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Everything posted by floydraser

  1. Not exactly but near enough for rock and roll. So if my foot slips off the brake pedal and I run into the back of someone, I can claim it as an accident because it was clearly not deliberate? Or I could just say it was an accident and not give a reason? An accident is usually deemed to be the responsibility of one party in practical terms, which is where this thread is based. Two boats crashing into each other are rarely and act of God. Unless one breaks free from a mooring but even then, it should be insured for the purpose of covering the damage caused.
  2. It's not just the local byelaws of whoever's making, it is the law of the land that if you cause damage to property you are responsible for putting things right. Running away without leaving details could be interpreted as trying to get out of it. I think that's what Public Liabilities insurance is all about? I am reminded of an incident many years ago when someone reversed into my car in the car park of a wholesale business. I rang the guy and he was flumoxed as to how I knew it was him and how I got his number. This was before people were shy about giving out details too. I explained that the wholesalers had given me his details. He had failed to notice my two sons were in the back of the car and had been astute enough to take his registration number. They came in to find us, and as the guy was a regular, the wholesalers knew who it was straight away. He would have been less embarassed and his reputation more intact if he had done the decent thing in the first place.
  3. I think a lot of it is to do with how an image is used. If someone in the pic can clearly be identified and it is to be used for publication, that person may want a slice of the cake. A picture of a house used as a generic picture of a house may not draw attention unless the owner is aware, but identified by an address or as a person's address then permission would certainly be needed. Besides, it's courteous. The problem with boats on the Broads is that they all have idividual names/numbers and therefore are easily identified but as the database is clearly not for profit, I doubt whether anyone would be more bothered than to kindly ask that an image be removed.
  4. Absolutely, but in fairness Dave has asked for ideas and suggestions: see post 6.
  5. Well done Dave, a piece of history is now in very safe hands. Accessibility may be an area for review; I have tried to find where to send updated pics of my boat but there's no obvious and easy way to make contact.
  6. Going by what happens with minor car accidents, people seem to be programmed to deny all responsibility. And if they were looking the other way, all knowledge it happened! Witnesses must be so important. I've known people to admit responsibility at the scene only to deny it on the report form. We have hired static caravans before. In one the teapot was at the back of a kitchen cupboard - first thing you look for on arrival! As Mrs Raser picked it up it fell into pieces, the largest of which just missed her foot and stuck into the floor covering. On another occasion one of the beds had been broken and collapsed when one of the grandchildren sat on it. In both cases previous hirers had tried to cover up their own damage to avoid losing the deposit. And although we wouldn't like to admit it, I'm sure there are some dodgy private owners out there as well. Fingers crossed that accidents only happen to honest folk.
  7. You are absolutely right of course but most people will have picked up that mine was a cynical response to what was a cynical "Well done". You have obviously interpreted it literally.
  8. Thank you for the well done, I see that as an acheivement. You COULD have let "misinformation" (which a lot of people seem to find very informative) go unchallenged but chose not to by your own free will. I wonder how many others here find it odd that someone with your wealth of experience in all things legal has any bother at all with such things. Don't they know who you are? Don't feel you have to answer that.
  9. While it's all very romantic to express that some of the "well known names" have not posted recently, I have noticed that this forum has become a far nicer place to be. One has reappeared here and I am already once again reminded of Harry Enfield's three scousers: "Are you saying?" Caam down! CAAM DOWN!
  10. That throws a completely different light on things. I did think that people were once again rushing to speculative judgements. Two local teachers setting up a business; what better start than to "borrow" the goodwill of a long established and well loved local business, which in a small way could also be seen as future competition? Smart move, hiding under a blanket of niceness? My guess would be that the old cafe may open as another cafe or would another shop go well there? I don't know the place.
  11. A mere 45.2 at the same time today and now, 42. Snow by the weekend at this rate....
  12. 14.50 - 46.5 degrees 36% humidity. There's the record.
  13. 12.40 - 41.2 degrees 40% humidity.
  14. Hot here in Leics. No escape as we have a 91 year old to keep an eye on. Currently 38 degrees on the Denham Owl under the cover. Record set yesterday at 41.3 so we'll see what we can acheive today.
  15. Interesting. There seems to be a fad for creative camping at the moment which has been going on for a few years. I refer to "glamping pods" and ready pitched "tents" which appear to made from lorry tarpaulins. We are members of the Camping and Caravan Club and as such have seen these spring up in various places. A lot of investment but mostly, they stand empty until high season. As I said though, probably a fad which may fade away. They are though, taking customers away from more traditional holidays.
  16. Can you identify it on what3words?
  17. Lovely. Reminds me of a decent day out: Park at Woodbridge and walk along the river past the Deben Yacht Club, around Martlesham creek and if you have the stamina, to Waldringfield and the Maybush pub. Alternatively, drive to Waldringfield, park at the pub and stay there.
  18. I wouldn't write off a gaming machine because it was labelled as such. I need one for CAD and therefore a decent graphics card. Gaming machines have decent graphics cards and more connections than more expensive "business" machines. It's a minefield out there!
  19. I can't really help but I can share your frustration. The recent demise of my own PC has led me to the same path of trying to find a suitable laptop. It seems that each manufacturer has an infinite number of models, climbing in price by £20 increments and of varying specifications. Luckily there seems to be a Black Friday event this month and Dell have some decent discounts. I'm still undecided though.
  20. So many jokes there... I'll have to set my alarm for 3am to get past the moderators. Welcome Roger and Margaret.
  21. Blimey, don't you get a good signal from the marina wifi? You must be so close to the repeater you could tie your mooring ropes around it! I've found adding a USB wifi aerial to my laptop has made a big improvement.
  22. Weekends + hot weather = people are going to head for water. I agree that it's great that so many people get out there, so long as they pay their share and leave no litter. I count myself lucky I can go fishing during the week (but not at the moment, work has just come in!), which is what I stick to and leave space at the weekends for working folk.
  23. And another thread where people talk a load of hot air....
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