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Everything posted by floydraser

  1. I was on board at Brundall Tuesday to Thursday. There was no low tide, just high tide and even higher tide.
  2. Well done and thank you for sharing with us. Hope you have an enjoyable experience.
  3. So by my maths and experience of these things that'll be: 28 items - 18 items = 10 items + X items Where X is the amount of items created/discovered while attending to the 18 items.
  4. It looks like some dry, rotting wood describing the shape of a boat. I wouldn't want to chance moving it anywhere. Easy to see why they want to get rid of it if you look at the marina on Google Earth; they are rammed with boats on hard standing and probably have a waiting list. Lovely marina to be berthed at. Very remote with just a short cruise (or a pleasant walk) to Foxton Locks.
  5. My day back dated to last Friday: We've had a new VW campervan on order since March. We fully understand the delays due to global goings on so there has been a delay past the June build time. I had a phone call about 4 weeks ago to say it was half built at VW but they were waiting for parts. Had a call on Friday with good news and bad. Good news: my van is in the uk. Bad: It's got the wrong engine and gearbox! My choices were: accept it and save some money. Wait for a week another one with the right engine but wrong gearbox. Re order and go again. Easiest way out all round is that I take a refund and walk away. Between VW, their dealer and the converter, they could blame each other all day long. They can sell any van they produce so why should anyone put themselves out for me? They now have one for immediate delivery to which they can apply all the latest price hikes. Win win win. We were very disappointed and deflated but in the big scheme of things we are lucky to have our health and the ability to enjoy life in other ways. Like Smoggy recently, I have had a few health scares and tests where one minute you are choosing hymns, next you feel a bit of a fraud. It puts a lot of things in perspective.
  6. The greatest monarch ever, she showed the way. I think we are in good hands. Thank you Ma'am. A comment on one of my Youtube videos yesterday from an overseas viewer: Thanks for the info, sorry to hear about your queen.
  7. Where is it then? It's around 1:35.
  8. I hope this hasn't been covered before?: I've recently watched a short programme called "Diesel train ride" from 1959 (I think) on this channel and thought it would appeal to some here. At the start, the driver is seen altering the destination from Mundesley but from there on, there is little clue as to where we are going. Apart from the fact we soon cross the Broads twice and I have no idea where, although those with experienced eyes may be able to tell us. Later on I just about made out "Spooner Row" on a signal box but then it goes a bit mad; we soon end up in the Lake District which I did recognise! The diesel in the title though, is only a railcar and I didn't see a toilet! If you have a smart TV you now get an annoying red "encore" message on this channel. If you press the red button it takes you to a page where you can search their catch up service. Search "diesel" and you'll find this and another film where they show you how to actually drive the train! Enjoy...
  9. I noticed that and to me it indicates that they're all good friends. I like to browse antique shops but the small size and reference to fine wines suggests they are aiming at the upper end of the market. That's me out then...
  10. Yesterday around 14.30 we had a Flying Fortress circling overhead. After that, several Merlin engines could be heard as a succession of warbirds put on fake dog fights and displays. At one point there was a formation of two Spitfires, a Huricane and an ME109. Then a Lancaster frightened the rooftiles. Yes folks, it's Victory Show time again, same again today with a rumour the Red Arrows may put in a appearance. My front lawn is available for rent if you're quick...
  11. Youtube: the answer to everything is right there......
  12. I would be very proud if a drone could see my bits from 500ft!
  13. Warning: If you ever pass MM's boat, youngsters should be encouraged to look in the opposite direction. On the other hand, that does give me an idea for an Onlyfans page.......
  14. Ah, that'll be the one usually berthed at Repps. Nice see it out and about.
  15. With respect, I think you're over reacting. I could ask, if that were the shots taken by the estate agent's drone, which house is for sale? It's the same as taking images of a large crowd of people versus a close up of an individual. The estate agent's drone would have so close it was most probably being heard as well as seen. None of your footage seen on here should upset anyone. As I hinted at before, drones are still new to most people. As a professional photographer (in another life, on another planet it seems!) I never had any problems when asking people if I could impose on their property. In fact, most were only too glad to help if only for the anecdote value. How many here would object if a drone pilot explained why he wanted to overfly their house? Not me, but I would be well p*ssed off if he/she didn't. Unless it's the police looking for an old gentleman with dementia, as happened here about a week ago. They found him ok. But it still made a noise which could have been defined as a nuisance under other circumstances.
  16. Could have been avoided by banging on a few doors and explaining what was going on beforehand. It's something very old fashioned we used to call "consideration of others". Of course we are all paranoid about drones flying overhead, especially our homes; they have cameras and we never know which way they are pointing. It's our natural defence mechanism. Just having a licence doesn't change the way the homeowner feels about it. At no point did he actually threaten to shoot the drone pilot, or deliberately point the gun at him, he was just waving it about in his anger. To me it just shows we haven't got the rules about drones quite right yet.
  17. Expect the straight itself to get busy during daylight hours in that case, as regular deliveries are concentrated to avoid the diversion. Asda's fresh stuff goes into the store during the early hours and I guess other shops do the same.
  18. Further to this and the "My day" thread: Got home from taking the grandson and found an promo email from Angling Direct. They are giving away a free whip to under 16's when you spend a tenner in store. You have to take the under 16 with you to the store, and it's "subject to availability". Worth a try probably but the whip is only worth about £6 anyway from what I can make out. Offer on until the end of August. Easy to spend a tenner on consumables but it could cost more than £6 to fetch the youngster!
  19. Yesterday, took one of my grandsons (12 yo) for his first fishing session. Daughter in law thanked me for taking him. You must be joking, there are some things money just can't buy!
  20. I'm just nailing together D.O. 25 for youtube but I thought I'd post a bit of an update here. I went over on Tuesday 2nd August and the first job was a bit of rubbing down and the first coat of varnish for some of the repaired woodwork. Wednesday's main job was to re-start the engine after over two years being stationary. The story has been covered in the post about diesel filters, but it started, hooray! New engine battery next time then. Work went well in the heat, but even without the heatwave it was "too darn hot". Surrounded on three sides by trees, the mooring is great most of the time as it traps the heat. Not complaining though. As work went so well I was able to push on with the starboard deck area where it has gone soft. I was ready to do what I had already done in a couple of other areas but this time I discovered I was wrong about the deck support being rotten. As I removed the caulking I could see what looked like wires running under the teak planks. I poked them and they felt like wires. It turns out that the deck support has bowed and someone's "solution" was to apply silicone sealer in strips to bridge the gap between support and planking. Now I would understand if anyone accused me of bodging the job, but at least my bodges have a bit more engineering thought behind them. Otherwise you would never here about them for one thing! For two of the planks they have cut off the screws and relied on the silicone and caulking to hold them down. My solution is to soak the support in resin, then insert Upol f/glass under the planking to form something of a girder bridge layout. I'll then add further support on the underside of the support plank from inside the saloon. On my back again!! And then there's the cleat mounting... This cleat came adrift way back when it was moored overnight in Clyde Boat Yard during a gale. Not clear in the pic but when I removed the caulking I could see foam filler below, and not structural foam either, the same stuff I found in the back which acts like a sponge! I'll definitely be making a big hole here and re-plugging with hardwood. I have now braced the subject of me selling the boat privately, with marina and they seem to be ok with it. We agreed that none of us (especially other boat owners) want anyone coming to the marina uninvited to look around. So I'm mentioning it quietly.... whispering even.. I would rather it be moved on by word of mouth before we get close to mooring renewal next April. If anyone is interested pm me to arrange a viewing. In the meantime work will carry on as normal and if Ernie picks out one of my numbers I'll keep it. And get some other b*gger to do the work!
  21. Welcome JSC, it sounds like you'll fit in well here. I have no experience of submarines but my old phone has; it's currently on a long term secret mission under my boat in the marina. I'm hoping it'll surface soon but I'm not holding my breath.
  22. Shame I couldn't get mine there to pair up with Seraphina.
  23. Well to add to the theories: The owner is an Italian businessman - maybe he upset someone....
  24. And caravans. I wonder if it's something to do with bottled gas? My boat has a cheap domestic cooker which suffers the same rubbish grill on calor gas. I've found an improvement by using an oven tray upturned, to raise the height of the grille pan. Have to watch the positioning of the bread to get it even but I've got used to it now.
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