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Everything posted by floydraser

  1. I repeat my earlier suggestion: What about a rubber ball on the other end for pushing?
  2. Isn't there a system for issuing warnings of official events?
  3. Having said that... I think I remember a couple of Foxes Afloat videos where they have to reverse their 60ft narrowboat quite a distance, and used the bow thruster to good effect.
  4. I haven't got one on my boat and I won't even consider fitting one. They are clearly not essential so just an expensive luxury from my point of view. I can see that hirers could have one for little if any extra cost so fair enough. As a beginner I see it as something I have to learn to do without. Like electric movers on caravans; as long as we are fit, we won't bother. As for narrowboaters, don't get me started.. it's a fashion accessory!
  5. Now come on Chris, you know that's a silly idea; you'll just be providing cheap labour for someone else's enjoyment. Just get rid and enjoy the space!
  6. Small hammer C1969 when I was about 11 or 12. South Wigston High School, Mr Rose (Buddy), metalwork teacher. Would they allow children near a stonking great blow torch like the one I would have used to heat the rod for bending, then heat the head for case hardening? The one and only time I've ever used a shaper too.
  7. Thank you. I was expecting your reply! My wife has a floor standing magnifier and I have borrowed that before but I wondered what others used. It seems you have demonstrated that is the way to go. But whatever you do, DO NOT tidy up. It'll drive you mad and you won't be able to find anything; at present you know exactly what is there and where to find it.
  8. Back in the day a keepnet was one of those things we all had. Mine was a hand me down like all my other kit until I restarted fishing as an adult and had to buy barbless hooks, leadless shot and knotless nets. I never questioned why I needed a keepnet but I wouldn't bother now anyway. It seems they have gone out of fashion for the casual angler so I guess future generations won't bother either. Kit manufacturers won't be suffering though with all the other bankside stuff they sell these days.
  9. Apologies for another non boaty thread but it's the time of year. I notice Steve Fletcher on the Repair Shop has two pairs of glasses for his close work. I have looking for a similar arrangement but being a cheapskate, I don't want to spend even more in Specsavers than I really need to. I wondered if anyone here uses anything special for real close work? I have looked at head mounted glasses/magnifiers but it seems to be a minefield; it's very hard to distinguish between quality and cheapo rubbish. This is in Lidl from tomorrow: https://www.lidl.co.uk/p/quick-fixes/parkside-helping-hands-glass-magnifier/p48636
  10. I'm sure this guy will now be offered all the help he needs. Going forward, once sorted, he would make a well qualified volunteer for others with similar problems. However, any shortcomings in mental health treatment are not helped by those who abuse the system. A similar effect by those who refuse to have a covid jab taking up NHS time. I'm afraid there are far too many people using mental health along with their rights to be believed, to get benefits and/or other advantages. Unfortunately, I know someone who once a year goes for an assessment and has been heard to say, "I'll have to go and pretend to be slightly mad again." An actual boast about how he avoids work. Doctors don't have the right to call anyone a liar even if they know it. I don't know what the solution is but just as with panic buying etc, the fault is not all with the authorities. Along with everything else, it's more difficult to get treatment for anything at the moment.
  11. Ancient Boxford imperial lathe, newer Warco metric lathe, mill/drill machine, small table top saw, bandsaw, planer/thicknesser, sheet metal folder, sheet metal roller, mig welder, compressor, Yamaha DD-75 drum machine.
  12. Well Santa Claus didn't let me down; he brought me a Matt Hayes kit and landing net. It's an 8ft telescopic rod with reel, hooks, line etc. everything apart from the bait. I'll be doing a review for Youtube in time. First impressions are that it feels sturdy enough. Some of the Asian stuff on Ebay seems to be aimed at the American and World wide markets but this is definitely for British waters.
  13. After chucking my phone in the marina My old one is driving me mad, reminding me of why I replaced it. Checked online that Carphone Warehouse have what I want in stock and thought to save time I would nip down and fetch it. Fosse Park, Leicester - packed. No pandemic here apparently. "Sorry Sir, we're out of stock." Stuff it, I'll sit on my a**e at home and they can deliver it.
  14. I packed up working for that pocket slapping supermarket chain in 2012 and every Christmas since, I get the same satisfaction of thinking I would normally be working Christmas Eve until around 19.00. No holidays allowed in December and the rota would change to include every weekend worked. Since then I have been less stressed and I can't remember the last time I had back ache.
  15. Merry Christmas to all and thanks for the cheery words and help in the last year. Looking forward to getting the boat cruisable (if that's even a word) next year, fishing and a shiny new phone. That floats.
  16. Well if you didn't waste your time in a Spitfire.......
  17. Yep, a lot cheaper it has to be said, but has to be done in a tidy manner to look smart if that matters. The down side being when you first come to the boat after being stationary, the wheel could be one or two turns out either way. You'll find out though, as you scrape along the pontoon or boat alongside. The indicator is correct all the time. I'd say 30 quid is cheap.
  18. My boat came with one of these stuck to the middle of the wheel: https://www.brianwards.co.uk/product/rudder-position-indicator/ An absolute God send for slow maneuvering near other boats where you don't have so much time to see a reaction.
  19. In fairness to Virgin: I reported the SIM lost at 4pm Sunday, I received an email confirmation at 05.00 Monday and 2 hrs later another email saying the replacement was on it's way. It came Tuesday by first class post. I never thought I would say it but well done Virgin for being adequate. The blurb with it said it could take up to 24 hours to activate, it may need a pin number and I may have to restart the phone. No pin numbers asked for but I restarted it (my old phone) a few times but to no avail. If I rang out I would get a sweet asian lady telling me, "This number are not currently available, please ring customer service on 789". Thank you Madam, I will. I did and the same lady repeated, "This number are not currently available, please ring customer service on 789". Hmm. I decided to ring the customer service landline which would cost me I think, but it was me who dropped the phone... A very nice asian man explained that reporting a phone lost or stolen puts a block on the account, and the SIM, so once that was lifted and tested I was back in business. My grandchildren think it's funny that "Eric the Pike" from Brundall keeps using my phone to post on the family Whatsapp group.
  20. Probably the only place we will ever see "fact checking" and "the BBC" in the same sentence.
  21. Is this the lake version - E to F? I assume the tidal version would have L to H? Personally, I just look over the side....
  22. Also, insurance premiums would have to come down resulting in reduced profit potential.
  23. And here, grandson positive. My son's up here for an appointment so we'll be putting their presents in one car so he can put ours in the other and we can leave them in quarantine. We'll make up for it later though; another "Christmas" day with all silly presents from the £1 shop, probably in spring.
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