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Everything posted by floydraser

  1. Just nipped over yesterday (Saturday 18th) and came back today (guess?). Very damp weather so everything outside was damp. Massive lake in the cover again, this time though, on the starboard side and therefore easier to access. I had envisaged this and taken my electric bilge pump and that, along with syphoning with the manual pump, made short work of it. I had also bought some new elastic shock cord because I reckon the present stuff should be coming to the end of it's useful life. Anyway, I got there about 2pm Saturday and managed to apply some foam filler outside and replace the structural bit of wood mentioned in D.O. 23 above. Job done then, all I had to do Sunday was tidy up, sort out the cover and have a steady drive home in daylight. Nope. I noticed a "surface" appearing on the doors again so gave them a clean with mildew remover. Then I set about the cover. I therefore put on my old Regatta waterproof top, fleece and a pair of kneed pads before getting down under there to sort things out. I managed to tighten up some of the exsisting cords as they seemed ok, replaced one then climbed out from underneath and onto the jetty. As I stood up my phone "submarined" from under my fleece, bounced once on the jetty then escaped into the water. Oops. Some times your planets just line up don't they? Not today. Usually the water in BGM is crystal clear, not today. And it was high tide. I could reply on any of my neighbours in the marina to help and two of them offered to have a sweep under the boat with fish landing nets, but to no avail. I've messaged Virgin's diabolical customer service, lost/stolen phone department with the details and they reckon to get back to you in an hour. Three hours and I'm still waiting.... Oh just a minute, what's this? It says, "If you don't receive an email, text us on XXXXXXXX". Brilliant.
  2. The 27 footer would be £907.20 a year to leave it where it is. I doubt it would take long to get one end habitable for a couple of nights camping while working on it. That's how I would see it at 150 miles distance. Good business; it either frees up space or makes that space pay.
  3. The address of this place should NEVER be published on here, ever.
  4. Nickname? As for customers mucking in: that must have been before Esther Rancid taught us all how to complain and get compensation/money back. I find you generally get better service if you make the effort to be a good customer.
  5. I think everyone involved in F1 should have an interest in preventing the same, or a similar thing happening in the future. If it takes an appeal to make sure something's done then so be it. If nobody makes any noise there's surely a danger that those at the top will sit on their hands. I doubt it, but you never know.
  6. Don't be too disappointed; that sounds like all the bread sauce I've ever (not) tasted! The suggestions will interesting...
  7. I think Christian Horner would have had a job on his hands having told millions of us that 10 laps out, he had resigned himself to losing to a worthy oponent, to then try and say his man deserved to win on a technicality would have been a bit rich. Of course, that wouldn't have stopped him having a go I'm sure.
  8. Although we all seem to agree it's bad for the sport, who could not watch it next year to see what happens? They were talking about new construction rules (wheels, barge boards?), and two drivers determined to prove a point. All the organisers have to do is make it credible....
  9. I wonder how MV would have reacted to a sea of Union Jacks in the grandstand and having to raise his voice above the boos.
  10. I think Lewis wouldn't want the title after this; I would guess he just wants to move on and prove a big point next year.
  11. MV is called a dirty racer because of other incidents, not just yesterday's.
  12. I think Max would add to the sport if he actually acknowledged Lewis and his team. He only did so in a post race interview when prompted and even then ended the sentence referring to his own team. Not a gentleman and not an example of good sportsmanship.
  13. The last cane one in the lot is this hefty 8 foot carp rod. It's the only one complete and the only(!) thing wrong with it is the damage caused by a stuck ferule. No maker's name but it looks like quality. Here's the preview pic from the auction catalogue: How much would you bid?
  14. Yep, a bit of a tightrope that one but the nuns who raised me say there's a spelling mistake in there somewhere.. can't see it myself...
  15. I'm old enough to remember some of his electrical items... Or was it records???
  16. I notice that a culture has been allowed to develop where the team principles have been allowed to argue and try to influence the race director during the race. Not all the team principles, just the two of them on a regular basis. They clearly sense his vulnerabilities and were winding him up. He, poor bloke, cracked under pressure. It was obvious when at one point he said, "give me a minute.." and kept on talking. He didn't take a minute. Answer? Easy: bring in Nigel Owens. Look him up on Youtube.
  17. Thanks Vaughan, I'll have to watch it again now!
  18. Unfortunately, I only have the one section of that rod in the job lot along with just the one section of the rod pictured below. I won't be trying to restore any of them but I will try to get them to someone who may. They're not worth much if anything but I would never throw history away. Does this say "Russ Lee"?? I can't find reference to this name anywhere. I had to look up "Esox" too! Again, just the one section.
  19. Good for the sport to have two such closely matched teams and drivers, but very bad when the racing is overshadowed by controversy. This year's championship would have been tainted with controversy whoever won. Very bad for the sport. I won't be watching Sky's live coverage again. Mainly because I'm not 5 years old anymore. Talk about ramping up the drama! I reckon Ted Kravitz could sound as if he's about to blow a gasket while watching an egg boil. At one point he said, "To quote the great Murray Walker..." Yes Ted, but just try to remember you are NOT him.
  20. I've done it again: I sneezed at an auction and bought a job lot of fishing rods. Three complete ones and this butt end of a nice Westley Richards jobby. I like the little loose ring, anyone know what it's for? I've never seen one before. Has a couple of eyes angled as this one. Well it would have only the other one has broken off.
  21. At mention of the "R" word I withdraw from the debate.
  22. Well I've just checked the forecast for today (Sunday) and it says 14 degrees in Brundall! I messed up, I should over there! Have a great day people!
  23. Or was it the roof of Buckingham Palace? No, I think that was something else....
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