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Everything posted by floydraser

  1. This should be a link to the thread in the restoration section. https://forum.norfolkbroadsnetwork.com/topic/15949-harvey-eastwood-37/
  2. floydraser


    I hope you get sorted today. If you need help let us know and I'm sure one of us can help out with electric heaters. I have two on the boat doing nothing at the moment.
  3. Didn't see the game but it's always a shame when a match is spoilt by a bad ref or some other controversy. It sounds like it was a good contest; France won but they had to play their best to beat us. So we played as good if not better than the World Champions. I'll take that.
  4. Thank you for the sentiment Andrew, it's much appreciated but I hope I haven't come over as having a hard time, far from it. The lady is very easy to look after as, apart from time, she is not so demanding. There is plenty of Norfolk we still haven't discovered but it's on our list... And seasons greetings to you and yours.
  5. I confess to being the World's worst salesman. The Denham Owl is for sale more for convenience than out of desperation. Mooring fees are due in April but the marina want 3 months notice of change, I can pay yearly or go to monthly tariff. “Personal circumstances” doesn't seem to be enough for some people: for a while now we have had a 91 year old with early stage dementia to look after 2 days a week. This is our choice as it's part of modern living, and when our time comes we wouldn't want our kids to chuck us out of the family home for the sake of a boat; it's just a boat. It's not that we can't afford it, just that we won't be able to get over there much. I'm fully prepared to pay another 12 months mooring etc but thought I'd see if anyone wants to take it on. I tried on Facebook Marketplace but that ended me receiving abuse from someone who offered me the asking price without viewing. It also seemed to provoke a less than complimentary comment on Youtube from a Broads supporter which is why all those videos have been removed. I have a plan if it doesn't sell but if anyone here is interested or knows anyone interested, please contact me by PM. I have information prepared and there is a private video on Youtube relating to the sale for which I will need an email address to invite a viewing. Thanks for looking.
  6. A few years ago we stayed at the Camping and Caravan Club's site at Woodhall Spa, with a couple of friends. Handy for the village, Thorpe Camp, East Kirby, Coningsby and other historic sites. We visited the Petwood hotel and especially it's small museum room dedicated to 617 squadron. While there we had a cuppa in the lounge where we saw an old Gentleman doing the same, with what we thought was a carer looking after him. After that we went to Coningsby and parked by the perimeter fence by the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight. There is a board there detailing all the flights for that day. One of the flights specified that it was to pass over the Petwood hotel. Strange? Then it dawned on us: it was May and an anniversary weekend of Operation Chastise. To this day I regret missing the opportunity to just walk over and say, "Thank you Sir." Better late than never: Thank you Sir, you and your kind will never be forgotten.
  7. Probably quantity may have a lot to do with it; are there more boats being used more of the time on canals?
  8. Another factor maybe modern standards of education and expectation. Kids study business at school and can then go on to study it further, as compared to the seat of the pants businessmen of years ago. Away from the Broads over here: Years ago a chap buys a lorry and starts his own business. He expands and buys more lorries and a big yard. People work for him for years and speak about him with affection. He contributes a lot to the local community. His son takes over and restructures the business. Merges with another company, expands into warehousing. The son moves away to a more affluent village. The third generation takes over - warehouses sold off, family name gone from the lorries, yard sold off for housing estate. No trace of the family round here anymore.
  9. No need to apologise Vaughan but to try and "re-adjust" the context: I can fully see the appeal of the Broads hire craft of today - sleek, modern etc. But assuming the Broads are doing nothing wrong, they are still up against holidays abroad where people are waited on hand and foot in constatnt glorious weather. The pandemic showed us that people are still attracted to the Broads but now they have a choice it's back to normal. So the problem surely is, how to compete with the alternative holiday styles. From what I've read on this forum over the years (listen to me; I sound like an old hand! - Don't answer that!) I would say plentiful moorings with easy access to public houses should help. And free use of paddleboards (included in the hire) but only until the fashion changes, then free use of whatever replaces them. But thats me trying to judge what others would want, which is why I wouldn't want the job thanks!
  10. No, if you live aboard, it's liveaboard. Let's please not start chasing our tails around a series of made up terms like other areas of the media. Let's pretend to be grown up instead. If the term is accepted as being in some way disparaging, why should that be? It would be an admission that they are looked down upon. And if they are looked down upon, why is that? The BA has a difficult job in trying to attract people to the Broads and as part of that, has to make sure there's little to put them off. They have to try and judge other people's predjudices. Not a job I would want either; must lead to some uncomfortable discussions behind closed doors.
  11. From my low down observation I would say that some of the A11 work now has a surface on it. If I were still driving artics I could say for sure but there's noooo chance of that.
  12. I saw those too. I agree with you but I hope we're wrong. I would think that whatever they leave as barriers would have to be up the full standard or a reduced speed limit would be in force, after all, the cameras were already there so it would have been easy to do.
  13. Brace yourselves, this may come as a bit of a shock: There are no barrier works on the A14 at Newmarket. They've all gone. Not a cone in sight. I wonder how long before they find an excuse for digging it up again somewhere. It seems very odd to go past Cambridge and Newmarket without having to slow to 40. I almost did it instinctively.
  14. No, they just want us all to panic buy electricity. Anyone remember the time when the advertising people were trying to get us all to use more and more? It was "Shower Electric" versus creature comforts animations telling us gas is "very turn on and offable"? They said a 3 minute electric shower would save 1/3rd the cost of a bath. Hmmm.
  15. Now you're just showing off! Don't they come with a maid to load/unload them? But now you mention it, how are you pronouncing "Miele"???
  16. So what are you saying because I gave up??? And just to fuel this latest forum war further: how does the cost of a tablet compare to the average British Standard squirt of Fairy Liquid? Other washing up liquids are available. And don't forget to dial in the cost of the occasional dishwasher tab designed solely to wash the dishwasher.. I can see the value for people with a few kids to get off to school etc but as Empty Nesters, nah. Not meaning to criticise others choices, just offering another point of view.
  17. In our house the dishwasher is me. Last year we stayed in a lodge with a dishwasher and we thought it was a faff. I got annoyed with the cutlery which seemed to come alive as I tried to get it all the the stupid basket thingy. This year at the same place I found it quicker to do the cutlery by hand, bung the rest in the washer and go out. Time isn't that precious at home so wouldn't bother.
  18. Unless you are with Sun Life of course. I can't believe they are still using the advert where the guy's paperwork goes to his neighbour's house. Yes it could be the Postie at fault but if your policy goes astray, you have been warned...
  19. Whatever she brings, you'll be safe! For convenience though, I reckon you'll be all right if you only use one item at once. So if you boil the kettle while she's drying her hair, it could suddenly go quiet and dark if you had the lights on too. They'll surely be a circuit breaker on the post as well as the ones on the boat. Watch out for a new type of hook up I experienced on a campsite this year (unless these are already standard?): there is a lever that secures the plug in the socket which also makes the circuit. I hadn't noticed and just pushed the plug in as normal, then wondered why the kettle wouldn't boil. We were resigned to buying a new kettle before noticing nothing else electrical worked either.
  20. Many years ago I was driving a brand new face lift Scania artic back from Norwich Asda, late evening in the summer. Approaching Attleborough the A47 was closed and the cones took us up the slip road to where a copper was directing things. (If copper isn't allowed please edit!) I stopped and asking him which way to get back on the A47 and he said, "Follow them." A car, small van, two more cars then me. I was struggling to keep up but I first thought I was in trouble as the leader disappeared between two farm buildings and we all followed, down a single track road. After a while we came to a small bridge with a 7.5 tonne weight limit but luckily, no sharp turns. After what seemed like ages we came to civilisation in the form of street lights and houses. Great, until the leader pulled into his own drive and wondered why we all stopped! The van pulled over and bottled out as leader so we carried on.. Eventually we got back to the A47. Thank goodness I thought, until more road closed signs. At the top of the slip road I stopped and spoke to the copper, "Remember me? I was here three quarters of an hour ago and I've been on a Grand Tour of Norfolk! Now could you give me proper directions this time please?" I remember passing Banham Zoo at around 23.30...
  21. Guilty. Thelwall viaduct, every time - talk about a lost cause!
  22. Wrong! Those cones are actually forming a picket line, they are on strike for better pay and conditions.
  23. In working order the suspension would take probably less than a minute to raise. No need to stop the buses.
  24. I was just offering food for thought as a non- local. It seems we don't for sure whether or not low loaders are banned from the bridge but assuming they are, I would expect there to enough room to turn one round in an industrial area. I looked to see if there was a sign at the B1140 mini roundabout but I couldn't see one. Google Streetview. As I suggested, every boat moving business should be well versed in boatyards and routes to them so it could well be that low loaders are allowed to use the bridge. There are plenty of boatyards around there so there must be well sorted way of moving boats around. Maybe a local will be along soon to put us right. I contacted John Shepherd in Ayrshire, Scotland to transport the Denham Owl from Glasgow to Brundall. The driver knew all the boatyards around the Broads as they regularly move stuff into, and out from, Brooms. I'm still guessing air suspension fail. On Youtube there are quite a few videos of American low loaders getting stuck on level crossings, with spectacular results!
  25. Just had a quick look and I can't see any signs that advise against low loaders going over the bridge. There are signs from the NDR showing HGVs the way to Rackheath industrial estate, so the signs should be by the last chance to turn round - the industrial estate, if any. The air suspension on the lorry or trailer could have failed. Transporting boats is not a wide open industry and in my experience just about every driver of such vehicles will either know all the boat yards and the routes to them, or have easy access to such information. When I started at Asda, I didn't just take off towards a store and ask a policeman, I had a quite a few blokes to ask exact directions. Yes, a long, long time before satnav!
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