lives affected. We need to know why it happens before we can stop it. We all joke about drinking but drinking and driving needs to become a massive social no-no such that people wouldn't brag about getting away with it. How about making it standard that when visiting a pub/restaurant/etc the driver has a breath test before leaving? By "standard" I mean why can't we agree to do it without someone having to make it law that we have to do it?
  5. Buying up the competition is nothing new in business I'm afraid. What's happening with the 20-boat space left at Brundall?
  6. There could be problems with humans: Remote charging points being broken/misused/vandalised. A new discipline regarding MOB safety procedures - how to make sure the power is switched off - big red button I guess? Or is that already in place?
  7. I think I see a profit in this: I'll write up our findings here in the form an article on lemon powered boats and have it published in the EDP, they're bound to fall for it.
  8. Luckily, I have time on my hands. OK, I admit the theory needs more work but I feel we're making progress as you haven't dismissed it out of hand. What if I used large, U shaped staples to form a battery of lemons?
  9. We've just had a new gas cooker delivered and installed today. Our fourth in 45 years. Things change don't they? I was dreading a change in regulations which would mean we couldn't go ahead but the only significant change was that it has to be chained to the wall! The main oven extinguishes the flame when it reaches the right temperature then re-ignites it to maintain it; to save on gas I guess. If they've been doing that for years it shows how old ours was! Biggest shock was £25 delivery, £100 connection and £20 to "recycle" the old one. Didn't bother with the last one.
  10. They've not only perfected diesel engines, it's the diesel itself too. It used to be thicker and froze in the winter. There was (is?) more of it per quantity of crude oil so it was cheaper until "Two Jags" decided it was killing us all. Maybe we need to develop better vegetables? Another solution from history: shove two nails into a lemon?
  11. I reckon you could probably learn brain surgery from Youtube; I may give it a try one day. Need to find someone with a brain to practice on though.... There is also a lot of satisfaction to be had by posting "how to" videos on there. My XC90 parking brake cable adjustment video has had 78K views and a few kind comments.
  12. Did these duckwits let ambulances and fire engines through? Why don't they employ the services of publicity experts to tell them how to get their message accross in a way that wouldn't turn people against them? Or am I being too obvious?
  13. Oops, I never thought of that. No, its the model: A, B, C etc. Then it gets confusing... Mine's a 2015 E, then came the F and I don't know what they use now the electrics are out. Mine's an eco diesel with the 1.3 Fiat based engine. Returns regular 60 plus running around, 70 plus on a run, no road tax. Not worth getting rid of it. Just about to click over 90k so may need a timing chain in a couple of years. Wouldn't touch an electric; there's talk of taxing them now. Who'd have thought....
  14. Will these do? Actually, the wheel is built solid so without the heater it takes any heat out of your fingers! Happened on the Dents by luck; a leather wear shop closing down sale.
  15. Must be the season Griff; my heated steering wheel has also packed up. Corsa E. Led doesn't light, no heat, but fuse ok. It's mentioned on quite a few forums but nowhere does anyone have a conclusion as to what the problem is! Nothing on Youtube apart from how to strip the dash and remove the wheel. I'm even struggling to find which relay to check.. Ah well, what else am I going to do with my time.... ?
  16. From the unknowledgeable: I would think two would be enough. I would be pooring water into the front bilge to test the link pipe though.
  17. Not my department really but my observations from afar: I wonder how these compare to a slow cooker for practicallity? Mrs raser had a smaller slow cooker but decided it wasn't practical enough, so we have a 6 litre version which does several meals worth of cooking in one session. And to save it stinking the house out it does so in the garage. On full whack it uses 290 watts, has three settings and we use it mainly on low, so I presume something like leaving a light on for several hours.
  18. That'll do for me. I'll give you a shout next time I'm over!
  19. Here are the important questions: Will I go A over T as I walk in the place or have the levelled the floor? Are the three old boys still at the end of the bar? What is the beer - any sign of Adnams Broadside?
  20. Well in that case we should all make the effort to go round there, force a drink down and then see how it goes. A dirty job but someone has to do it.
  21. Would now be a good time to mention self service tills in supermarkets? Ok, I won't then...
  22. That's a very good point. If you have the cash then you legally have the means and the intent to pay. I would think it becomes awkward but I doubt you could be presecuted. Unless by ignoring the card payment only notice, you are in breach of an agreement. Still, better just to take the cash rather than lose customers and reputation.
  23. I've just a quick look on Google Streetview: From the road it shows the new pub being constructed. Head towards Brooms and it changes back to the old pub. I never noticed the old caravan in the back yard.
  24. It's those roads which put me off going down there. Not a relaxing drive especially with an impatient local on your tail.
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