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Everything posted by floydraser

  1. This I have never heard before, it doesn't sound like it should work, but I trust you so much I'll give it a go! Thankfully, the engine has always been very easy to start so I don't expect too much trouble.
  2. Without that golden nugget of info, I would probably have given up short of completing the job. Thank you Vaughan. The nut you refer to is one of those guarded by a steel plate. I was going to leave the job until the next visit but decided to make nasty smells in the bilge this trip which could then clear a bit before I get back again. So I loosened the top nut and soon got the "feel" of the pump; the full movement of the lever wasn't a full stroke of the pump, just the last part. Luckily the top of the engine is quite flat so I was able to lay along it and save my back muscles. It did seem to take for ever. I had an 8mm socket which fit the pump bleed screws ok and they didn't take so long. The plan was then to jump the dead engine battery from the leisure batteries and try a start. But then I had a very productive couple of days aboard so it could wait till next time... Really? No. I have two sets of keys for the boat and only one set has the engine key. Both sets look the same at a quick glance; with cork ball, but the "spare" set is usually at the back of the cupboard. Someone had a reshuffle and you can guess the rest. Yes I could have tried with a bit more effort but to be honest I wanted to finish the visit away from work, with a bit of fishing. Next time then....
  3. And the title of the thread is? My point was that if he was completely satisfied by the answers he got from the boatyard, he wouldn't have bothered asking anything here. They didn't have to know the exact answers, just put it over with reassurance. They obviously left room for doubt.
  4. Nevertheless, the customer felt the need to ask the question as he thought he was being short changed.
  5. I now understand this a bit better. I think; have I got this right? : Turn the engine over by hand until I get maximum stroke of the lift pump. Loosen the large screw on top of the filter housing at the injector leak back pipe union. Pump away until I get a good flow of diesel. Would I be right to expect a good flow to start with, then air until it clears?
  6. And..... I now have it all fitted but then left it because I didn't have the right size spanners and I couldn't get good access for the adjustable. Not wanting to round anything off or undo something I wouldn't then be able to tighten (yep, got the tee shirt) I decided to leave it and refer back to this thread for the bleeding procedure.
  7. No, I don't think you are expecting too much. Not that it's your automatic right to the information but in a competitive market it's the kind of thing which sorts the best from the also-rans. I hope they know the last time it was serviced...
  8. The patch above is not pretty but it looks like it's doing it's job for now. But look at this: She's naked! Taken this afternoon, Tuesday 05.07.22. Complete with 6ft Pointless Mast. Currently onboard and as the marina are quite rightly IMO clamping down on scruffy boats, I thought I should make a bit of effort. Although I still have a bit of neglect in the bank compared to those behind me. I've also tried to get the green off the cover. Progress moves on.. diesel filter tomorrow.
  9. just a shame Verstappen and Russell weren't also in the thick of it. I went to Silverstone back in cold weather for a formula ford meting and found the high fencing a bit annoying. I humbly apologise for my thoughts. Lives were saved.
  10. Maybe I should have put a few in.
  11. I enjoyed the film. I understand why they put a projector sound on but I found it annoying after a while. At the start I thought we were in for a running commentary by the Clangers!
  12. Unworkable. To actually store liquid libation, one would have to have it on board and not drink it. Probably not a concept MM is either familiar with, or could work to if he was. I'm guessing.
  13. Just wait....... Electricity comes from one place, the grid, controlled by the same people who will be charging road tax to electric cars once we all have them. Being had by the short and curlies is the ultimate outcome.
  14. Thanks again. I did the hoover thing, did the ram thing, tried the keyboard thing, daren't touch the ssd connections even though it was me that put it in (under the phone direction of son No.1 in Gloucester. I've just dropped it off to Gloucester where I put it in the house and returned to the car to get the keyboard. When I got back my grandson had the side panel off and was fetching his pc repair tools! We had to stop him though unfortunately but I expect a verdict soon.
  15. Just found this in a mag from 1952.....
  16. Thank you that's very kind. I'm in Leicestershire. Just arranged to visit Gloucester over the weekend and I'll report the outcome later.
  17. I knew you lot wouldn't let me down with ideas, thank you all. I do have another keyboard but it's wireless so probably won't do, but I'll give it a go as it's cheap. The standard one plugs into the round keyboard socket. The original hard drive is still in there but the SSD is the main one. It could be reversed I suppose. As Grendel hints, I am getting towards desperate measures to save it's *ss. Motherboards seem to be hard to come by new. I bought it because the company I was sub-contracting to used nothing else for all their CAD. Can't complain; it's used everyday and has paid for itself a few times over. I won't be getting another one though as I doubt I'll be working enough to see a return. I'll try the keyboard thing and if that doesn't work I'll take it to Gloucester along with the other suggestions here, and place it in the hands of my 11 year old Grandson (the one who, as a four year old, saw water coming out of the back of a boat and said "that's what keeps the river filled up") who recently built his own pc. OK, with the help of his Dad. Thanks again all.
  18. Such is my respect for the brains on this forum I thought this was worth a shot before I call in the professionals. And it'll be Friday when I call them so I'll get no joy 'till Monday anyway: It's an HP Z420 tower, 10 years old but with upgrades, the latest being an SSD as lockdown took hold so I could work from home. It fires up, fans work but it gets to the black screen after the HP logo, with "press esc key to open startup menu" and freezes. Or, if I tap the esc key as it powers up it gets to the HP logo screen with "Entering startup menu......" but freezes there. Holding F10 does similar. I have tried: pressing the reset cmos button, changed the cmos battery, swapped/removed ram cards. I can't find the same problem on forums; they either get past that stage or don't power up at all. Any suggestions as to what to try next would be welcome.
  19. Mine was on the left about where the car is. I recommend the ice creams from the kiosk over the bridge.
  20. Well I've given you the feeder line but if no-one is going to take the bait I'll just have to do the punchline myself: ...one up, one down and a polish!
  21. Unfortunately, the army has had to make do without my services but someone who has served once told me that standard issue for each visit was three sheets....
  22. I don't know, the kids today........
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