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Everything posted by floydraser

  1. I get where Vaughan's coming from, i think; it's oh so easy to speculate on a forum but how many of us would actually have the bottle to go through with our plans even if we had the money? Don't answer..
  2. Does anyone know who controls the Yare webcam? It still works ok and it still shows a good view of the Yare. But it's pointing straight down!
  3. The figures quoted on the auction webpage involve the present customers who may feel they are getting a decent deal or not. So come along with all your armfuls of cash and improve the place, how many of them will be off? Then you have to start and build your own goodwill. Probably best to get more mooring places as it is. I would think the target market would be those who wish to store the boat with fewer on site facilities and do more cruising, rather than us floating caravanners.
  4. I don't wish to be the fly in the ointment but none of the photos shows the proximity to the Postwick flyover. Drop down on to Griffin Lane with Google Streetview and you can see most of it. Fine I guess if you already live near a busy road but I think peace and quiet would not be high on the agenda there?
  5. It would be interesting to hear about the conclusion to this in the future; it's hard to understand how such a fire could take hold in a brand new boat. Fireproof upholstery, fireproof insulation and sprinkler systems, you would think a fire could never get that far out of hand?
  6. Look again, there's three! I think there was a fridge under the helm seat originally. In the video I had just started it and it was on a fast tick over. In the photo I had slowed it down to it's normal tick over and it sounded as sweet as ever. And with the hatch down You can hardly hear it at all!
  7. She runs! 20220803_082049.mp4 A big thanks to all who contributed here. I remember how down hearted I was when the engine first refused to start. I thought I was in for a load of hassle and a load of expense. I had the correct set of keys this time, so that helped. I had to jump the engine battery from the other two and the first try was without bleeding the injectors. Worth a try but nothing doing. I slackened the injectors as instructed here but I was too careful; one of them dribbled a bit but nothing from the others. I slackened them of a bit more and got a good squirt from three of them. Tightened them all up and she spluttered and started. So off to Multicell next time for new battery, order another diesel filter to carry on board and you never know, she may see the river! Oh, and for those who may not know: it's not a good idea to drop your adjustable spanner down into the bilge next to the water tank.
  8. Be careful, bowls is a very dangerous sport in that it could take over your life. Both my parents and parents in law took it up in later life and they all developed busy social lives and made friends with a lot of very nice people. Parents never in when you want something. Christmas cards galore in December. Who wants that?
  9. One area where the women are light years ahead of the men is in the post match celebrations! In particular, sliding around in the tape and the "invasion" of the post match press conference. Beats politely waving from an open top bus.
  10. I don't need to watch any german football thank you. I just wonder what would anyone prefer: Your daughter/grandaughter - the most experienced player in the team - to be seen telling another player to f-off on live television causing the commentator to apologise, or would you prefer the Raheem Sterling approach, to turn away and put themselves above provocation. The Germans DID get at the English girls, it just didn't quite work this time. Let's celebrate, but keep our feet on the ground too.
  11. I normally only watch football when England men or Leicester are involved, and it's free to air TV, but I won't be doing anything different for women's football in the future. After what we were saying about how the women's game was better, they immediately became guilty of the same faults as the men. Within the first few minutes they were arguing with the ref then surprise surprise, a yellow for dissent. Waiting on the ground for the ref's whistle after a fair collision. It was all there. They were on thin ice and another yellow and a red would have been a different story. They said the Germans were trying to provoke, to break down dicipline, well the ref is only human too and that could have helped her have a bad game. Refs are expected to be above all that, but not the players who get the big money. I remember Beckham letting us all down with his famous trip. Anyway, that said, great result for England, great result for women's sport, and women. Shame they aren't the role models they could have been.
  12. What's in brake dust? I know they took asbestos out of them a few years ago and ever since, we've been replacing discs with the pads.
  13. They came in after I packed up driving artics but euro regs had stipulated more and more mirrors for seeing kerbs etc restricting views at junctions. I guess there's a trade off. Then there's always a percentage of natural resistance to change. Future generations of artic drivers will know nothing else.
  14. Is it just me or has anyone else noticed that when electric vehicles started to be sold in numbers, there has never been a stripped down, basic version of anything available; they're all bling machines. Years ago, I noticed that electric scooters designed for city use were decorated with brightly coloured Brembo brake calipers. Can you buy an electric car without electric windows, electric closing boot, electric folding mirrors? My favourite waste of power is cameras in place of mirrors. Lifesavers on a lorry but pure bling on a car.
  15. I'm not sure myself but the development I refer to is near the centre of Northampton. It's probably down to where it is and the number of bedrooms etc.
  16. I thought new dwellings also had to have two off road parking places? Not sure, I only draw building internals but a new development near the office has two each.
  17. I'm currently working on drawings for a new housing development of "affordable" homes. All of them, even those for social rent, will have EV chargers as standard. Presumably the estate cabling will be up to whatever someone has predicted it would need to be.
  18. When I worked in an office with a bunch of 30 somethings before the pandemic, one of them would pay for lunch to be delivered via Just Eat, then the others would ask, "How much shall I Monzo yer?". Covent Garden street performers and market traders take card payments. A young mum who works with Mrs Raser says kiddies ride machines now take card payments. I've seen young type people waving their phones at things to make payments. I have a job to use mine to call someone. But this is the Broads and thankfully, includes parts of the back of beyond. This is why Her Majesty invented waterproof money, just in case you fall overboard when asked for money. How much for mooring? Splash! How much for a pint of milk at Roys? Splash!
  19. Any one of them could be a jigsaw or calendar pic.
  20. Crikey, I thought I was bad for collecting stuff.
  21. Good grief! That is a lot of "rubbish"! By my terms that is, I assume yours may be work related.
  22. Now there's an interesting thought.... nice one!
  23. Now children, I hope you're paying attention. Are you sitting comfortably? Then I'll begin: By way of thanks and to help anyone finding this thread in the future, here is something of a conclusion to the problem. Having tried everything suggested here and elsewhere I gave up and bought an HP Victus laptop to replace the tower. This is because I don't expect to be working for the lifetime of a new tower. The laptop is designed as a gaming machine but they come with a better than average graphics card which is suitable for the kind of CAD I do at home. So then to retrieve the files: Naughty me, I didn't have a back up of my business files but rescue came in the form of the engineer I have been working with who lent me a connection cable and power supply in the photo. On the left is the 480Gb SSD with the SATA to USB cable plugged in. This just connects to the laptop and the files are easily accessible. On the right is the main 1Tb hard drive with SATA to USB cable unplugged to show the connection, with power cord showing too. The hard drive needing power to operate. This is all aimed at compu dummies like me, who took 65 years to learn this stuff and then only by accident/necessity! I had forgotten that I had nearly 1.5Tb of storage and like having a massive garage, you fill it with rubbish! I found loads of old videos from the Youtube channel and one of the largest files is "Harvey Eastwood 37". Anyway, just about sorted now but as someone said on another computer related thread, you would have thought you could just run a cable from one computer to another and transfer the files accross. Well it seems to me that security issues aside, manufacturers could make it happen? So going forward I'll keep the SSD connected via docking station to save space on the laptop. One last question: In the pic - to the right of the SATA socket on the hard drive is another inverted T shaped socket with two pins. Whassat for? My guess is power. Thanka again for your help and support.
  24. I just hope the women's game stays as it is and doesn't go the way of the men's; corrupted by money and egos. So far, no rolling around the floor in fake agony and no deliberate "drawing a foul" as some of the men are renowned for. As long as that's the case I'll keep watching.
  25. Which all goes to show the importance of witnesses to remove as much doubt as possible.
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