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Everything posted by floydraser

  1. Have a look at this too: https://www.brianwards.co.uk/product/odourlos-holding-tank-treatment-1-litre/
  2. I think I'll carry on bypassing the whole store...
  3. On the way up to the Lake District last Friday a news bulletin said the oil prices were stabilizing and they expected pump prices to drop soon. Hasn't happened yet but I guess they've stopped rising?
  4. It was like being forced to walk around an exhibition in procession when I went to one of their stores; we had to walk around the whole shop to find what we were interested in, then the only way out was to carry on in the procession to the checkouts where there was no bypass for non purchasers. Put me off for life. Hope it's changed since then.
  5. At some time in my education I learned that for any given quantity of crude oil it's easier, cheaper and quicker to produce diesel fuel than petrol, which requires further refinement. Therefore, back in the sixties diesel was far cheaper than petrol. People bought diesel powered cars so I guess HMG lost out on petrol duty. John Prescott raised the duty on diesel on the basis that the particulates were damaging the environment. Modern diesels are cleaner (my 1.3 diesel Corsa is zero rated for road tax due to low emissions) so why is this still so? Don't answer. During the pandemic the fuel prices dropped through the floor to stimulate the market because we weren't going anywhere. The war in Ukraine hasn't been going long enough to affect supplies, it's just people sitting on their backsides bidding the price up to cash in. Is it just me but why haven't we heard that the cost of flying is going to go through the roof, therefore causing people to cancel holidays etc???
  6. I didn't know whether to put this in the "my day" thread but I've just been again with the same result! I've upgraded some of the gear though: I now have a new Preston Ignition 9ft feeder rod and Preston Inertia 320 reel in the arsenal. I was using them with a feeder but just a size 14 hook, two maggots. I could post the video but it looks just the same as the one above!
  7. As above. Then we have a filter jug for drinking water and ice cubes.
  8. I think you may have missed my point which I probably didn't make quite clear: During the day there is no charge so people could spend little but occupy a space, potentially affecting sales. The charge only applies after 4pm so anyone mooring after then is less likely to stifle sales. Hence the reason they want you to let them know if you intend to leave your boat and go wandering; in busy periods they may ask you to find another mooring. It maybe doesn't sound nice written down but people do tend to take the p**s.
  9. Thank you. The emoji is not enough. That means we can now plan to avoid the chaos which will be inevitable at Bank Holidays etc.
  10. If ever you come this way again, Asda or Sainsburys at Fosse Park (right next to Junction 21 M1) are usually the cheapest anywhere. I filled up last Sunday £1.46/lt (diesel) at Asda, having seen it at £1.58/lt out in the sticks.
  11. I can see thier problem in that they don't want people to moor up, have a pint then wander off elsewhere sightseeing. As I said before, the wording needs to be a whole lot clearer.
  12. Should never happen as according to the notice, you would be there to be asked. I think it could have been worded better: "...we may ask you to move your boat..."
  13. No problem, just get Asda to chuck your groceries off the bridge as you pass by....
  14. Already a standard thing with touring caravans although they use a registered number; with boats a new owner may want to change the name or move the boat to another waterway, but it could be done if the industry wanted it. Would it put premiums down?
  15. I would be very surprised if this is not already a regular thing, especially in holiday areas like Norfolk. I hope you will find that the yard will be able to recommend whoever gives the best service.
  16. A lot of people could reduce their gas bills by putting more clothes on. Since working from home I have noticed quite a few people only wearing tee shirts around home. No, I don't have to snoop; they give it away when they put their bins out every Wednesday!
  17. Thanks for this thread, we have now started watching the series. These relaxed "travelogue" type programs make easy viewing. We are also enjoying Gareth and Maureen Edwards' show too. And Portillo. But there is a pattern emerging: We started watching the Edwards and wondered how long before we get to see a Forrager. Then a sea rescue. Then someone who spent years working the city before moving away from the rat race to chip away at bits of wood to make expensive tat for tourists. Or is it just me? To be fair, the Edwards have so far shown us some places we would probably like to visit, although the trailers show Maureen driving a sea rescue boat....
  18. They look great and I reckon if I were a lot younger (and a lot richer) I would be tempted to have a go. But for me the key word is "flying". As I have said before about these, I see a lot of sliced limbs. Maybe the safety standards should be up there (!) with microlights and hang gliders; licences and tests.
  19. Have a closer look at the different types; some are more expensive because of what they are made of. I think it comes down to how long you expect to keep the boat. Over many years the cost doesn't look so bad. I think I replaced 50 year old pipe.
  20. I got mine from here: https://www.leesan.com/shop/hosespipe-and-fittings/sanitation-hose It's probably 38mm or an "inch an 'alf" in old money. Best to check though as it's cut to length and I wouldn't think they would be too keen to take it back. I paid £13/metre and I notice it's £17 now. I changed about 5 metres of it and while this forum contains a lot of very nice, knowledgable and usually helpful people, if you ask for volunteers to help change the pipe, they will all run to the hills. Covid is not the only reason forum members no longer shake my hand....
  21. I just found this for sale locally and collected it last night. I'm sure at least one of you would be interested in taking a look and besides, it's nice to share... I don't know why the middle pic is upside down. At 35cc it's too big for my model boat but let's not get picky about reasons to buy stuff. The guy is an amateur model boat builder; his workshop looks a bit like grendel's and his models look of equal standard! He bought this engine new in 1978 and has never started it. So far I have found out little about it. It's a KK35 two stroke which was imported from India as a small industrial engine and converted for model boat use. This one has the optional centrifugal clutch and 6v coil for generating power for lights, horn etc. There is an exhaust too. Of course if anyone knows more I would be interested to hear about it.
  22. Would anyone like to join my new rock group? I was just wondering what effect Eunice is likely to have on the level of the Yare when she passes into the North Sea? Anyone care to guess? I'm thinking it'll either be a great time to look for my phone in the mud near my boat, or not??
  23. I heard somewhere that with a barking problem a dog whisperer would train them by teaching them when they SHOULD bark, rather than trying to train them not to. Friends of ours had been to dog training classes and used a can (empty coke can) with a few pebbles in, to throw and distract the dog to get it's attention. I thought it was mad and it didn't work all the time, but I thought I would mention it. Go on to Youtube and put "dog barking problem" in the search bar. I just did and there are too many to link here, happy viewing!
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